Chris Howard — Director of Photography

Episodes 20

Sharp Practice

May 10, 1993

Dr Jack Kerruish finishes his last day at The Dry River Clinic in Africa. Jack is moving back to England as he not welcome by the African government any longer. Jack feels he has finished the job he came to do and after a farewell from his African friends, he travels to England to find work as a country G.P.

Meanwhile in the rural village of Cardale, Derbyshire, Dr Beth Glover; senior partner of The Beeches surgery is greeted by a speeding sports car driven by her flash ex-colleague Dr. Daniel Acres. Dan is about to begin his first day at the new health centre. He wants Beth to join him there but she says no - she's happy at The Beeches. Beth's partner Dr Will Preston arrives for work and tells Beth he doesn't know how will they cope now Dan has gone. As they walk into The Beeches it is a state of chaos with patients everywhere and local pensioner Alice North demanding to be seen quicker than she was last week, practice receptionist Kim Beardsmore says she's she what she can do.

Jack i

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May 17, 1993

Ellie tries to help pensioner Douglas Hart with his cataract problem. However he is stubborn and gets by with a lot of help from his close friend Alice North.

Will is being constantly nagged by is wife Sarah. She feels Jack's presence at The Beeches will push Will into being a part-timer. Will says 'Roll on the day'.Dan Acres implies to Sarah that Jack and Beth are seeing each other.

Jack and Ellie tell Beth that she must be more firmer with hospital in order for Douglas to get the operation he needs. Beth says it's not as easy as that and that patients have to wait their turn.

Jack later pops around to Beth's to discuss waiting list procedures. She invites him to stay for dinner. They resolve to have a work free conversation, despite the initial awkwardness they find that they alcohol in common!

Sarah presses Will about Jack and Beth, she tells him what Dan said and says with Jack and Beth now 'at it' he will certainly be pushed out of the practice.

Douglas falls over whilst trying to

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Growing Pains

May 24, 1993

Teenager Gemma Sinclair gets an injury whilst training for a running event. Her father; Alan is convinced that Gemma is the next big thing in running and his constant pushing does not help her recover.

Whilst Will is playing squash; Sarah is in bed with Dan Acres. They have been having an affair. She asks Dan to persuade John Reginald to make Will a partner at the health centre. Dan says he will try.

Will tells Sarah he is happy at The Beeches. Sarah tells him that Jack doesn't think very highly of him.

The Beeches crew attend an opera recital. Jack and Ellie are bored stiff, whilst Sarah spends the evening flirting and exchanging looks with Dan. Jack and Ellie convince Beth to take a weekend off as she is exhausted. Beth says shared nightcalls with the health centre would be the perfect solution - if they weren't at war.

Gemma takes a shine to Jack as he treats her injury. After he finishes surgery he finds a package on his car bonnet. It is a tape from Gemma telling him how much she

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Roses Around the Door

May 31, 1993

Chloe's sister Val is desperate for a baby. Will tells her that her only option is IVF treatment. He has found her private clinic that will treat her for £800.

Will refuses to take part in the minor ops clinic that Jack has organised. Beth tells Jack she doesn't want to pressure Will as he's going through a rough time at home. However Jack tells Will that he has to do minor ops as he and Beth can't keep covering for him.

Isabel spends the day with Gerald - a recent widower. But her forward thinking is too much for him and he tells her he needs time to think.

Rhianne Lewis arrives as The Beeches trainee. She is also working at the health centre.

Val's husband Ray has an accident at work. His hands sieze up while he is driving causing his tractor to overturn. Jack is called to the scene. Ray is o.k but worried that he will lose is job and the cottage that goes with it.

Will tells Kim he's worried about doing minor ops because he is squeamish! She tells him not to worry - Beth doesn't lik

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Impulsive Behaviour

June 7, 1993

During a medical seminar Rhianne annoys Beth by constantly throwing bits of paper at Jack. After the seminar Rhianne asks Jack if he's free for the afternoon. He says he is and Rhianne takes him to a football match on the back of her bike!

Rhianne is on call when one of Beth's patients; Hilda is taken ill. Rhianne diagnoses meningitis and sends her to hospital despite protest from Hilda's friends Liz and John. Beth is furious when she finds out and interrupts a drink between Jack and Rhianne to tell Rhianne that Hilda doesn't have meningitis but the flu. Hilda's stiff neck came from a fall and her other symptoms related to a bout of the flu that she had just had. Beth tells Rhianne that if she had listened to Liz and John she would've been able to spare Hilda going into hospital.

