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All the thugs will be white. So realistic!

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Like I said in another thread, I think one of the people he shoots is a black guy in the first trailer. Im sure its going to have a cornucopia of bad guys to go around. And I dont see this being PC considering who the director is.

You should watch the trailer.

@cursethedarkness said:

All the thugs will be white. So realistic!

Do white people in the USA not commit crimes?

trailers don't always tell you what a movie will be like... let's check it out before judging...

There is nothing sanitized and "PC" here. For a movie about Bruce Willis blowing guys away, there's plenty of blood, some brains here and there, and people of every race get killed, if that's the kind of thing that you feel is important, and for some reason it seems you do.

@meres1 said:

There is nothing sanitized and "PC" here. For a movie about Bruce Willis blowing guys away, there's plenty of blood, some brains here and there, and people of every race get killed, if that's the kind of thing that you feel is important, and for some reason it seems you do.

You cannot make an action movie these days without someone saying it is all PC and sanitized.

Now if you went back 70 years during the ear of the Hays Code, you know what sanitized really is.

@DanDare said:

@cursethedarkness said:

All the thugs will be white. So realistic!

Do white people in the USA not commit crimes?

Not according to some of the derppers on here.

@drjekel_mrhyde said:

@DanDare said:

@cursethedarkness said:

All the thugs will be white. So realistic!

Do white people in the USA not commit crimes?

Not according to some of the derppers on here.

If you listen to some of the Conservatard rhetoric, you'd think that only illegal immigrants commit crimes.

@Kutanamar said:

@drjekel_mrhyde said:

@DanDare said:

@cursethedarkness said:

All the thugs will be white. So realistic!

Do white people in the USA not commit crimes?

Not according to some of the derppers on here.

If you listen to some of the Conservatard rhetoric, you'd think that only illegal immigrants commit crimes.

Funny you brought that up now. Ever hear of Mollie Tibbetts? Yeah not looking good for the whole 'all illegal immigrants come here for a dream and a better life' the Left likes to push.

@OddRob said:

@Kutanamar said:

@drjekel_mrhyde said:

@DanDare said:

@cursethedarkness said:

All the thugs will be white. So realistic!

Do white people in the USA not commit crimes?

Not according to some of the derppers on here.

If you listen to some of the Conservatard rhetoric, you'd think that only illegal immigrants commit crimes.

Funny you brought that up now. Ever hear of Mollie Tibbetts? Yeah not looking good for the whole 'all illegal immigrants come here for a dream and a better life' the Left likes to push.

Of course I've heard of her. I never said Illegals DON'T commit crimes. But, if you listen to the rhetoric, you'd think they were the ONLY ones committing crimes. News Flash: Illegals, like citizens, have some bad apples. Statistically, though, they are LESS likely to commit crimes. That being said: if you ARE here illegally, and you're convicted of murder, you should be deported from a plane without a chute. Instead of wasting our tax dollars with incarceration expenses.

@Kutanamar said:

@OddRob said:

@Kutanamar said:

@drjekel_mrhyde said:

@DanDare said:

@cursethedarkness said:

All the thugs will be white. So realistic!

Do white people in the USA not commit crimes?

Not according to some of the derppers on here.

If you listen to some of the Conservatard rhetoric, you'd think that only illegal immigrants commit crimes.

Funny you brought that up now. Ever hear of Mollie Tibbetts? Yeah not looking good for the whole 'all illegal immigrants come here for a dream and a better life' the Left likes to push.

Of course I've heard of her. I never said Illegals DON'T commit crimes. But, if you listen to the rhetoric, you'd think they were the ONLY ones committing crimes. News Flash: Illegals, like citizens, have some bad apples. Statistically, though, they are LESS likely to commit crimes. That being said: if you ARE here illegally, and you're convicted of murder, you should be deported from a plane without a chute. Instead of wasting our tax dollars with incarceration expenses.

