Robert H. Justman — Productor/a

Episodios 171


17 de septiembre de 1966

El líder de la Fuerza de Misiones Imposibles, Dan Briggs, reúne a su equipo por primera vez. La misión: recuperar dos ojivas nucleares pertenecientes al General Río Domínguez de la bóveda de un hotel en Santa Costa. Jim y Willy introducen a Terry Targo en la bóveda, para que estudie cómo salir. El equipo entonces captura a Domínguez, pero Targo se rompe los dedos en el intento. Sin otra alternativa, Briggs se pone a sí mismo y a Domínguez en la bóveda… y Briggs lo amenaza con introducir una combinación al azar -que podría detonar los misiles- si Domínguez no le dice el código…

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24 de septiembre de 1966

El objetivo del FMI es Janos Karq, un alto funcionario de un país del bloque oriental. Briggs y la Fuerza de Misiones Imposibles, (con la ayuda de Joseph Baresh, un artista alcohólico que tiene una memoria fotográfica) planean obtener información de que Karq es un traidor.

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Operación Rogosh

1 de octubre de 1966

Rogosh es un agente de un país hostil a los Estados Unidos. Cuando ataca, por lo general deja docenas, si no cientos, de cuerpos a su paso. Rogosh ha sido visto en Los Ángeles, pero no se quebrará bajo métodos normales de interrogatorio. Así que a Briggs se le ocurre un plan inusual: El FMI escenifica un accidente en el que Rogosh es atropellado por un coche y, cuando se despierta, parece estar en una prisión en su país de origen… ¡tres años después!

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Liberar al anciano (1)

8 de octubre de 1966

Un anciano cardenal ha sido hecho prisionero en un país de Europa del Este por ser el líder de la oposición política. Está recluido en una prisión de la que nadie nunca pudo fugarse. Briggs recluta a un antiguo amor que también es trapecista, uniéndola al FMI en su pantalla de hacerse pasar por un pequeño circo. El "circo" se ha establecido en un parque que está al lado de la prisión y Rollin, haciéndose pasar por uno de sus miembros, se hace arrestar para introducirse en la prisión…

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Liberar al anciano (2)

15 de octubre de 1966

El FMI falla en su intento de liberar a un anciano cardenal, y ahora Briggs y los suyos deben reagruparse y alterar sus planes. Para peor, un coronel comienza a desconfiar del "circo" del FMI, pero Briggs cree que puede utilizar las sospechas del hombre en beneficio propio.

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Las probabilidades del mal

22 de octubre de 1966

Un príncipe, gobernante absoluto de un principado, cuenta con un millón y medio de dólares que planea usar para comprar armas y desatar una guerra contra un país vecino, rico en petróleo. Briggs idea un plan que implica hacer saltar la banca del casino del príncipe, para lo cual, en primer lugar, utilizará una computadora que le permitirá ganar $200,000 en la ruleta, lo cual les proporcionará lo suficiente para enfrentarse al príncipe en un juego de bacará con apuestas muy altas …

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29 de octubre de 1966

La fuerza de Misiones Imposibles debe evitar una elección amañada en una pequeña nación latinoamericana, y asegurar que los resultados sean genuinos.

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El rescate

5 de noviembre de 1966

El único episodio de la serie en el que la fuerza de Misiones Imposibles no es enviada a una misión del gobierno, sino que es obligada a trabajar para un criminal llamado Egan, que ha secuestrado a la hija de un amigo de Briggs. Egan pretende que la FMI capture a un testigo fuertemente protegido que va a declarar contra él y, aunque saben planea matarlo, Briggs y los suyos están determinados a no darle al criminal esa oportunidad…

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Érase una bobina

12 de noviembre de 19661h

Rollin y Cinnamon son enviados en una misión para localizar y recuperar una bobina de alambre magnético con detalles grabados sobre una guerra química. La bobina fue tan bien escondida por un agente perseguido que hasta ahora nadie ha sido capaz de encontrarla.

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Los portadores

19 de noviembre de 1966

Doscientos agentes enemigos, entrenados para actuar como norteamericanos comunes y corrientes, están siendo utilizados como portadores desconocidos de una plaga mortal. Briggs y su equipo deben evitar que esto suceda…

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El fantasma de Zubrovnik

26 de noviembre de 1966

Rollin y Barney son enviados a investigar el caso de una científica, la cual cree que el fantasma de su difunto esposo se le aparece para darle instrucciones sobre cómo completar su importante trabajo.

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El engaño

3 de diciembre de 1966

El objetivo del FMI es Poltroni, un traficante internacional de drogas. Poltroni, alias Ted Carson, está en un país sin tratado de extradición con los Estados Unidos, y Briggs idea un plan para atraerlo a un país vecino donde puede ser arrestado y enviado a los Estados Unidos. Para ejecutar el plan, Barney deberá luchar por su vida contra un matón de Poltroni, mientras que Cinammon será un atractivo cebo para el traficante.

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10 de diciembre de 1966

Rollin investiga el caso de una hermosa espía latinoamericana que, repentinamente, ha comenzado a actuar en forma sospechosa. Lo que Rollin debe averiguar es si ella todavía trabaja para el bando correcto… o si está perdiendo la cordura.

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Un espía sin riendas

17 de diciembre de 1966

Cinnamon hace su trabajo demasiado bien cuando, para su nueva misión, se le requiere que finja amor por un pedante asesino. Mientras tanto, Briggs y Barney trabajan activamente para para sacar de circulación al asesino.

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El legado

7 de enero de 1967

La FMI debe impedir que cuatro jóvenes nazis reclamen la fortuna de Hitler, la cual planean usar para financiar un Cuarto Reich.

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El dragón reacio

14 de enero de 1967

La FMI debe extraer a un valioso científico que está detrás de la Cortina de Hierro, y que quiere escapar de allí. Pero al llegar descubren que el científico se arrepintió, y deben cambiar de planes para convencerlo de lo contrario.

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La conspiración

21 de enero de 1967

La Fuerza de Misiones Imposibles mezcla cena con peligro en la fiesta privada de un zar del crimen. Jack Wellman arreglo la muerte de cuatro funcionarios del gobierno para reemplazarlos con hombres que controla, y Briggs y los suyos deben impedirlo.

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El juicio

28 de enero de 1967

Briggs se hace pasar por un turista estadounidense en un país extranjero. Su objetivo es hacerse someter a juicio, y de esa forma desacreditar a un fiscal que busca tener el poder absoluto en su país.

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El diamante

4 de febrero de 1967

Briggs y los suyos simulan tener un medio de sintetizar diamantes, con el fin de engañar a un dictador y robarle un invaluable diamante sin cortar, que financiará su gobierno y asegurará su poder.

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La leyenda

11 de febrero de 1967

La FMI se infiltra en una reunión secreta de nazis en América del Sur, y se sorprende al enterarse de que su líder es el criminal de guerra Martin Bormann.

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Bola de nieve en el infierno

18 de febrero de 1967

Barney se enfrenta al látigo de las nueve colas y a un cruel exguardia en una antigua colonia penal. Mientras tanto, los demás agentes trabajan para engañar al exguardia, quien posee una muestra de cesio 138 -una sustancia que abarata la fabricación de armas nucleares- y pretende venderla al mejor postor…

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La confesión

25 de febrero de 1967

Un agente del Bloque Comunista ha sido arrestado por el asesinato del senador estadounidense William Townsend. La FMI debe probar que el agente no mató al senador en nombre de su gobierno, sino del empresario R.J. McMillian, el principal asesor de Townsend. El Secretario cree que McMillian mató a Townsend para crear un mártir que genere las condiciones para una guerra preventiva contra el bloque soviético. Briggs desarrolla un muy elaborado plan en el que Rollin termina como compañero de celda del agente comunista, y Cinnamon como una periodista...

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4 de marzo de 1967

Miklos Klaar dirige un estudio de cine en el Bloque Comunista. Está preparando una película, combinando imágenes documentales con escenas que ha filmado en un set, para simular que las tropas estadounidenses han cometido una masacre. La Fuerza de Misiones Imposibles - menos Dan Briggs, que está ausente en este episodio - lleva a cabo una operación típicamente complicada. En primer lugar, el FMI arruinará la película existente de Klaar, obligándolo a filmar de nuevo. Y luego, el plan es arruinar públicamente a Klaar en pleno momento de triunfo.

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El tren

18 de marzo de 1967

El líder moribundo de una nación europea tiene un protegido dispuesto a asumir el poder. Lo que el líder no sabe es que su protegido planea reprimir la libertad y convertirse en dictador absoluto. La FMI debe logar que el líder vea a su protegido tal como realmente es.

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25 de marzo de 1967

Wilson, un embajador estadounidense estacionado en un país neutral, fue secuestrado por un agente de una nación del bloque oriental, que puso un impostor en su lugar. Briggs y los suyos tienen un corto período de tiempo para recuperar a Wilson y frustrar cualquier complot que esté en marcha. Para eso, la FMI secuestra al impostor, y un Briggs disfrazado toma su lugar. El impostor, Josef Gord, despierta en un hospital psiquiátrico simulado por la FMI, pero la pregunta es si lograran quebrarlo a tiempo para salvar a Wilson….

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Un terrón de azúcar

1 de abril de 1967

Un agente norteamericano, en posesión de un avanzado microcircuito informático, ha sido capturado tras la Cortina de Hierro. Sin embargo, ha logrado esconder el chip en un terrón de azúcar empapado en LSD. La FMI debe rescatar al agente, así como al microcircuito, que están en una instalación bajo estricta vigilancia.