Over dinner Rhianne tells Jack that she thinks Beth fancies him. Jack denies it and says there is nothing going on between he and Beth. Jack and Rhianne kiss and head for bed but are interrupted by an emergenc

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Hope to Die

June 14, 1993

Jack is called out to Frances Barratts house. He has a heart condition and has collapsed after a night out with best mate Danny. Jack wants Frances to go to hospital but there are no ambulances due to a massive road accident. Danny takes Jack and Frances to the hospital in his truck. Whilst traveling Jack has to administer CPR when Francis stops breathing.

Back at The Beeches Beth is concerned about Will. She asks him how things are at home - he tells her that he and Sarah have some things to sort out.

Danny thanks Jack for his help and tells him that Francis needs an operation but can't afford it. Jack talks to Dr Reeve; Frances' consultant and asks why Frances isn't down to have the operation. Reeve tells him that Frances' chances after the operation are minimal. Danny gives Jack a lift back to Cardale, however when they reach Frances' house Jack's tyres have been stolen - Danny promises to get them back for him.

Will and Sarah go to the bank for a meeting - they need to cut back on

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Listening Skills

June 21, 1993

Sarah is concerned when the local shopkeeper returns two of her bounced cheques.

Will has a meeting with Peter - a drugs rep who Will is performing a drugs trial for in return for cash. He has 25 of The Beeches patients on the trial unbeknown to Jack or Beth.

Alice North wants an appointment with Will but Kim can't fit her in. Beth says she'll see her anytime she wants but Alice says no - she has to see Dr Preston.

Will tells Sarah about the drugs trial but tell her no-one else knows as Beth doesn't approve of drugs trials.

Alice is taken ill whilst bowling. Douglas insists on calling Beth. Beth diagnoses indigestion due to Alice's bad diet of fried food. Alice tells Beth that Will has changed her prescription and that she has to see him every fortnight for tests. Beth tells Will she was called out to see Alice and he says he'll keep an eye on her. Beth asks Will why he hasn't written up Alice's notes, as the appointment book visits doesn't match up with the number of visits on Alice's

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Giddy Heights

Season Finale
June 28, 1993

Jack and Beth have spent the night together. Beth doesn't want anyone to know about their relationship so she drops Jack off a mile away from The Beeches. Unbeknown to Jack and Beth - Kim sees them and takes great pleasure in dropping little comments about their relationship at work. Jack gives Beth a spare key to his cottage.

Jack goes to see Will who is now back at home. Will tells Jack that Sarah can't bare to be around him. Sarah tells Jack she doesn't know what to do or what to say to Will.

Jack spends the day with the mountain rescue crew - he is hoping to be accepted as the doctor for their team.

Isabel finds Jack's razor in Beth's bathroom and teases her about it.

Sarah shouts at Will and tells him their family is falling apart whilst he just sits there. She walks out on him and goes to see Jack. Jack tells Sarah how his dad used to hit his mum until she walked out on them. Jack explains that when his mum left his dad fell apart - she was the stronger one, and Will is stronge

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In Good Faith

March 1, 1994

Jack and Beth give Will a few days off as he and Sarah are moving house. Beth asks Will how things are going he says he and Sarah are trying to sort out their money troubles, hence the house move.

Beth tells Jack she wants to spend the evening alone so that she can catch up with herself. He agrees it's a good idea - he's got a tax form to fill in. No sooner have they arrived home to their separate houses they both get bored and lonely. Beth attempts to call Jack but he beats her to it - arriving on her doorstep with a bottle of wine. She is happy to see him.

Trevor is having problems 'performing' and keeps giving Leanda the brush off. She is heartbroken and thinks Trevor doesn't want her anymore. Trevor visits Jack but find it hard to explain the sexual problems he is encountering. He later talks to Will who tells Trevor he is suffering from stress.

Beth goes to see Will and hands him a housewarming present. He teases her about she and Jack and tells her he should stop stringing Jack a

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Old Habits

March 8, 1994

Sarah is upset that she and Will haven't received and invitation to the captains ball. Will assures her that it's probably just stuck in the post.

Beth asks Jack if they can meet for supper. He tells her he's not sure what kind of relationship they have anymore. He's confused as to whether they are friends, lovers, what? Beth assures him that nothing's changed and it will just take them a while to get back to where they were before he proposed.

Beth battles with Rob Clulow, a friend of The Beeches staff whom, despite a heart condition can't give up smoking. Beth tries to get Mr. Jenkins to operate on Rob but he refuses seeing as how Rob has made no attempt to quite smoking. Jack and Beth are adamant that Rob should have the operation but Will agrees with Jenkins.