You do realize that being here illegally is a crime in itself right? They dont have to go out and commit a crime since just being here on US soil is a crime. And this is coming from someone who legally migrated to this great country. People always seem to forget about all those people paying money and waiting patiently for years to come here legally. No one seems to care about that, sure lets just let everyone in thats at the border, fuck the millions waiting to get in and doing it by the system. And yes a crime can be committed by anyone, but I think it hurts even more when a loved one is taken from us by someone who shouldnt even be in this country at all.

@OddRob said:

@Kutanamar said:

@OddRob said:

@Kutanamar said:

@drjekel_mrhyde said:

@DanDare said:

@cursethedarkness said:

All the thugs will be white. So realistic!

Do white people in the USA not commit crimes?

Not according to some of the derppers on here.

If you listen to some of the Conservatard rhetoric, you'd think that only illegal immigrants commit crimes.

Funny you brought that up now. Ever hear of Mollie Tibbetts? Yeah not looking good for the whole 'all illegal immigrants come here for a dream and a better life' the Left likes to push.

Of course I've heard of her. I never said Illegals DON'T commit crimes. But, if you listen to the rhetoric, you'd think they were the ONLY ones committing crimes. News Flash: Illegals, like citizens, have some bad apples. Statistically, though, they are LESS likely to commit crimes. That being said: if you ARE here illegally, and you're convicted of murder, you should be deported from a plane without a chute. Instead of wasting our tax dollars with incarceration expenses.

You do realize that being here illegally is a crime in itself right? They dont have to go out and commit a crime since just being here on US soil is a crime. And this is coming from someone who legally migrated to this great country. People always seem to forget about all those people paying money and waiting patiently for years to come here legally. No one seems to care about that, sure lets just let everyone in thats at the border, fuck the millions waiting to get in and doing it by the system. And yes a crime can be committed by anyone, but I think it hurts even more when a loved one is taken from us by someone who shouldnt even be in this country at all.

You make good points. I can't say I disagree. Congratulations on doing it the right way, and welcome to the U.S. Now forget the legal/illegal argument for just a second, though. Can I assume that you did indeed come here for a dream and a better life? Then why assume that most "illegals" aren't here for the same reason? I know that being here, illegally, is a crime. So is speeding. So are a lot of things. I just hate how ALL illegals are being demonized and spoken of (by many on the Right) as if they're less than human. This kind of thinking can lead to what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany, and THAT scares the shit out of me. I'm not saying we're there, but we're on a slippery slope. I know we can't just let everyone in. I agree that something must be done. But, the hate speech and demonization that comes from certain members of our society, doesn't help anybody.
Anyways, I know you went through all of the hard work of doing it the right way. That's commendable. I get annoyed when I hear stories of people who've been here 20-25 years, who have never bothered to learn English, or get legal. I know it's not easy, but why are there so many people who don't bother to try? I mean, now, in the current environment, I understand why. But, why would someone who's made a life here for many years not bother to try to assimilate? My question comes not from a place of bigotry or hatred, but rather ignorance. I just don't know. Because you're someone who did it by the rules, I'd love it if you could give me some insight.

@Kutanamar said:

@OddRob said:

@Kutanamar said:

@OddRob said:

@Kutanamar said:

@drjekel_mrhyde said:

@DanDare said:

@cursethedarkness said:

All the thugs will be white. So realistic!

Do white people in the USA not commit crimes?

Not according to some of the derppers on here.

If you listen to some of the Conservatard rhetoric, you'd think that only illegal immigrants commit crimes.

Funny you brought that up now. Ever hear of Mollie Tibbetts? Yeah not looking good for the whole 'all illegal immigrants come here for a dream and a better life' the Left likes to push.

Of course I've heard of her. I never said Illegals DON'T commit crimes. But, if you listen to the rhetoric, you'd think they were the ONLY ones committing crimes. News Flash: Illegals, like citizens, have some bad apples. Statistically, though, they are LESS likely to commit crimes. That being said: if you ARE here illegally, and you're convicted of murder, you should be deported from a plane without a chute. Instead of wasting our tax dollars with incarceration expenses.

