Robert Zemeckis — Produttore

Episodi 39

Quando il gatto non c'è

18 settembre, 199322m

Due fratelli decidono di rubare in una casa abbandonata senza sapere che Pelleossa ha attivato un mostruoso sistema di sicurezza per occuparsi degli intrusi.

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25 settembre, 199322m

Dopo aver tormentato delle formiche durante un picnic, due fratelli sono colpiti da un misterioso raggio che ne riduce le dimensioni costringendoli ad affrontare le sfide e le tribolazioni del mondo degli insetti.

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Piacevoli urla

2 ottobre, 199322m

Un insegnante e una sua allieva si ritrovano intrappolati nelle fantasie di un altro studente da loro tormentato.

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A pesca / Un lavoretto di carrozzeria

9 ottobre, 199322m

Nel primo episodio un ragazzo tenta di avvertire suo zio, un pescatore sprecone che i pesci gridano vendetta. Nel secondo episodio, due delinquenti sfidano un ragazzo a una corsa con una Mustang che sta restaurando, un'auto che, all'insaputa di tutti, è dotata di volontà propria.

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Capolavori... di cera

16 ottobre, 199322m

Un ragazzo entra in un museo delle cere le cui statue hanno il potere di trasportare, chi ne viene a contatto, nel loro mondo.

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La bella addormentata

23 ottobre, 199322m

Nel Medioevo, il principe spaccone e il suo scudiero occhialuto Melvin, imbranato ma assennato (nonché suo fratello minore) sono in viaggio per svegliare una principessa caduta in un sonno durato cent'anni. Senza sapere che quella principessa innocente è in realtà un vampiro.

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Il cavernicolo

30 ottobre, 199322m

Un ragazzo, arrabbiato col padre, direttore di un museo di storia naturale, che accusa di trascurarlo per pensare di più al suo lavoro, come ripicca per non essere presente nel giorno del suo compleanno manomette un dispositivo criogenico scongelando quello che c'è al suo interno, ovvero un uomo di Neanderthal. Quando l'ominide si risveglia, è proprio il ragazzino a spiegargli come sono andate le cose in trentamila anni di evoluzione.

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Nascondino al buio

6 novembre, 199322m

Un ragazzino timido e occhialuto è una facile preda per tutti i bulletti della sua scuola. Alcuni di questi, fingendo di aiutarlo a diventare più muscoloso, gli rifilano un tè cinese che, a detta loro, ha delle proprietà fantastiche. Quello che nessuno sa è che, quelle erbe, trasformano anche il più timido e introverso dei ragazzi in un licantropo assetato di sangue.

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Un'ombra nella notte

13 novembre, 199322m

Mildred e Camille sono amiche per la pelle nonché fan sfegatate di film horror, che amano intavolare discussioni sui loro personaggi preferiti. Camille in particolare è convinta che un vero vampiro si aggiri per il suo quartiere e si porta dietro l'amica per indagare.

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La zampa del gorilla

20 novembre, 199322m

Un ragazzino è desideroso di entrare nel gruppetto di tre suoi coetanei, e per farlo dovrà rubare qualcosa. La loro attenzione cade su una zampa di legno che venne staccata a un antico idolo raffigurante un gorilla e che si dice abbia il potere di far avverare i desideri di chi la possiede.

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Mistero nel deserto

4 dicembre, 199322m

Durante una gita scolastica in una piramide egizia, una ragazza, che continua a essere vittima di bullismo a causa della sua altezza, deve salvare i suoi compagni di classe dalla maledizione di una mummia.

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Teatro di terrore

11 dicembre, 199322m

A disagreeable camp counselor is menaced by Hoser, an invisible boogeyman who lives in the forest.

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La nave fantasma

Season Finale
18 dicembre, 199322m

Ben and its friend plan an excursion with the brand-new white yacht of Bens father. Did the boys with the crazy ship ram into somthing? Does the expensive boat go under? The shipwrecked are very glad when an old boat discovers it.

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Il gioco è finito

10 settembre, 199422m

Coming Soon

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The Vaultkeeper and the Old Witch meet at the beach and swap stories. In "Cold Blood, Warm Heart," the Old Witch tells the tales of two lakes that are haunted by monsters.

In "The Spider and the Flies," the Vaultkeeper tells the story of a city that is haunted by a spider.

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Il fantasma vendicatore / La leggenda di Medusa

24 settembre, 199422m

In "The Avenging Phantom," ten year old Jimmy is afraid to sleep in the dark, -- almost as much as he's afraid of the mean old lady at the variety store, the Mongrel that chases him home every day, and the bully who constantly torments him.

In "Myth Conceptions," while digging in Greece, a greedy Fortune Hunter searches out the ancient cave ruins of the Greek legend Medusa.

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Tutti i dettagli in cronaca

1 ottobre, 199422m

Camille and her friend go on a roadtrip and arrive at their final destination: an inn, which is haunted by a woman's spirit.

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L'orsacchiotto fantasma

8 ottobre, 199422m

After a sleepless night at a creepy Victorian Inn, and a spine chilling visit from a real ghost; the girls soon find themselves caught up in the middle of an eerie puzzle that involves a ship that sunk at sea, a tattered teddy bear at the town's Curio Shop, and a century old mystery of The Weeping Woman.