Rob's son Harry becomes friends with Tony Preston. They both go to the new school. Whilst playing at the wreck Tony and Harry become involved in a fight with some older lads. In no time at all bricks and stones are being hurl

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Love Thy Neighbour

March 16, 1994

Will and Sarah host a housewarming party. Beth is not happy that Will has invited fundholding advisor Greg Miller and when Sarah tells Greg it's Beth who's holding The Beeches back from going fundholding, Beth makes sure her views on fundholding are made clear.

Brian Drake complains to Beth that Jack won't fit him in for a medical even though he needs it for work. Beth asks Jack why he hasn't fit Brian in and Jack explains that he was keeping to the practice policy - non-urgent medicals are carried out in the third Saturday of every month.

Chloe is tired and irritable. James tells Jack he thinks something is wrong with her. Chloe goes to see Jack and tells him she has found a lump in her neck. Jack feels it and doesn't think it is anything serious but send Chloe for a biopsy anyway. The biopsy shows that Chloe has Hodgkin's disease - a form of Cancer. Chloe insists that James shouldn't know that she is sick. Jack tells her he will help her beat this illness.

Jack is surprised to see Br

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Enemy Within

March 30, 1994

Chloe goes to see Jack. He is concerned about her - she's not getting any better. The hospital say they will have to change her drugs protocol as the current one isn't working. Jack takes it hard and for a while begins to question the service.

Jack treats Matthew Keel; son of Beeches cleaner Sue and her husband Martin. Jack says Matthew has the flu but if his condition worsens Martin should call The Beeches. Sue gives James a hand at The Manor as Chloe is unwell after her treatment. However when Matthew has seizure Sue is called home.

Martin calls Kim for help. She explains that Beth is on another call and will be with him as soon as she's finished with that patient. Martin can not wait that long and calls for an ambulance. When they arrive they suspect Matthew has meningitis. Matthew is taken to hospital whilst Martin waits for Beth.

When Beth arrives Martin is in a state. She tells him to calm down as they don't yet know for sure whether or not Matthew does have meningitis. He says i

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Long Weekend

April 6, 1994

Jack receives a package. It is a key from his ex-girlfriend Karen. She calls him at the surgery and asks him when he is coming to visit her. Jack says it will be soon. Karen tells Jack that she hasn't been taking her medicine, Jack tells her she must - it's very important that she takes her medication.

Beth and Kim go horse riding. Kim can't get the hang of it and spends half of the lesson in one place as she's to scared. Beth introduces her to a slower horse who Kim takes quite a shine to.

Jack receives a call from Karen's hospital telling him that the police have brought her in. Jack's number was the only number she would give them. Jack tells Beth that he needs to go to London. She is alarmed that he is leaving at such short notice but he won't tell her why.

Jack goes to see Karen. She is huddled under a blanket and shouts at him to leave. Jack goes to see her parents. They thank him for coming down and say they don't expect him to drop everything every time Karen gets sick. They a

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Chance Encounter

April 13, 1994

Will asks Beth if she can cover his nightcalls as he wants to help celebrate the local footie win. She says no, she's meeting an old girlfriend.

Beth gets ready and leaves the house, just missing a phonecall from Michael - he leaves a message on her answer phone telling her he is caught in traffic and will be late. Who is Michael and isn't Beth supposed to be meeting a girlfriend?

Isabel arrives at the pub looking for Beth. She is disappointed when Jack tells her she went to meet up with an old friend whom she hasn't seen for ages.

Beth meets Michael at a hotel, he is late but she forgives him and they settle down to dinner. The atmosphere is edgy with Beth having the upper hand. Beth says she hasn't forgiven him for having her fired from the job she loved. He said he did it because he loved her and couldn't bare to be near her when he knew their affair couldn't continue for the sake of his wife, Antonia. Beth is surprised when Michael tells her he and Antonia have split.

Jack and Will

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A Brave Face

April 26, 1994

Jack, Beth and Will have dinner to talk over the final fundholding plans. Jack and Beth thank Will for all is hard work and apologise for the difficulty they sometimes caused. They are having a pleasant evening until Sarah arrives and the atmosphere dies. Will tells Beth that Stuart Mosely has been in touch. He was Will's best man and a good doctor friend of Beths.

Stuart goes to see Will. He tells him he has H.I.V. - Will is stunned as it now looks like Stuart is showing symptoms of Aids. Will is also shocked to find out that the health authority are not aware of Stuarts condition. Stuart assures Will he stopped treating patients as soon as he found out and that none of is patients were put at risk. Will is adamant that Stuarts former colleagues should be informed. Will tell Stuart that he will be asking the department of public health for advice on the matter. But he says he will give Stuart a weeks so that he can tell his his daughter, Sally.