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El traidor

15 de abril de 1967

Un agente estadounidense ha desertado a un país del bloque oriental, y ahora se encuentra en la embajada de esa nación en Washington. Briggs diseña un plan en el que se necesita una contorsionista para desplazarse a través del sistema de ventilación de la embajada, entrando así en un sector de alta seguridad de la instalación. Además, Rollin se hará pasar por un oficial de esa nación, mientras que Barney, Willy y Cinnamon también interpretarán papeles clave.

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Final de temporada
22 de abril de 1967

Cinnamon se hace pasar por una psíquica como parte de un plan típicamente complicado ideado por Briggs. El objetivo del FMI es un empresario estadounidense que ha huido a Sudamérica, donde no puede ser alcanzado legalmente. Ha tomado el control de una empresa que posee patentes vitales para la seguridad de los Estados Unidos, y tiene la intención de vender esas patentes a una nación del bloque oriental. La FMI intentará quitarle el control de la empresa, y para ello Rollin se hará pasar por un gánster, Barney hará un truco con espejos y además contaran con la ayuda de un respetado juez.

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La viuda

10 de septiembre de 1967

Jim Phelps es el nuevo líder de la Fuerza de Misiones Imposibles, sin que se de ninguna explicación ni referencia sobre la salida de su antecesor, Dan Briggs. La primera misión para Phelps está relacionada con el tráfico de drogas. Dos hombres, Cresnik y Walters, se han adueñado del mercado de la heroína y están obteniendo grandes ganancias al vendérsela a pandillas de todo el mundo. Phelps planea una operación para desatar la desconfianza entre los traficantes y sus clientes.

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La caminata

17 de septiembre de 1967

Jack Cole fue arrestado y encarcelado por robar objetos de arte de una nación latina. La misión de Phelps y su equipo es recuperar los objetos. robados, pero eso no será fácil... Cole está siendo torturado por el coronel que dirige la prisión, un traidor que quiere el tesoro para sí mismo.

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Los supervivientes

24 de septiembre de 1967

Un agente enemigo ha secuestrado a dos científicos junto a sus esposas, y los tiene en San Francisco. Pero el agente necesita además a un tercer científico, quien podría ayudarlo a desarrollar un arma definitiva. Phelps elabora un plan en el cual se hará pasar por ese científico, mientras que el resto de su equipo finge un terremoto.

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El banco

1 de octubre de 19671h

Belzig, el jefe de un banco en Berlín Oriental, ofrece su ayuda a la gente que quiera escapar a Occidente. Pero todo es un truco para robarles su dinero y luego matarlos. Belzig está acumulando una fortuna para lanzar un nuevo movimiento nazi, y la misión Jim y su equipo es acabar con sus actividades para siempre.

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El esclavo (1)

8 de octubre de 1967

La Fuerza de Misiones Imposibles se enfrenta a un déspota absoluto de Oriente Medio, que dirige un mercado secreto de esclavos. Barney se hace pasar por un esclavo, como parte de un plan para poder construir réplicas de las celdas de prisioneros. Phelps simula ser un comerciante de esclavos, y Rollin se hace pasar por investigador de la Interpol. Finalmente, Cinnamon será el cebo para la trampa. El déspota tiene un hermano que se casó con una esposa británica, Amara. Y ese hermano, si asumiera el poder, aboliría la esclavitud en el país, pero ha aceptado que la esclavitud no existe allí.

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El esclavo (2)

15 de octubre de 19671h

Continua el plan para acabar con la organización de tráfico de esclavos en Oriente Medio. Phelps, haciéndose pasar por comerciante de esclavos, se gana la confianza del gobernante y, en ese papel, le "vende" a Cinnamon como esclava. Mientras tanto, el resto del equipo se prepara para una simulación con la cual esperan que el hermano del gobernante se de cuenta de la situación, declarando así el fin de la esclavitud en su nación.

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Operación corazón

22 de octubre de 1967

Cinnamon se hace pasar por la esposa de un arqueólogo que tiene una afección cardíaca grave. El hombre debe ser rescatado, al mismo tiempo que un intento de asesinato debe ser frustrado.

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La máquina de dinero

29 de octubre de 19671h

DuBruis, un corrupto especulador financiero de una nación africana, es el nuevo blanco de la Fuerza de Misiones Imposibles. Phelps y su equipo logran llamar la atención de DuBruis con dinero falsificado, prácticamente igual a la moneda de su nación. El elaborado plan exige que Cinnamon tiente a DuBruis con supuesta información privilegiada sobre una compañía minera, mientras que Phelps y Rollin se hacen pasar por criminales que han desarrollado un sistema de falsificación computarizada.

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El sello

5 de noviembre de 19671h

Taggert, un industrial estadounidense, ha adquirido una figura de jade que tiene un gran significado religioso para Kuala Rokat. Es esa una nación pequeña pero estratégicamente ubicada en el límite con China, y la adquisición de Taggert amenaza con deshacer logros diplomáticos de años por parte de Estados Unidos. No hay manera legal de obligar a Taggert a devolver la figura, pero Phelps idea un plan que, entre otras cosas, requiere que se causen estragos en la computadora central de Taggert, que Rollin simule ser un académico de Kuala Rokat, y que un gato altamente entrenado se apodere de la figura…

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Dulce caridad

12 de noviembre de 1967

El matrimonio Hagar hace colectas de caridad, pero el dinero se lo guardan para sí mismos en forma de barras de platino que mantienen escondidas bajo su mesa de billar. Phelps y su equipo deben recuperar el platino y poner fin a las estafas de los Hagar de una vez por todas.

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La junta (1)

19 de noviembre de 1967

Un líder mafioso, Frank Wayne, está poniendo en peligro la economía estadounidense. El plan de Phelps es atacar a Wayne en varios frentes. Primero, Jim y su equipo observaran como Jimmy Bibo, uno de los socios de Wayne, es obligado a cavar su propia tumba. Pero Phelps ya tiene un médico listo para revivir a Bibo… si el asesino de Wayne abandona la escena a tiempo. En segundo lugar, Phelps se hará pasar por un fiscal ambicioso que se propone atrapar a Wayne. Y finalmente, será Rollin quien tome el lugar de Wayne. Pero cuando Rollin consigue hacer el cambio, otros jefes de la mafia quieren que "Wayne" abandone el país, lo que arruinaría el complicado plan.

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La junta (2)

26 de noviembre de 1967

Rollin Hand, haciéndose pasar por el mafioso Frank Wayne, tiene una contrapropuesta para los otros jefes de la mafia. Dice que se someterá a una cirugía plástica para parecerse a un hombre diferente. Ahí entra Cinnamon, como Cora… en realidad, lo que ella debe hacer es removerle a Rollin la máscara de Frank, pero no puede permitirse ningún error porque los otros mafiosos estarán observando todo el tiempo. Mientras tanto, un médico que trabaja para Jim está realizando una cirugía plástica en el verdadero Wayne, haciéndolo parecer a Rollin. Todo esto como parte del plan de Phelps destinado a tener acceso a los registros de Wayne. Pero el propio Phelps deberá enfrentar un intento de asesinato...

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El astrólogo

3 de diciembre de 19671h

Un líder opositor de una nación de oriente ha sido capturado por el jefe de la policía secreta del país. También se apoderó de un microfilm con una lista de personas que apoyan en secreto a la oposición. Phelps elabora un plan que se vale de la obsesión por la astrología que tiene el líder de esa nación. Cinnamon se hace pasar por una famosa astróloga, mientras que Barney y Rollin tendrán que operar desde el compartimiento de carga de un avión, el cual transporta al líder de la oposición capturado.

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Ecos del ayer

10 de diciembre de 196748m

Cinnamon trabaja para detener a un magnate de las municiones que suministra armas a los neonazis. Ella le despierta recuerdos de su difunta esposa, que fue asesinada por Hitler.

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El fotógrafo

17 de diciembre de 1967

Jim y su equipo trataran de erradicar una red de espías, que fueron traídos por un fotógrafo estadounidense. El problema es que el código con el que él y sus contactos se comunican es indescifrable, por lo que deberán idear un plan para que les revele el método de decodificación. Y el plan se inicia cuando logran que el fotógrafo elija a Cinnamon como su modelo. Durante la sesión de fotos, Cinnamon demuestra tener conocimientos de bioquímica, los cuales el fotógrafo decide explotar.

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La espía

7 de enero de 1968

Un mapa secreto de las instalaciones de cohetes de la OTAN fue elaborado recientemente en dos plantillas, y faltando alguna de las dos los detalles del mapa no pueden interpretarse. Felicia Babar, miembro de una red enemiga de espionaje, logro apoderarse de una de las plantillas, y la misión de Jim y su equipo será evitar que se apodere de la otra.

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La partida de ajedrez

14 de enero de 19681h

Esta vez, objetivo de Jim y su equipo es un gran maestro internacional del ajedrez, que planea robar el oro incautado a un movimiento opositor de un país del bloque soviético. Rollin se hace pasar por un jugador de ajedrez aficionado, ayudado por una computadora que Barney está operando y que es imbatible en ese juego. El plan, ideado por Phelps, también requiere una ingeniosa forma de arrebatar el oro tanto al ajedrecista como a las autoridades.

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La esmeralda

21 de enero de 1968

Una esmeralda, con información vital para la seguridad de EE. UU. escondida en ella, ha caído en manos de un traficante de armas. Además, un agente soviético está decidido a asegurarse la esmeralda. Ambos estarán en un crucero. Phelps y su equipo deben conseguir la esmeralda y neutralizar al agente de la oposición. El plan de Phelps implica un juego de póquer de con altas apuestas, utilizando la tecnología de Barney y la habilidad de Rollin con sus manos. Pero eso es sólo el principio…

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El condenado

28 de enero de 1968

Un amigo de la infancia de Phelps está sentenciado a muerte en una cárcel latinoamericana, y le pide ayuda para salir. A pesar de que esta es una misión personal, el equipo de Phelps está de acuerdo en ayudarlo…

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El falsificador

4 de febrero de 1968

Halder, un director de respetables clínicas médicas, es en realidad un falsificador de medicamentos que han causado muchas muertes. Jim y su equipo tienen como objetivo demostrar la participación de Halder en la producción de esos medicamentos falsificados.