You do realize that being here illegally is a crime in itself right? They dont have to go out and commit a crime since just being here on US soil is a crime. And this is coming from someone who legally migrated to this great country. People always seem to forget about all those people paying money and waiting patiently for years to come here legally. No one seems to care about that, sure lets just let everyone in thats at the border, fuck the millions waiting to get in and doing it by the system. And yes a crime can be committed by anyone, but I think it hurts even more when a loved one is taken from us by someone who shouldnt even be in this country at all.

You make good points. I can't say I disagree. Congratulations on doing it the right way, and welcome to the U.S. Now forget the legal/illegal argument for just a second, though. Can I assume that you did indeed come here for a dream and a better life? Then why assume that most "illegals" aren't here for the same reason? I know that being here, illegally, is a crime. So is speeding. So are a lot of things. I just hate how ALL illegals are being demonized and spoken of (by many on the Right) as if they're less than human. This kind of thinking can lead to what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany, and THAT scares the shit out of me. I'm not saying we're there, but we're on a slippery slope. I know we can't just let everyone in. I agree that something must be done. But, the hate speech and demonization that comes from certain members of our society, doesn't help anybody.
Anyways, I know you went through all of the hard work of doing it the right way. That's commendable. I get annoyed when I hear stories of people who've been here 20-25 years, who have never bothered to learn English, or get legal. I know it's not easy, but why are there so many people who don't bother to try? I mean, now, in the current environment, I understand why. But, why would someone who's made a life here for many years not bother to try to assimilate? My question comes not from a place of bigotry or hatred, but rather ignorance. I just don't know. Because you're someone who did it by the rules, I'd love it if you could give me some insight.

I came when I was 6 years old. My father brought my mother and I after escaping commie Romania, but took 4 years. So def a better life here. I think the whole illegal fiasco is being used as a political tool by both sides. No one bated an eye when the same policies were in affect during Obama. I feel like many on the Left have issues with illegal policies simply because of Trump. I mean lets be honest here, the Left is known for their hypocrisy. Not saying the Right dosent have their own. Latest being John McCain flag. Same people screaming that it is ok to burn the American flag or take a knee but all of a sudden are screaming about disrespect and no honor...really?

And let me say one thing about the whole Nazi thing, anyone that thinks we are on our way to that needs to study history a little more. And see how that all played out. Not to mention communism killed millions upon millions more people than the Nazi ever did. But than again thats just comparing two evils, its still evil. And the reason so many people that live here for years dont become citizens is that the test is very difficult. I do agree that learning the language is extremely important. I dont understand how someone can live here for more than 4 years and not learn the language. It completely boggles the mind. I think the issue now a days is that many foreigners dont want to assimilate. They feel like their own culture is some how better than the Americans. Which I never understood, if you think your own culture is better than why come to this country? I identify as American, my mother, who has a very strong accent still identifies as a American. But I see people that still dont consider themselves American. I understand being proud of your heritage, but you should also be proud to be a American. You know that land that took you in and gave you opportunities to actually make a better life for yourself and your family. I dont know, I love this country because Ive seen where I could be living IF I didnt come here. I feel like if we took the most hardcore alt left/social commie leaning people and dropped them off in actual commie countries for a year and brought them back you would see a major change in every single person. Just my two cents.

@OddRob said:

@Kutanamar said:

@OddRob said:

@Kutanamar said:

@OddRob said:

@Kutanamar said:

@drjekel_mrhyde said:

@DanDare said:

@cursethedarkness said:

All the thugs will be white. So realistic!

Do white people in the USA not commit crimes?

Not according to some of the derppers on here.

If you listen to some of the Conservatard rhetoric, you'd think that only illegal immigrants commit crimes.