Beth becomes involved in he plight of Lo

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Perfect Love

May 10, 1994

Jack and Beth visit Beth's friends Annie and Dominic. Beth sees them as the ideal couple whilst Jack is not so sure. They have a daughter Victoria and Dominic lets it slip to Jack an Beth that Annie is expecting again.

Will is looking after Tony and Julien for the weekend. They are bored as he is on call.

Annie takes Victoria out for the day, she is not comfortable with her and tells Dominic that she doesn't love her. Annie secretly goes to John Reginald and says she wants an abortion. He refuses her one without talking to both she and Dominic. Annie is distraught and stays out all night. Dominic calls Beth who stays with him whilst Annie is missing. When she finally returns home she is wet and speaks nothing of Victoria. Dominic asks her where Victoria is and Annie says she is in the ford. Dominic drives up to the ford but there is no sign of Vicki, just her shoe and a gushing river. When he returns home Beth calms him down and tells him that Victoria is in bed. He doesn't understand

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Power Games

May 17, 1994

Beth is called out to Bob Massey who has suffered a mild heart attack.

Frank Hooley arrives at The Beeches with a dislocated shoulder. Jack treats him and puts it back in place. He asks Jack for a sick not - Jack signs him off for a week.

Beth arrives late for work due to her night calls. When she picks up her files from Kim she finds that she has been left with all the female patient whilst Jack and Will have taken all the men.

Jack and Beth discuss nightcalls and how they wake each other up when the other is on call. Jack tells Beth she needn't attend every call - sometimes advice over the phone is enough.

Beth once again is left with the female patients whilst Will takes off for an afternoon of golf. Kim hands Jack and Will a letter each. It reads 'Women don't bite you swine' and is written in Beth's handwriting. They are puzzled.

Will helps Kim when her bike breaks in the middle of the road. She is upset that she is not in the running for fund manager. Will tells her they need her

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Happy Ever After

Season Finale
May 24, 1994

The police arrive at Alice's house. They have a warrant for her arrest because she hasn't paid her council tax. They says if she gives them the money now they can leave. Alice doesn't have the money so they arrest her. When she is taken to the station she is put in a cell.

Jack and Will are preparing for interviews for the position of fund manager. The interview a number if candidates but are terribly excited at the prospect of interviewing Trevor - they vow to make him squirm. Kim tells them she hopes they find someone soon, hey say they are looking for someone who she can really get on with.

Alice is taken into the court for a hearing where Isabel is magistrate. Isabel informs the court that she knows the defendant and they adjourn. Isabel goes outside the courthouse and calls Beth from a phonebox. She informs Beth of Alice's situation but tells her to keep quiet - she shouldn't have said anything.

Beth arrives to take Alice home and is disgusted to see how Alice has been treated. As

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Losing Out

February 28, 1995

Its' the day of Isabel's funeral. The residents of Cardale turn out in force to say their goodbyes and to support Beth. During the wake Jack is called out to an emergency. There has been a car accident and the female passenger, Amanda has gone into labour. Jack delivers the baby by the roadside but there is a complication; the baby has the cord caught around it's neck. Jack follows Amanda and husband Mark to the hospital where the baby boy is put on a monitor, Jack explains this is because of the complication with the cord.

Jack returns home to find Beth sitting alone in the dark. She breaks down in tears when he hugs her and says she thought her job would somehow make her immune to death and its effects. She says that Isabels death has set her adrift. Jack does his best to comfort her but Beth is shattered.

At the hospital the doctors are concerned that the baby may have suffered brain damage before or during the birth. Mark decides that Jack must be to blame.

Jack receives a letter

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Family Ties

March 21, 1995

Jack arrives home and is unable to get into the house. He has to climb through the window. He arrives at The Beeches and greets a shocked Beth. She apologises for the fact he couldn't get into the house, she lost the keys and had to get the locks changed. She says she's a bit tied up right now as Will has the day off. They resolve to meet for lunch.

Will persuades Janey to join him for a school function at Tony's school. She doesn't really want to but Will explains that he is a family man and has to be there.

Jack becomes involved in the plight of Nancy who has Huntington's disease. He is concerned about her when she tries to take her life. Jack tracks down her sister who hasn't visited Nancy for years because she is scared she too may have the illness. Jack is alarmed when Nancy's sister reveals that Nancy has a son who doesn't even know he's at risk from having Huntington's disease.

Will and Janey watch Tony play for the schools ruby team. Wills delight at seeing Tony score a try tur

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