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El pueblo

18 de febrero de 196848m

Jim Phelps es secuestrado por los habitantes de un pueblo tras enterarse que son parte de una red de criminales. El reloj corre mientras un par de asesinos están en camino para cometer un asesinato. La "Fuerza" debe encontrar y salvar a Jim, y luego tratar de detener el inminente asesinato.

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El aesinato

28 de febrero de 19681h

Bert Gordon ha creado una organización criminal capaz de eliminar a cualquiera, en cualquier lugar y sin que se encuentre ningún cuerpo. Gordon nunca pudo ser atrapado por medios convencionales de investigación y enjuiciamiento, por eso Phelps diseña un elaborado plan para aprovecharse de sus supersticiones. Phelps y Cinnamon se hacen pasar por una pareja que se lleva muy mal, por lo cual la esposa está ansiosa por emplear los servicios de Gordon. Por su parte, el resto del equipo está muy ocupado simulando que los muertos intentan comunicarse con el mundo de los vivos. El objetivo es manipular a Gordon en un arreglo donde ni siquiera él pueda escapar de la ley.

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El fénix

3 de marzo de 1968

Cuando el curador de un museo planea entregar una aleación experimental a una potencia extranjera, Jim y su equipo planean una distracción…un atentado contra su vida.

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El informador

10 de marzo de 19681h

Jim y su equipo van a un campo de prisioneros dentro de un país totalitario en América Latina. En el campamento, un líder de la oposición es mantenido en aislamiento. Uno de sus seguidores arregló ser arrestado y se ha convertido en su contacto, ayudando a llevar los mensajes del líder de la oposición a sus compatriotas. Pero los prisioneros creen que el contacto es un informante, por lo cual Phelps y Barney llegan como prisioneros para exponer al verdadero delator. Son ayudados por Cinnamon (haciéndose pasar por un oficial de la Cruz Roja) y Rollin (como guardia). La pregunta es si Phelps podrá trabajar lo suficientemente rápido como para salvar la vida de un hombre inocente.

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Final de temporada
17 de marzo de 1968

Un bombardero estadounidense se estrella detrás de la Cortina de Hierro, pero el mecanismo de seguridad que debió destruirlo no funcionó. Un brillante científico estadounidense que desertó está supervisando los esfuerzos para desmontar el mecanismo, lo que arrojaría valiosa información sobre todo el sistema de defensa de Estados Unidos. Jim y su equipo deben recuperar el dispositivo de seguridad, y secuestrar al científico. Como parte del plan ideado por Phelps, Rollin y Cinnamon se harán pasar por científicos estadounidenses en gira.

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Heredera a la fuerza

29 de septiembre de 1968

Cinnamon se hace pasar por una princesa perdida, en un plan de Jim para frustrar un golpe de estado preparado por un militar.

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El contrincante (1)

6 de octubre de 1968

Barney se hace pasar por un boxeador para evitar que dos gánsteres corrompan los deportes estadounidenses. Barney logra atraer el interés de los corruptos, quienes lo convocan para una pelea de prueba. Pero Phelps, que está instalando equipos "especiales" para esa demostración, está a punto de ser descubierto por los secuaces de los promotores, que regresan antes al gimnasio donde se llevará a cabo la pelea.

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El contrincante (2)

13 de octubre de 1968

Phelps evita por poco ser descubrimiento por los secuaces de los promotores (gracias a Rollin), logrando así completar la instalación de los dispositivos que le permitirán a Barney ganar la pelea de prueba. Y Barney se convierte ahora en un contendiente por el título…

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Los mercenarios

27 de octubre de 1968

Jim y su equipo viajan a África para detener a un mercenario ávido de oro (Pernell Roberts) y poner fin a su reinado de terror.

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La ejecución

10 de noviembre de 1968

Para evitar que un brutal estafador (Vincent Gardenia) controle la industria de los alimentos de Estados Unidos, Jim y los suyos deben convencer a su sicario para que entregue pruebas contra su jefe. Así que elaboran un meticuloso plan donde le hacen creer que está en una prisión, y que será ejecutado en dos horas a menos a menos que delate a su jefe…

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El Cardenal

17 de noviembre de 1968

Para asegurarse el poder, un general reemplaza al amado cardenal de un país por alguien de aspecto similar; el equipo idea un plan para cambiarlo, y poner de nuevo al verdadero cardenal.

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24 de noviembre de 1968

En América del Sur, Jim y su equipo deben evitar que una superficial matriarca, Riva Santell, (Ruth Roman) tome el poder con un golpe de Estado. Phelps, sabiendo que a Riva la belleza eterna le interesa aun mas que el poder, le presenta a Cinnamon como una mujer que tiene casi 70 años…

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El diplomático del FMI

1 de diciembre de 1968

Jim y los suyos deben desacreditar a un diplomático enemigo (Fernando Lamas), quien suministra a una potencia extranjera las ubicaciones de los centros de control de misiles de Estados Unidos.

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La obra

8 de diciembre de 1968

Jim y su equipo deben desacreditar Milos Kuro, ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de un país tras la Cortina de Hierro, cuya influencia impide a su primer ministro establecer un pacto de no agresión con los Estados Unidos.

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El trato

15 de diciembre de 1968

En Miami, Jim y su equipo deben impedir que un sindicato del crimen financie el plan de un dictador exiliado (Albert Paulsen), quien pretende lanzar una contrarrevolución que lo devuelva al poder.

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23 de diciembre de 1968

Albert Jenkins, who robbed an armored car five years ago, double-crossed his associates and hid the $10 million. He then managed to get himself arrested as ""Raymond Barret"" on a burglary charge he did not commit. In this way he can outwait the statute of limitations on the armored car robbery from the safety of his cell. The IMF must bring him to justice. To do so, IMF ally Dr. Bowman tells Barret he has a fatal disease and gets him released early. Rollin as a doctor confirms the diagnosis and reveals that Jim, pretending to be a cryogenic doctor, can put him in stasis. Barret/Jenkins ""wakes up"" 12 years later in a futurstic IMF set and a graying Rollin tells him currency is no longer of value and the police want to question him. Barret escapes only to discover that it's a scam...but in the scam-within-a-scam, he thinks it's one day after the statue of limitations expires. He goes to the cemetary where he hid the money, along with his partners thanks to an IMF ploy, and all of them are

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El intercambio

4 de enero de 1969

During a mission in a half Western/half Communist country, Cinnamon is caught and arrested after delivering information to the team. She is tortured and proves immune to everything except effects involving her claustrophobia. As intelligence officer Strom gets close to breaking her, Jim decides that the team must try and trade her for a valuable Eastern spy, Rudolf Kurtz. The IMF have to covertly get Kurtz out of prison, get him past the Western police, and get the information from him. The IMF fakes ""rescuing"" Kurtz and taking him to an office in the Eastern zone, where he gives up his information to superior officer Jim. Strom is forced to trade Cinnamon, but shoots both her and Jim during the exchange. Believing them dead and with Kurtz keeping silent about the information he spilled to protect his own life, Strom Jim and Cinnamon, wearing bulletproof trenchcoats, make their escape.

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La mente de Stefan Miklos

12 de enero de 1969

Walter Townsend is discovered to be a double-agent: the U.S. government has leaked false information to him to give to the enemy which will cause them embarassment if believed. However, Townsend's contact Simpson has discovered the information is false and reported to his superiors Townsend is a defector. Simpson's superiors know of his jealousy toward Townsend and send their best intelligence officer, Stefan Miklos, to discover the truth of the matter. The IMF must make Miklos believe the information is true and Simpson the liar. Rollin-as-Miklos gets Simpson out and then takes Simpson's place. The IMF sets a series of clues to make Miklos belief that Townsend truly is a traitor and preparing to defect, including tickets and a passport. However, Miklos spots a planted ""clue"" that convinces him the IMF are doing exactly what they are doing: framing Townsend! He identifies them and then receives the information from Rollin-as-Simpson and Jim when he's spotted Jim as one of the IMF opera

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El experimento

19 de enero de 1969

A scientist of an enemy power, Dr. Oswald Beck, has developed a bacteria which causes cerebral spinal meningitis and mutated it into a form that kills and then becomes inert after a few hours. The IMF must destroy the preliminary culture and stop Beck. Rollin replaces the prisoner chosen for a test of Beck's bacteria, and Barney switches the bacteria cylinder for one with knockout gas and then uses a balloon to capture the gas. Rollin ""dies"" but then Jim, who has infiltrated the base as a military medic, ""discovers"" that Rollin isn't dead. Meanwhile, Barney releases the knockout gas into the control room, knocking out Beck's superiors. Beck thinks they are dying from his bacteria and believes they'll think he's a traitor who tried to kill them rather than the test subject. He flees but is shot while Jim destroys the bacteria.

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El sistema

26 de enero de 1969

A gangster, Constantine Victor (aka ""Mr. V"") has had the last witness against him on a murder indictment killed. Johnny Costa, Victor's associates and a casino owner, is the only one with enough evidence to get Victor convicted. The IMF must con Costa into talking. Phelps as a syndicate killer warns Costa that someone has put a contract on him. Cinnamon charms Costa and has him endorse minor credit slips which the IMF then forges for bigger ones. Rollin is a bookkeeper who supposedly works for Costa, finds an unlisted $25,000 planted by Barney, and the fake credit slips. Thanks to a prerecorded call from ""Victor"" mimiced by Rollin, Costa is relieved of duties. Costa confronts Cinnamon and gets her to admit she is working for Victor. Fleeing from Willy as another hit man, Costa locks himself in the casino vault to protect himself until he can testify against Victor.