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Chi non salta morto è

15 ottobre, 199422m

Dottor Tibia, Pelleeossa e la Vecchia Strega si sfidano ad una gara per decidere chi racconterà la storia della puntata. Dopo che la strega vince grazie alla sua magia, comincia a narrare il racconto di un ragazzo che sfida un demone a basket, mettendo in palio la sua vita.

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La miniera stregata

22 ottobre, 199422m

Convinced that his Aunt Melva is too old and helpless to live on her own, a young city boy named Dale drives out to the "sticks" to retrieve her. He soon finds himself in the middle of a bizarre turn of events when his Aunt, her dog Buster, and everyone else in the town goes missing.

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La rosa del mistero

29 ottobre, 199422m

Wendell has had his share of bullying from pranksters Chet and Louie, but even their most malicious pranks can't stop Wendell from pursuing the attention of his latest interest; Rose, the new "geek" in town. Rose is a little timid and her family is a little more than unusual, but Wendell can't help but want to be around her.

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I fratelli Gruff

5 novembre, 199422m

Eddie's fears come true when he crosses a bridge and is followed home by a mischeivious bridge troll. Luckily Eddie's best friend Sheldon, a member of a weird society called 'Jr. Monster-Buster,' knows what to do. However, the situation turns from bad to worse when Eddie's disbelieving, older brother is kidnapped by the troll.

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La terribile casa degli orrori

12 novembre, 199422m

The vault guard tells a story this time. (See the one before the last episode). This one is about a little boy, whose uncle is always verbiestert. One day he succeeds the little to bring his uncle by means of a spirits train finally again for laughing.

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La preda

19 novembre, 199422m

A hunter tells the story how he hunted in the amazon forest to the brink of extinction.

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Il fagiolo magico

3 dicembre, 199422m

Hunky, self-involved Chuck and his homely brother, Melvin, pay a visit to the ominous trader, who offers them a bag of magic beans in trade for Chuck's beloved, trusty steed. As expected, a beanstalk grows and the siblings intend to loot the castle in the clouds... but they soon find themselves trying to escape the wrath of a giant, cyclops Beanstalker.

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Transylvania express

Season Finale
10 dicembre, 199422m

An unscheduled detour takes two surfer dudes to Transylvania, where they end up riding a midnight express train... that's populated with vampires and other fiendish foes. Soon the boys find it hard to distinguish between their friends and enemies.

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Sharon Sharalike

9 settembre, 199922m

Selfish Shauna, unwlling to share even her most neglected toys with he younger sister Katie, spitefully hides Sharon Sharalike, the new doll that they've just recieved. But Shauna learns a lesson when she hears Sharon crying in the dead of night and comes to disover that the doll has mysteriously come to life.

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Imaginary Friend

16 settembre, 199922m

To relieve boredom while awaiting the grande opening of Laserland, teens Leo and Jamie decide to play ""welcome wagon"" by taunting the new neighbor, 9-year-old Mary Anne. But Mary Anne's new, ghostly ""imaginary friend"" turns the table on the bullies, escalating when Leo snatches the girl's beloved kitten, Boo.

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Waste Not, Haunt Not

23 settembre, 199922m

When brothers Richard and Stephen improperly dispose of the toxic waste from their failed Science Fair Project in a nearby bog, it comes back to haunt them in the form of a Bog Blob.

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Unpopular Mechanics

30 settembre, 199922m

Randall, who loves to invent destructive mechanical gadgets, gets his comeuppance as his appliances suddenly turn on him.

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Competitive Spirit

7 ottobre, 199922m

Vincent tells Tom a ghost story about a Mountain Spirit In order to spook out his main competitor before the big ski race, but the spirit really exists and comes to torment Vincent for his deceptive ways.

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Trouble in Store

14 ottobre, 199922m

Derek and Rob, trying to steal from Rodman's Department Store, get locked in the store overnight as the mannequins come to life.

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So Very Attractive

21 ottobre, 199922m

Julia, obsessed with the idea of being more beautiful, puts on a miracle cream that fulfills her wish but causes her to attract the unwanted attention of all sorts of creatures.

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Drawn & Quartered

28 ottobre, 199922m

Aspiring artist Ralph finds a magic pencil that allows him to put life into his drawings and take revenge on the bullies who have been harassing him, but revenge isn't as sweet as he thought.

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All Booked Up

4 novembre, 199922m

Book-hater Greg is forced by a mysterious librarian to endlessly relive a bunch of classic stories.

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Town Gathering

11 novembre, 199922m

Erin, who has a reputation for making up stories, discovers that no one will believe her when she discovers that the people proposing a new business deal to her mother are actually aliens planning to make a meal out of the townsfolk.

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It's for You

18 novembre, 199922m

For Christmas, Gary recieves a phone line for his bedroom with the proviso that he doesn't ""abuse the privilege."" Naturally, Gary immediately begins making prank calls, but he soon finds the tables turned when one of the people he called begins stalking him via telephone. Gary pays the caller a visit and discovers Mrs. Emma Needham, an old lady who soon proves that she's not as nice she initially appeared...

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Monsters Ate My Homework

25 novembre, 199922m

After Evan gets away with telling his teacher the ultimate lie that a monster ate his homework, he gets a visit from some monsters inquiring after the missing homework, and about having him for dinner.

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Too Cool for School

Season Finale
2 dicembre, 199922m

Junior High School friends Stephanie and Jan hate rules. They will stop at nothing to get out of their frog dissection class in Biology, including skip school. The girls end up in the Everglades where they meet John Kirby, a Professor of Zoological Biology.

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