Funny you brought that up now. Ever hear of Mollie Tibbetts? Yeah not looking good for the whole 'all illegal immigrants come here for a dream and a better life' the Left likes to push.

Of course I've heard of her. I never said Illegals DON'T commit crimes. But, if you listen to the rhetoric, you'd think they were the ONLY ones committing crimes. News Flash: Illegals, like citizens, have some bad apples. Statistically, though, they are LESS likely to commit crimes. That being said: if you ARE here illegally, and you're convicted of murder, you should be deported from a plane without a chute. Instead of wasting our tax dollars with incarceration expenses.

You do realize that being here illegally is a crime in itself right? They dont have to go out and commit a crime since just being here on US soil is a crime. And this is coming from someone who legally migrated to this great country. People always seem to forget about all those people paying money and waiting patiently for years to come here legally. No one seems to care about that, sure lets just let everyone in thats at the border, fuck the millions waiting to get in and doing it by the system. And yes a crime can be committed by anyone, but I think it hurts even more when a loved one is taken from us by someone who shouldnt even be in this country at all.

You make good points. I can't say I disagree. Congratulations on doing it the right way, and welcome to the U.S. Now forget the legal/illegal argument for just a second, though. Can I assume that you did indeed come here for a dream and a better life? Then why assume that most "illegals" aren't here for the same reason? I know that being here, illegally, is a crime. So is speeding. So are a lot of things. I just hate how ALL illegals are being demonized and spoken of (by many on the Right) as if they're less than human. This kind of thinking can lead to what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany, and THAT scares the shit out of me. I'm not saying we're there, but we're on a slippery slope. I know we can't just let everyone in. I agree that something must be done. But, the hate speech and demonization that comes from certain members of our society, doesn't help anybody.
Anyways, I know you went through all of the hard work of doing it the right way. That's commendable. I get annoyed when I hear stories of people who've been here 20-25 years, who have never bothered to learn English, or get legal. I know it's not easy, but why are there so many people who don't bother to try? I mean, now, in the current environment, I understand why. But, why would someone who's made a life here for many years not bother to try to assimilate? My question comes not from a place of bigotry or hatred, but rather ignorance. I just don't know. Because you're someone who did it by the rules, I'd love it if you could give me some insight.

I came when I was 6 years old. My father brought my mother and I after escaping commie Romania, but took 4 years. So def a better life here. I think the whole illegal fiasco is being used as a political tool by both sides. No one bated an eye when the same policies were in affect during Obama. I feel like many on the Left have issues with illegal policies simply because of Trump. I mean lets be honest here, the Left is known for their hypocrisy. Not saying the Right dosent have their own. Latest being John McCain flag. Same people screaming that it is ok to burn the American flag or take a knee but all of a sudden are screaming about disrespect and no honor...really?

And let me say one thing about the whole Nazi thing, anyone that thinks we are on our way to that needs to study history a little more. And see how that all played out. Not to mention communism killed millions upon millions more people than the Nazi ever did. But than again thats just comparing two evils, its still evil. And the reason so many people that live here for years dont become citizens is that the test is very difficult. I do agree that learning the language is extremely important. I dont understand how someone can live here for more than 4 years and not learn the language. It completely boggles the mind. I think the issue now a days is that many foreigners dont want to assimilate. They feel like their own culture is some how better than the Americans. Which I never understood, if you think your own culture is better than why come to this country? I identify as American, my mother, who has a very strong accent still identifies as a American. But I see people that still dont consider themselves American. I understand being proud of your heritage, but you should also be proud to be a American. You know that land that took you in and gave you opportunities to actually make a better life for yourself and your family. I dont know, I love this country because Ive seen where I could be living IF I didnt come here. I feel like if we took the most hardcore alt left/social commie leaning people and dropped them off in actual commie countries for a year and brought them back you would see a major change in every single person. Just my two cents.

Very well stated. Thank you for your response. I appreciate the insight.

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