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La celda de cristal

2 de febrero de 1969

Anton Reisner, a reistance leader in a tyrannical country, has been imprisoned in the automated Trast Prison and is being tortured by Major Zelinko in order to get the names of the other resistance leaders. The IMF must get him out of the prison. Reisner is in a video-monitored escape-proof glass cubicle. Barney and Willy get themselves imprisoned when Cinnamon as head of the country's prison system arrives for an inspection. She distracts Zelinko long enough for Barney and Willy to escape, wreck the video system, and get to Reisner. But..they tell him to stay in the cell but act different, then get recaptured. Zelinko notes the discrepancy between the door counter and the written log and puts two and two together (incorrectly) with Reisner's odd behavior and assumes Reisner is an imposter. Zelinko and Gulka plot to keep the switch secret but Cinnamon arranges for Zelinko's underling Vasney to overhear it. She has Zelinko arrested and takes Barney, Willy, and the Reisner-as-the-imposte

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El día D

16 de febrero de 1969

Carl Vandaam, a bankrupt European tycoon, is masterminding the theft of plutonium to make a hydrogen bomb and sell to the highest bidder. To keep such a bomb from falling into the wrong hands the IMF must stop Vandaam. Jim and Cinnamon get close to Kura, one of the bidders, by offering to bankroll him in return for oil rights. Vandaam demonstrates the bomb's plutonium core but afterwards Barney manages to steal the plutonium and replace it with an empty cylinder. Vandaam's aide discovers the theft and seals the building while Vanddam bluffs it out hoping they catch the thief before the bidding is over. Kura wins the bidding unaware that Cinnamon has planted a device in his money. Cinnamon insists they see the plutonium again, Vandaam is forced to reveal the theft, and Kura wants a refund. Cinnamon destroys the money by remote control. Kura has Vandaam shot while the IMF escape and summon the authorities.

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Cebo vivo

23 de febrero de 1969

Selby, a double-agent for the U.S. within an enemy country's intelligence service, is suspected by his superior, Kellerman. The IMF must keep Selby in the clear and eliminate Kellerman. Selby complains when Marceau, a courier who knows about Selby's identity, is taken from him by Kellerman. Selby claims Kellerman is the double-agent. Rollin, as a government official, gives Kellerman 24 hours to break Marceau. Using his underling Brocke, Kellerman works with Rollin to trap Selby. Kellerman comes to believe that Agent Jim has kidnapped Brocke's girlfriend to force Brocke to give away Marceau's location to Selby. In reality, Stephanie is shown a fake split-screen of Jim conspiring with ""Kellerman"" (Rollin in disguise on tape!) to kill Brocke and eliminate Marceau. Brocke believes Stephanie and accuses Kellerman but she recants under pressure. Meanwhile, Marceau is wired to an explosive. When Stephanie recants the IMF break in using knockout gas and use liquid nitrogen to free Marceau. The

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El búnker (1)

2 de marzo de 1969

Dr. Erich Rojak and his wife Anna are being held in an underground laboratory/bunker by a totalitarian enemy government. Another unfriendly government has sent an assassin, Ventlos, to kill Rojak. The IMF must rescue Rojak and his wife, destroy the test missile Rojak is working on, and stop Ventlos. The IMF infiltrate the base and Jim introduces a handstamp system, unaware that Ventlos has already replaced the bunker's security chief. Jim uses his system to expose security officer Cinnamon as a phony and she is imprisoned near Anna. Willy breaks in via the furnace and rescues Anna while Cinnamon takes her place...

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El búnker (2)

9 de marzo de 1969

With Cinnamon-as-Anna in place, she is taken to her ""husband"" and tells Dr. Rojak to be near an air vent. Jim as a security officer has placed a small remote-control flying disk in the bunker's air vent system and it holds a hypo. Barney steers it to Rojak's monitored cell and he uses the hypo to induce a heart attack. Jim summons Rollin (as a heart specialist) who advises surgery and instructs that ""Anna"" be at her husband's side. Ventlos the assassin plans to disrupt the operation by taking Rollin's place in disguise and the IMF quickly has to readjust when Ventlos tries to kill Rojak and destroy the installation.

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23 de marzo de 1969

General Zek of Karak is opposed to a peace treaty between his country and Agir, and is working with a munitions maker named Ismir Najiid to start a war by destroying King Said during his announcement of the treaty. The IMF must stop Zek and Najiid for good. The two conspirators hire Aristo Skora, a terrorist, to plant the explosives and incriminate Agir. Barney as a systems analyst sets up Najiid's factory's alarm system so Rollin can sneak in and steal the nitro from Najiid with Willy's help while letting himself be seen. Meanwhile, Jim has identified Cinnamon to Zek as an ally of ""Hakim"", the Agirian terrorist Rollin is pretending to be. Rollin and Willy grab the real Skora and then Rollin-as-Skora tells Zek their plan won't work. The IMF let Zek follow Cinnamon to an unconscious ""Hakim"" (actually a drugged and masked Skora) who has the nitro and a radio-controlled truck so Zek takes over his plan which he believes is the Agirians. Meanwhile Najiid has been drugged during Said's spee

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30 de marzo de 1969

Jim is sent in to recover a list of Allied agents from the enemy's highest ranking intelligence minister, Anton Valdas. Nicole Vedette's, Valdas' secretary, is apparently on the IMF's side but Jim decides not to use her. Instead Jim and Rollin plansto break into Valdas' safe during a party. Jim and Nicole meet and have a romantic attraction. The effort goes awry and Jim is shot and captured while helping Rollin to escape. Nicole is imprisoned on suspicion but tells Jim that no one is looking for Rollin. Nicole also tells him that Rollin's contact is a double agent. Jim believes Valdas substituted a fake list that he wants them to take back. The two escape and Jim collapses from his wound in a barn. Nicole reveals she is the double agent and reports the success of their charade to Jim. But because of her attraction to him she blackmails Valdas into letting them escape for real. Jim realizes the deception and Nicole confesses, unaware that Valdas put a bug on her. They are caught by Vald

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La Cámara Presidencial

6 de abril de 1969

Phillipe Pereda, finance minister of Costa Mateo has stolen $40 million from the vault of the country's president, De Varo. De Caro plans to announce the money will be used for an industrialization process. Pereda plans to frame the president for embezzlement when it is found the money is missing from the supposedly impenetrable vault, then take over the country. The IMF must stop him. Willy sneaks Barney into the vault and he gets it open and makes it look like it was robbed before setting off the alarm. Rollin (as an auditor) lets a guard see Barney before knocking him out, then knocking himself out. Pereda realizes that with this new robbery, he won't be able to frame De Caro. Cinnamon and Jim (as representatives trying to cut a deal with Pereda to buy land once he is in power) suggest he temporarily replace the stolen money with Treasury cash before De Caro confirms the theft. Pereda sneaks into the vault using an audio tape of De Varo's perfectly pitched code, he puts in the money

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13 de abril de 1969

Skarbeck and Lom are rivals for the vacant post of Chief of Secret Police in the East European Peoples Republic. As they are both hardliners, the IMF must eliminate both of them and make sure Paul Trock becomes the new chief. Skarbeck killed his lover Carlotta years ago but never found the man she was sleeping with. Skarbeck framed her costar and killed him in a car crash before having a breakdown. The IMF plan to trigger another breakdown. Cinnamon recreates Carlotta's act and admits to Skarbeck that Lom is paying her to him. Meanwhile, Jim sets up Lom with a letter proving Skarbeck killed Carlotta. Lom plans to nail Skarbeck for Cinnamon's murder. The IMF slip Skarbeck a drug to hypnotize him into thinking of Cinnamon as he did Carlotta. The IMF then trick Skarbeck into thinking Rollin, Cinnamons cabaret comic/partner, is having an affair with her, and that he is actually the murdered Fritz Mueller. Rollin tells Skarbeck that Cinnamon is having an affair with Lom. Skarbeck tries to k

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El interrogador

Final de temporada
20 de abril de 1969

Agent Norvan Kruger knows about his country's plans to launch some kind of attack which will devastate the world. he's been captured by a second country unfriendly to the U.S. Kruger's interrogator, Spindler, hasn't broken the agent but even if he does the U.S. needs the plans. The IMF capture Spindler and Kruger during transport and lock Spindler up. To convince them he's who he is he tells them of Kruger's knowledge of the plan to launch nuclear missiles from submarines against the U.S. The IMF use drugs to scramble Kruger's memories and convince him he is an interrogator assigned to break a prisoner (Rollin). He's told he must get the information from Rollin or his superior Kutzof will have him shot. Rollin claims to have the same submarine-location knowledge Kruger does. Kruger grows steadily more confused, particularly when he can't hear what Rollin is saying. Jim as a psychiatirst tells Kruger he's blocking out the words. When ""Kutzof"" shows up, under pressure Kruger blurts out h

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El código

28 de septiembre de 1969

In order to stop an invasion and shatter an alliance between two countries, the IMF team must photograph and break a code in a matter of minutes.

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El juego de los números

5 de octubre de 1969

The team tries to get a deposed dictator to divulge his Swiss bank account number by tricking him into believing World War III is about to begin.

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Los controladores (1)

12 de octubre de 1969

Jim and a female agent pose as scientists who have invented a new drug in order to replace a real drug that turns people into willing slaves.

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Los controladores (2)

19 de octubre de 1969

As Barney taints the water system with a mind-numbing drug, Jim is captured and put on trial, where he must discredit an enemy scientist.

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El oro de los tontos

26 de octubre de 1969

Paris poses as a counterfeiter in order to gain access to a safe and destroy millions in phony money, as well as the plates used to make it.

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2 de noviembre de 1969

An imprisoned priest is about to be executed, so Jim and Willie pose as U.S. religious workers who are willing to trade guns in exchange for his safety.

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El submarino

16 de noviembre de 1969

Upon his release, a prisoner plans to fund neo-Nazis with stolen money. So a submarine voyage is simulated in order to transport him to his contact.

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El chantaje

23 de noviembre de 1969

As Barney Collier attempts to break into a safe that contains an incriminating file, Paris convinces a mob figure that he can read the mind of his double-crossing boss.

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30 de noviembre de 1969

A country is unaware that its premier is dead and that a double is about to appoint a successor. So Barney Collier concocts a mechanical man to take his place.

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El doble círculo

7 de diciembre de 1969

An art lover is made to believe he can own a priceless work of art, but it is really a plot to retrieve a valuable formula from his impenetrable safe.

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Los hermanos

14 de diciembre de 1969

A Middle Eastern king needs to be restored to the throne. So a medical operation is replicated where he will seemingly donate his kidney to his murderous brother.

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Bomba de tiempo

21 de diciembre de 1969

The IMF team has to try and gain access to a nuclear reactor complex, where a terminally ill officer plans to detonate an atomic bomb.

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El amnésico

28 de diciembre de 1969

Jim Phelps poses as an amnesia victim in order to retrieve a stolen isotope, one that could make nuclear weapons affordable to any country.

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El halcón (1)

4 de enero de 1970

Paris masquerades as Zastro, a magician who has come to entertain during an arranged wedding between the king's sister and a ruthless usurper.

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El halcón (2)

11 de enero de 1970

With the king's sister rescued during the wedding, the team now turns its attention to the true heir, who's locked up in prison.

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El halcón (3)

18 de enero de 1970

Just as Jim Phelps and the others unwittingly become caught up in a royal power struggle, a bomb goes off, seriously injuring Paris and revealing his disguise.

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25 de enero de 1970

Two halves of a microfilm add up to one dangerous list for the agents it will incriminate. But Barney plans to use a trained dog to retrieve it.

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1 de febrero de 1970

A 12-year-old king whose life is in danger is rescued by gypsies - Paris and Willie in disguise - and forced to dress up like a girl to fool his assassins.

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8 de febrero de 1970

A murderous dictator's belief in ghosts is used against him when Barney fashions a clever system that projects spirits of his dead victims before his eyes.

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15 de febrero de 1970

Jim and his team must infiltrate a prison in order to block the release of a ruthless Middle Eastern terrorist about to be pardoned.

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El vínculo de los amantes

22 de febrero de 1970

While in London to break a spy ring, Paris develops feelings for the beautiful Lady Weston after he is cast as a jealous lover in a romantic triangle.

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Por Zeus

1 de marzo de 1970

An unknown assassin must be stopped, so Barney infiltrates the foreign agency that employs him while Jim poses as a drug addict with information to sell.

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La grúa

8 de marzo de 1970

Jim and his team rescue a prisoner and place him in a spot his captors will never think to look - a conspicuous location right under their noses.

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Escuadrón de la muerte

15 de marzo de 1970

Barney kills a man in self-defense and is marked for execution by the victim's brother, a chief of police who heads a death squad.

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La elección

22 de marzo de 1970

A duchess is under the powerful spell of a mystic, who notices his uncanny resemblance to Paris and plans to use him in a plot to ascend to the throne.

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El mártir

Final de temporada
29 de marzo de 1970

As a duplicitous dictator courts the young people of his country, Paris poses as the son of his predecessor, a martyred youth leader.

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El Criminal

19 de septiembre de 1970

Hired killer Eddie Lorca does everything randomly, making him impossible to anticipate. The IMF must find out who his boss, Scorpio, is and all they know is Lorca is arriving in town for an assignment - they don't know who he's going up against. The team creates a ""blank"" hotel and Paris as a cabdriver intercepts Lorca at the airport. Paris and Willy have to stall when it takes more time to set up the hotel then it takes according to the phone book to get to ""their"" hotel. They then put the room number Lorca randomly chooses on the bugged room they have set up. They intercept Lorca's call to his contact, and Paris-as-Lorca meets her instead to find out the target. Dana then delivers the contract to Lorca using the information Paris obtained. The target is a black union leader, and Barney must take the man's place. Lorca eludes surveillance and almost kills Barney with a planted explosive, but Jim figures things out just in time. The team then fake Dana's death, and she gives a dying-b

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La Otra Cara de la Moneda

26 de septiembre de 1970

The IMF must break up a drug-smuggling ring - Bracken gets his drugs from Mexico compliments of Diego Maximillian, who gets his drugs legally from C.W. Cameron. The IMF must connect Cameron to Bracken. Jim plays a Syndicate man who orders the pills from Bracken, and Barney tracks the shipment and switches out the drugs. The team has Maximillian picked up in Mexico so that Bracken has to go directly to Cameron to buy the drugs - the IMF get everything on camera and turn them both over to the authorities.

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El Inocente

3 de octubre de 1970

In the Middle East Willy and Barney infiltrate a chemical plant to gain access to Dehominant-B, a quick-acting lethal gas. Barney is exposed to Dehominant-A while trying to get to the computer and crippled - Willy escapes and Barney is captured. Barney is interrogated and only has four hours to live. The team find out that Dr. Jerry Carlin, a dropout, is the only other person with the skills to access the computer. When Carlin rejects the team's appeal for help, Jim and Paris frame Carlin's girlfriend and threaten to keep her in jail unless he helps them. Dana provides a distract and Paris takes the head scientist Vazan's place and have Barney first fake a confession implicating the technicians and then his own death - they get Barney to the autopsy room where Doug revives him in the nick of time. Jim and Carlin take the incriminated technicians' place and Carlin manages to ruin the Dehominant and erase the computer, then everyone escapes with Vazan.

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Regreso a Casa

10 de octubre de 1970

When Jim returns to his hometown of Norville to donate family property to the community, he finds it plagued by a serial killer. Jim secretly brings in Barney to help investigate. A disturbed Vietnam vet is the suspected killer but Jim and Barney figure out he's innocent and get him out of jail one step ahead of a mob, then call in the rest of the IMF team to find the real killer.

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El Vuelo

17 de octubre de 1970

Presidente Rojas plans to give a speech to the U.S. Congress while his Chief of Internal Security Ferrar plans a takeover and sends an assassin known only as Plato (and known only to Ferrar) to kill the Presidente before he gives his speech. The IMF must find out who Plato is and thwart the assassination. Ferrar follows Rojas to the U.S. where the IMF fake a plane crash - when Ferrar wakes up he is on an uncharted island colony inhabited by the prisoners from a missing penal ship. Paris pretends to be a double-agent working for Ferrar that the Chief knows of but never met. Paris reveals his plan to escape and convinces Ferrar that Plato plans a double-cross. When the other ""prisoners"" come after them, Ferrar is forced to hold them off so Paris can go off to thwart Plato, whose identity Ferrar reveals. Paris gets the information to the team in Washington just in time to stop the assassination.

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Mi Amigo, Mi Enemigo

25 de octubre de 1970

A Communist agent, Karl Maur, spots Paris on vacation, knocks him out and turns him over to Dr. Tabor, who is a brain specialist and mind control expert. Unable to break Paris, Tabor blanks out Paris' memories and uses an implanted electrode to program him to attack Jim by convincing the disguise expert Jim represents an authority figure, similar to the ones he has lost two women to in the past. Doug and Jim find nothing wrong with him, but Barney finds fingerprints pointing to Maur and Jim delays reporting to the Secretary and tries to find out what's going on with Paris. Paris is befriended by a Communist agent working with Tabor - Tabor murders her and makes it set up as if Jim did it. Paris attacks Jim but snaps out of it when Jim's life is threatened and turns against Tabor.

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La Mariposa

31 de octubre de 1970

Toshio Masaki, a powerful anti-American industrialist, kills his sister and frames her husband, an American businessman named Harry Kellem, so as to discredit America and discredit the Economic Council. Paris and Willy enter as a Kabuki artist and a fighter (along with Jim) while Barney and Dana sneak into the grounds and restage the murder as they believe it occurred but with no way of knowing how it ended well enough to convince Musaki. To create a distraction, Willy must engage in a fight with Osaki, Moshio's supposedly-unbeatable champion. Once the film is made Dana tries to blackmail Masaki and then Kellem's daughter Nobu. Paris tips the police to Dana's negotiations with Musaki and they show up as Musaki screens the film as Dana escapes (with Willy's help). Musaki panics and rips the film from the projector before it ends at the spot where the team couldn't recreate him performing the murder, thus confessing his guilt.

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7 de noviembre de 1970

Anna Kerkoska plans to defect with a list of American agents given to her by her father, the late Premier. Her brother Alexi also plans to defect, but it's actually a plan to grab the list, turn it over to Police Chief Petrovitch, and sell out his sister. Jim and Dana pretend to be a publisher brother-and-sister team and Paris kidnaps Dana to fake-force Jim to kidnap Anna for the Americans. Petrovitch and Alexi let the plan go ahead, while Jim becomes romantically involved with Anna. The bad guys overhear Jim ""confess"" how he is going to smuggle Anna out of the country, unaware its a ploy to draw them away from the real means of escape via a mini-race car in the back of the hearse - Jim and Anna use it to bypass the mined security gate and exit the country.

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El Amateur

14 de noviembre de 1970

The team must steal a rocket laser and smuggle out Father Bernard and his list of Western operatives. Bernard puts the IMF in contact with Wittstock, who gets them the laser. Wittstock is killed after delivering the weapon and Police Colonel Eckert seals up the country to capture the IMF. Bernard dies of a stroke but gets the list, but nightclub owner Eric Schilling saw Dana with Wittstock and tries to take advantage of the situation to profit. When Barney splits the laser into five parts for the team to smuggle out of the country, Schilling gets hold of Dana's part and the team has to get the part from Schilling while escaping through the heavily-guarded airport. Paris in disguise buys the part from Schilling, leaving him to be captured by Eckert while Paris drops the disguise to escape, leaving the part to be recovered by the rest of the team. Then the IMF secretly blend in with an arriving broadcast crew from England just as the crew are told their visas have been revoked - the IMF

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21 de noviembre de 1970

A mission to rescue a South African dissident goes awry when Doug and his white assistant get the man out of the hospital, but the assistant is shot in the leg. Separated from the rest of the IMF team, the assistant staggers into a shop where a deaf girl discovers the man is Barney in a mask. The rest of the team gets the dissident out of the country and then goes back for Barney. To draw off the police, Paris pretends to be a limping white man, but is injured for real by two men trying to capture him. Meanwhile, the wounded Barney discovers the girl, Maryana, was rendered psychosomatically deaf when her father, one of the dissident's co-workers, was shot by the government. Pretending to be policeman, Doug and Jim manage to track down Barney, and with the girl make a run for a helicopter to escape over the border. Before they can do so, they need to rendezvous with the wounded Paris and rescue him too.

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El Rebelde

28 de noviembre de 1970

The IMF must rescue three scientists in a dictatorial country and destroy their notes. They rescue two but the third one, Khora refuses to leave and is executed. Jim and Dana meet with his son Alex (a rebel leader) to get his notes and Dana is captured by the militia along with Alex's girlfriend, who has memorized the doctor's notes. Barney and Doiug parachute in with a giant hollow religious statue that Jim uses to get close enough to dig into the prison while Paris, pretending to be an Intelligence officer, plays the militia leader, Bakram, against the people. When Bakram discovers that the prisoners have escaped he destroys the statue, further enraging the country's people against him while the team make his escape.

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El Juego de Oprimir

12 de diciembre de 1970

Albert Zembra, head of the Mediterranean branch of the Syndicate, is dying of cancer and plans on passing his list of opium farms to his chosen successor. He plans on turning power over to Carlos Empori, engaged to his granddaughter. Paris poses as a mobster and old friend of Eve's and ""renews"" his friendship with her, while Phelps, as Zembra's rival, warns Carlos that Paris plans to take over. Barney stages a fake assassination on Zembra, thwarting Carlos' security and making him look incompetent, then Paris and Paris-as-Zembra stage a conversation to make Carlos believe Zembra will give power to Paris. Carlos helps Jim kidnap Eve, but the plan goes awry when Eve reveals she knows Paris is a fake. Paris puts his life on the line by counting on her silence to complete the plot. Eve stays silent, Carlos is set up as a traitor to Zembra, and the dying mobster turns the information over to Paris.

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El Rehén

19 de diciembre de 1970

After completing a mission Paris is undercover as an American businessman and still in disguise when he is kidnapped by Latin American revolutionaries led by terrorist Robert Siomney - they ask for the release of three prisoners in return for Paris' life. Paris fakes a disease forcing the government to drop medication, which the IMF has planted a tracking device in. Once they know where the revolutionaries' compound is, Jim fakes the exceution of two of the prisoners, putting pressure on the revolutionary leader Jorge Cabal since his son Luis is the third prisoner. Dana poses as Luis' girlfriend to get close to Jorge so Siomney orders her covert death to keep Jorge on track - Barney takes the killer's place and rescues Dana. Then Jim fakes Luis' death as well - Barney fake-kills Paris and then they reveal that Luis got a last-minute reprieve. With nothing else to bargain with, Jorge turns over Siomney, Barney in disguise, and the ""dead"" Paris in return for the government commuting his

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La Toma

2 de enero de 1971

Phelps must stop Charles Peck from using violence, created by professional provocateur Billy Walsh, to elevate his puppet, Mayor Steven Tallman to the governorship. Dana is a provocateur herself, arrested by Barney the current governor's representative. Walsh gets Dana out, and Paris is a blackmailer who convinces Tallman that Dana is his previously-unknown illegitimate daughter. Peck is concerned that Tallman (actually Paris in disguise) will confess their plans to save his ""daughter"", and orders Walsh to kill Barney and Dana. Barney stops Walsh on TV before he can blow up a crowd of demonstrators and police during a protest, and Paris-as-Tallman confesses to Peck's involvement.

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La Pata del Gato

9 de enero de 1971

Larry Collier, newspaper editor and Barney's brother, is killed while trying to establish a link between corrupt police chief Abbott and Corley, the head of a ghetto mob who masks his illegal activities with an insurance front company. Barney, set up with a past as a crooked accountant, gets close to Corley by rescuing is secretary Millie - Corley hires him on when he finds out about his ""past."" Barney plants money to make it look like Corley's assistant Goslin is working against him, while the IMF use a phony seance to convince Goslin to quit with some incriminating evidence. Jim arrests Goslin with the evidence, a codebook, and uses it to force Abbott to back him as a mob boss then bribes Corley's guard to try and kill the mob leader. Barney rescues him and Corley runs into Jim, who threatens to take him to Abbott - knowing Abbott will have him killed, Corley turns state's evidence.

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El Misil

16 de enero de 1971

James Read, an enemy agent, is posing as an analyst to get to a top-secret U.S. missile guidance system being tested and steal the plans - the IMF must have him take back fake plans and unwittingly pass on the incorrect information to his superiors. Dana takes the place of Read's contact and he and fake boss Jim fake a romantic relationship so Read can get blackmail photos and use them to turn over the system. Read tells Dana of his plan to kill Jim, but before she can warn Jim, Dana is kidnapped by Hecker, a psychopath who believes Dana is a former girlfriend he killed. After Willy saves Barney from a firetrap meant for Jim, Paris and Barney manage to rescue Dana and alert Jim just in time to avoid a rigged car, convincing Read he's in the clear with the guidance system.

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El Campo

23 de enero de 1971

An enemy power has launched a satellite containing a thermonuclear bomb and the IMF must destroy it. The control center on an island in the Adriatic Sea is surrounded by an impenetrable minefield designed by an American defector, Norris. Barney secretly sets off some of the mines - without an explanation, the facility security call in Norris, whom they haven't seen. Paris takes Norris' place and using plans that Jim stole earlier, shuts down part of the field, and Barney gets in to program the system to drop the satellite out of orbit. Unfortunately, on the mainland the real Norris kills his girlfriend, a government spy, and Paris-as-Norris is arrested for the murder! This also leaves Barney trapped in the middle of the minefield. Jim and Doug manage to extract a confession and the location of the murder weapon from Norris before Inspector Koder (who knows the real Norris) can spot Paris. Dana comes in and manages to covertly slip Paris the information they've set up to make it look li

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La Explosión

30 de enero de 1971

Gregory Tolan leads an underground cell specializing in bank robberies with the money going to finance an American revolution. His mysterious sponsor is Jonathan Brace, who runs other such cells throughout the U.S. The IMF must find out Brace's identity and apprehend him. Phelps (as a demo expert) and Dana (as his insider at Tolan's next target) get recruited and has to make sure Tolan steals the money without the police knowing so he can lead them to Brace. When Jim stops Tolan from shooting Willy (disguised as a clerk), the police are alerted and Tolan's team takes refuge. Jim goes to get a (bugged) car since Brace won't come to them, Paris and IMF guest agent Grace play the homeowners, and Dana and Tolan exit with the money when Brace orders them to. Jim stops the hostages from getting killed and they follow Tolan to Brace and bring them both in.

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El Cataflaque

6 de febrero de 1971

In San Pascal Premier Miguel Fuego and his nephew Ramone have signed a secret arms treaty with a Communist power to permit nuclear weapons aimed at the U.S. into their country. The IMF must expose the treaty before the missiles are installed. The team has Paris claim that Ramone's late father was killed by Miguel and that Paris' father at the closed Madrena Prison can verify this. The IMF secretly reopen Madrena prison and have Ramone arrested for fake-killing Doug, and Paris plays his previous character's father, who claims a diary will prove his claim. Ramone escapes and rejoins the younger Paris' character, who makes him believe the diary is on his father Victorio's body, lying in state. Barney and Doug have secreted replaced the body with a wax dummy behind the backs of the guards and planted a diary ""proving"" Miguel had Victorio lobotomized. Upon recovering it, Ramone goes to an asylum where a braindead ""Victorio"" is being kept. Enraged, Ramone takes Paris to the safe containing t

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20 de febrero de 1971

John Darcy, codename 'Kitara', leads a liberation movement in the African country of Bocamo and has been inadvertently captured by the ruthless Colonel Kohler. Kohler plans to torture Kitara, who if he confesses his true identity will result in the destruction of the entire movement. Kohler is after a truckful of government gold bullion Kitara stole. Jim and Doug play agents while Barney is captured and gets the location of the bullion from Kitara and gets it to Jim. Doug warns Kohler about ""lamposa hycondra"", a disease that causes blacks to turn white. After Kohler takes a IMF-rigged shower he wakes up the next morning to find himself black! Dana as a reporter introduces Kohler to shopkeeper Paris, who has ""proof"" that Kohler's grandfather was black. Kohler goes on the run and Paris hides him out at the gold's location. The authorities find Kohler there and believe he is Kitara and have him arrested, then hand the gold over to Jim to deliver it to headquarters.

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Una Historia de Fantasmas

27 de febrero de 1971

Howard Bainbridge, a chemical warfare expert who defected to East, was contaminated by his own experiments and then returned back to the U.S. and his family manor, where his father (a paranoid arch-conservative) had him killed and the body buried. Since Howard destroyed the records before defecting, the IMF must recover the body to get a sample of the chemicals. The elder Bainbridge, Justin, is unaware that his head of security is an enemy agent also trying to find Howard' sbody. The IMF gain access to a air-raid shelter on the grounds and start ""haunting"" Justin with a secretly-implanted microphone and holographic projectors. Plagued by visions only he can see of his son and his dead wife Janette (played by Dana), Justin calls in physician Paris, who recommends he assauge his guilt conscience and Justin ends up digging up his son's body, which the IMF take.

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La Fiesta

6 de marzo de 1971

Alexander Vanin, arrested and convicted for espionage, hid a list of agents operating in the U.S. His control, Mishenko of the EEPR, has been ordered to get the list but Vanin refuses to give in because then Mishenko would cut him loose. The IMF must get the list. Vanin hypnotized himself to forget the list's location and only his wife Olga can give the trigger command to let him remember. Jim gets Olga to the U.S. while Barney and the others clear out the EEPR Consulate with a bomb ruse and then take it over and stage a party where the reunited couple meet (while Mishenko waits across the street for Barney to defuse the bomb). The IMF fake partygoers sneak out and Mishenko shows up to find Vanin there. To prove his loyalty and that he didn't talk, Vanin has his wife give the trigger, unaware that the IMF are listening in and get to the bus where Vanin hid the list before Mishenko can.

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El Mercader

Final de temporada
17 de marzo de 1971

Armand Anderssarian is an illegal arms dealer who is about to complete a multi-million dollar deal selling arms to guerrilla groups around the world - the IMF must stop him. Jim pretends to be setting up a theft of a secret radar system and Anderssarian ""sponsors"" Jim with $5 million through Minister Sartori then plans to sell the system for $20 million. Meanwhile Anderssarian loses his $5 million to Paris (with Barney providing an assist) in a poker game. The IMF team perform a fake raid (under the scrutiny of Anderssarian's aide Leon) on a IMF-staged radar station but the stuff is useless and Sartori wants to be reimbursed. When Anderssarian can't do so Sartori takes care of him for good.

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18 de septiembre de 19711h

An undercover agent, Hays, assigned to gather evidence against Syndicate head John Lawton, is blinded in an explosion. Lawton's lieutenant Deetrich and his business advisor Matula are rivals - Matula is actually an IMF undercover plant - so the IMF must keep him from being exposed and make sure he takes Lawton's place. Lawton believes Hays is working with someone in his organization. Jim, surgically blinded, takes Hays' place. Lawton has his henchman Brown watch Jim and then offer him money to reveal the leak. Deetrich pays Jim to fingeer Matula but in the final showdown Matula plays Lawton an IMF-supplied tape of Deetrich and Jim planning to implicate him. Deetrich and Brown are killed in the subsequent shootout and Lawton and Matula leave, telling Barney (infiltrated in as a mobster) to take care of Jim.

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25 de septiembre de 1971

Kroll and Stevens run the Northeast Syndicate and the IMF must bring them down. In '37 the two of them killed a rival mobster, hid the body, and killed the witnesses, so the IMF needs to get Kroll to lead them to the remains. They grab Kroll, drug him up, and cosmetically alter him to look like he was in '37. Then they dump him on a Hollywood set and convince him through incredibly elaborate means he is in 1937 on the day of the murder and the rest of his life is a dream. Overwhelmed by the sheer amount of detail, Kroll and ""Stevens"" reenact the murder at a cafe, which gives them the location so that Barney and Willy can find the real body in the real cafe's basement. The IMF fade away, leaving a reaging Kroll to confront his partner as he flees the 1937 New York set and wanders into an adjacent Old West street.

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El Tranvía

2 de octubre de 1971

Two underworld leaders, Hatcher and Thorne, have called a conference of Syndicate leaders to form a massive holding/laundering company. The IMF must obtain their joint Swiss bank account number. Jim gets in as a mobster and sabotages the tram that is the only way to the meeting. Willy slips in as a repairman and Casey lures down Thorne, whom they capture and then offer to return to Hatcher in exchange for the exact amount the mob leaders invested. He gets scammed into losing the money and Barney replaces the money in the safe with counterfeits. The IMF makes it look to Thorne like Hatcher kidnapped him then let him escape. When it is revealed the money is counterfeit Jim ""rescues"" him from being killed by the mobsters, then give Hatcher (with a weak heart) a fake heart attack as they escape down the tram. Hatcher gives Jim the bank account number and the team slips out of the tram with the $4 million while the weakened Hatcher remains behind - when he gets to the bottom he and Thorne k

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Mentalidad Propensa

9 de octubre de 197149m

Alex Pierson, a rising Syndicate member, has recruited Dr. Burke, a psychopathic behavioral psychologist who has developed a way to program men into killers. Pierson lures in underworld criminals with an offer of plastic surgery and turns them over to Burke, who programs them to kill Pierson's targets three times then kill themselves. Barney infiltrates as a crook on the run but when he fails to dose himself with a counter-drug, he is converted into a psychotic killer as well. They lose contact with Barney - Jim plants evidence on Burke making him look like he's turning against Pierson and another IMF agent made up to look like Barney goes after but fails to kill Pierson before fake-killing himself. Pierson confronts Burke while Jim gets the info on Barney's location out of Burke's assistant, and Willy stops the tech expert from killing his target in the nick of time.

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16 de octubre de 1971

Syndicate boss Delaney controls the waterfront and eliminates any potential witnesses - the IMF have 72 hours to bring him to justice before the grand jury closes. Barney infiltrates Delaney's waterfront organization and sabotages it, while Jim is a captain of a Norse ship, The Orion, on which Delaney once killed a man. Casey poses as the dead man's daughter and tries to implicate Delaney. The team capture Saunders, Delaney's killer, and Barney then claims to be employed by Delaney's Syndicate liaison Morgan and forces Saunders to set up a meeting on-board the Orion. Saunders ""escapes"" and warns Delaney, and they kill Morgan. The Syndicate head Mr. C is also present, lured to the ship, and witnesses the killing. He leaves one of his men to kill Delaney but the police arrive and Delaney testifies in return for protection.

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El Milagro

23 de octubre de 1971

Only two Syndicate men know where $8 mil in heroin will be arriving - narcotics dealer Alvin Taylor an dhis executioner, Frank Kearney. When Jim approaches Kearney to make a deal and he refuses, Willie ""shoots"" Kearney - Barney as a surgeon then operates providing a heart transplant and covertly uses drugs and hypnotism to make Kearney mild-mannered. Kearney can't bring himself to shoot Jim and hears on the radio about people taking on the traits of persons they received organs from - with the aid of new girlfriend, the church-hating Kearney finds out the man who donated a heart was a priest! Realizing he can't do his job and the Syndicate will wipe him out, Kearney leads Casey and the rest of the team to the beach where the heroin drop occurs, and the police arrive just before Taynor can kill Kearney.

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30 de octubre de 1971

Syndicate boss Frank Brady and his underling Martin Stoner are terrorizing Southwestern businessman, forcing them to partner with the Syndicate. The weakspot is Stoner's wife Lois, who has become an alcoholic under the pressures of her husband's work. The IMF capture her and dry her out while Casey takes her place. She goes on a retreat and Brady sends a killer, Dekker, to keep an eye on her and kill her if she talks. Willy infiltrates Brady's organization and finds out some information which he leaks to Casey, who reveals it in an encounter group session and Dekker seriously wounds her. Casey continues with the mission while Brady suspects that Stoner leaked the info to his wife. Willy sets up Brady's goons to be arrested and claims they were set up - Brady sends him to kill both Stoners. Willy fails and Stoner heads for the bank with ""Lois"" to get his Brady's records. Unfortunately the real Lois escapes and tips off Brady. Brady and Dekker go to the bank, and Dekker kills Martin Ston

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6 de noviembre de 1971

Berlinger, a millionaire manufacturer and stolen gem dealer, will be transferring diamond to a Syndicate boss for $75 million. Only one man knows where the diamonds are - Hoffman, Berlinger's former lieutenant, who stole them. Berlinger is torturing Hoffman for their location. The IMF must get the gems and the money. Barney springs Hoffman and they become partners so Hoffman dives for the gems (hidden on the body of a courier sunk at sea). Casey brings Berlinger to Jim, posing as a diver, who offers to get the diamonds. Willy follows Hoffman to the gems and the team knocks him out and takes him into custody - then Jim leads Berlinger to the same spot and offers to make a deal in return for his $5 million payment. Under pressure from the Syndicate, Berlinger agrees and in the subsequent meeting the police capture everyone.

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13 de noviembre de 1971

An earthquake damages the U.S.'s Distant Early Warning (DEW) system and a Defense Department advisor, Whitmore Channing, steals plans from the Air Force identifying the weak spots. Channing has hid the information for pick-up by an enemy agent the next day, and the IMF must get the name and flight # of the agent from Channing. The IMF evacuate Channing's city block and drug him unconscious after a fake electrical shock, then wake him up after adjusting the clocks to a day later. He believes the information has already been picked up, an idea ""proven"" by a faked IMF invasion of the European People's Republic. But then the EPR invaders arrest Channing and put him on trial. Channing reveals the location of the drop to prove his ""innocence"", and then the IMF let him covertly know the whole thing is a fake. Channing calls his contact and mentions his name - the IMF get it via a tapped line and arrest the man before he can recover Channing's info.

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20 de noviembre de 1971

Stu Gorman is a music-industry figurehead for the Syndicate. He and his financial expert, Belker, are taking control of the music industry and the IMF have to stop him. The IMF know that Gorman killed a witness, Judy, to keep her from testifying, so Barney auditions for Gorman using a song called ""Judy's Gone Now"" and claiming Judy had taped Gorman when he killed her, and he has the tape. Barney gets Gorman to pay blackmail while Willy fake-rigs Belker's car to explode and claims he's working for Gorman when caught. Belker gets lead to Jim as a corrupt policeman with the recording, and he and Jim agree to blackmail Gorman instead. The IMF gives Belker a fake tape of the murder scene and when Belker confronts Gorman, Gorman knows its a fake and admits he killed Judy, then tries to kill Belker. But the police show up - the IMF have Gorman's confession on tape.

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Los Visitantes

27 de noviembre de 1971

Publisher Granger is controlled by the Syndicate, killing reporters and protecting Syndicate-owned politicians in his state. The IMF must make sure the voters know what Granger is up to before the next elections. Appealing to Granger's interest in UFOs and his obsession with immortality, chauffeur Barney hits him with a paralysis drug delivered by bee sting and Jim and Casey mysteriously appear in a light show, ""cure"" him with futuristic equipment, and appear. Thanks to IMF-rigged reports of UFOs, Granger believes they are aliens! After another rigged death of Casey that Jim ""cures,"" Granger begs for immortality. Jim agrees if he publicly renounces his way. Granger exposes the Syndicate candidates and then is shot by his former aide and Syndicate man.

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4 de diciembre de 1971

Wendell Hayes, the brother of an imprisoned Syndicate enforcer, has stolen a canister of nerve gas and threatens to use it if his brother Cayman isn't freed - the IMF must stop him and recover the gas. Worse, the canister has a defective casing that Wendell is unaware of, and will release the gas in 43 hours anyway. And...Cayman dies of a heart attack in jail, forcing the IMF to have guest-agent Bill Williams take his place. The IMF has Hayes' imprisoned girlfriend Saretta ""escape"" with prisoner-Casey handcuffed to her. Saretta takes Casey to a winery in a IMF car with a bug on it that Barney traces. Jim delivers ""Cayman"" but Hayes doesn't turn over the gas. They track Hayes to an observatory but he gets word via his partner Tully that his brother tied and he unmasks Williams-as-Cayman. Hayes and Tully shoot it out over an argument and with his dying breath Hayes tries to shoot open the canister...hid in the observatory roof, revealing its location to the IMF.

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Huye por Dinero

11 de diciembre de 1971

Syndicate members Trask and Mason control the Syndicate's illegal racing operations, while Trask ruthlessly dispatches the competition - the IMF must take them out. Trask is jealous of thoroughbred owner Mason so Jim offers him a mysterious but promising racehorse - Trask finds out the horse is a kidnapped fast-racer. The IMF arrange for him to get the horse and then place a number of bets on the horse in Trask's name. After keeping Mason from having the horse killed, Trask's horse wins and the IMF get the $4 million from the Syndicate funds, leaving Trask to hold the bag.

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La Conexión

18 de diciembre de 1971

Reese Dolan is the new Syndicate heroin distributor on the East Coast. Dolan uses an island base off the coast of northwest Africa and is going to use it as a distribution point for heroin into the U.S - the IMF must identify his overseas opium source and get the evidence to convict him. Dolan is being financed by an underworld figure, Madame Renada, whom he has never met, so Jim and Barney fly him and his men not to the island but to a lookalike off the coast of Georgia, where Casey assumes the role of Renada. Reese calls his distributor in Istanbul and the IMF has the delivery plane taken into custody. An IMF flyer makes the delivery which Dolan apparently converts to heroin and sends on its way, while Reese's supplier, Hajii, suspects a double-cross when his pilot doesn't return and calls Dolan's distributor, Cleff. Willy tries to sell heroin to Clegg and then is ""forced"" to tell that Dolan still has it, then lead Clegg to the fake island. Dolan finds out he still has the opium, and

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La Novia

1 de enero de 1972

Joe Corvin, a Syndicate money handler, ships millions through Swiss banks and the IMF must put him out of business. Corvin uses a courier that the IMF set up - Corvin has him killed and needs a new courier. Casey steps in as his mail-order bride addicted to drugs by airline employee-smuggler Jim. Corvin and Jim become partners but when the IMF fake-tightenes up security, they need a new way. Casey fakes her death and Corvin ships the cash in her coffin. Barney steals the money and the coffin is dropped on the runway, revealing a fake corpse. Corvin is confronted by the Syndicate, and an alive Casey shows up with two tickets to Miami. The Syndicate let Casey go and dispose of Corvin, permanently.

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Almohada de Piedra

8 de enero de 1972

A private detective, Edison, has pictures incriminating Syndicate boss Vochek in a murder and is using them to blackmail the mobster. The IMF need to get the pictures to get Vochek convicted, but Edison has been convicted and is in prison for six months. Since Edison is unaware that his accomplice Leona is dead, Casey takes her role while Jim is Edison's cellmate and helps him to escape, then fake their deaths. Casey-as-Leona tells Edison she sent the evidence to the D.A. after she heard Edison was dead, and Jim convinces Edison she is keeping the pictures to pull off her own blackmail scheme. When Edison confronts her, Jim fake-shoots her but she calls a confederate to get the film - desperate, Edison reveals the location himself as he goes for it, and ends up arrested.

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15 de enero de 1972

Emil Gadsen has controlled the Syndicate's vice operation in the Northeast U.S. - now he plans to flee the country to avoid an indictment, leading his underling Thor Coffin in charge. Gadsen has a list of officials he pays off that he'll be taking with him - the IMF must get the list. Barney plays a psychic who visits believer Gadsen and warns of someone coming who is ""closer then a brother"" (although Gadsen has no brother), then drugs Gadsen to react in pain to someone showing him the Death tarot card. Then Gadsen and his son Tony meet ""Professor Gadaradz,"" who is Gadsen's lookalike (actually IMF guest-agent Scott). When Gadaradz has a heart attack, the IMF show Gadsen a Death card and he feels sympathetic pains. Barney convinces Gadsen that Coffin kidnapped and is now torturing Gadaradz - Gadsen breaks into Coffin's estate where Willy has snuck in and is fake-torturing Gadaradz. When Gadaradz ""dies,"" and Gadsen collapses in pain, he gives the list (hidden in his watch) to his son Ton

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22 de enero de 1972

Syndicate boss Chandler's alibi is provided by Lt. Governor Harrison, who is in Chandler's pocket. Chandler has the husband of the only witness, Nora Dawson, get her committed and proceeds to have her driven insane at a mental hospital he controls. The IMF must get her out and have her testify in 24 hours. Jim gets Casey committed and she is put in a room near Nora, then he manages to get to Nora's cell and she and Casey switch - Jim then takes Nora-as-Casey out. The team get Nora off the island - when Casey-as-Nora is called to testify, she babbles insanely but then removes her mask while the team bring the real Nora in to testify.

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Cartera de Mujer

29 de enero de 1972

The Syndicate is bribing a major politician, codenamed ""C6"", through their operatives Harry fife and his chief killer Jenkins. The IMF must find out who C6 is and get the evidence against him. Fearing a IMF man he had killed got too close, Jenkins recommends someone new, Jean Royce, to make deliveries. Barney takes Jenkins place while Casey becomes Royce. Fife gives Casey a bag of explosives to deliver to C6 to silence his payoff demands for good. Barney finds out but is exposed and wounded, but warns Jim and Willy...but an accident destroyed the tracer. Jim allows Jenkins to escape and return to his boss, then visits Fife himself as a Syndicate head and tells him that C6 must stay alive. Fife sends Jenkins to warn C6 and reveal Casey is a cop, and Jim traces the call and Willy saves Casey just in time.

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Muerte Doble

12 de febrero de 1972

Shanks and Blake are Syndicate men who run the loan shark racket in the Islands and are preparing to transfer $10 million to the mainland, leading to the Syndicate expanding their operations there. The IMF must stop the Syndicate's expansion. In Hawaii the IMF's in-and-out operation goes bad when Willy is captured and turned over to Dr. Matier, who injects him with a near-lethal truth serum. To get Willy out and finish the mission, Casey approaches Shanks and drugs him into helping the IMF steal the $10 million, while Jim approaches Blake and claims to be a Syndicate man from the mainland. The IMF make Shanks ""disappear,"" presumed dead, to convince Blake his partner sold him out. Then Casey wakes up Shanks and Jim and Blake confront him - Casey's fake ""confession"" seals the deal but then Syndicate man Barney fake-shoots Jim and Casey just as Syndicate man Bolt arrives. Confused, Bolt takes them all to Willy hoping his information will straighten things out. Willy manages to escape wit

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19 de febrero de 1972

Syndicate boss Orin Kerr runs the casinos and the IMF needs to get the evidence against him to put before the state legislature. Kerr's boss distrust him because of his extravagant lifestyle and Syndicate man Cameron plants a bug in Kerr's office, which the IMF taps into. The IMF then set Kerr up with fake conversations that make him look bad to his bosses - Cameron hears Casey and Kerr discussing a heist of the vault, and Jim shows up with a background indicating he pulled off a similar heist 12 years ago. Barney manages to steal the money out of the impregnable vault while Kerr thinks he can get the missing money from Jim's earlier bank heist by putting him into debt at the casino. Kerr follows Jim to the hidden money which is actually his own) and grabs it, and then Cameron shows up and demands to know why Kerr has carrying current currency. Dumbfounded, Barney intervenes and Kerr flees into the arms of the police, where he is forced to testify against the Syndicate in return for pr

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Final de temporada
26 de febrero de 1972

An $8 million army payroll has been stolen from a base in SE Asia by the Stafford family, Syndicate drug smugglers. The IMF must recover the money. Jim and Barney steal a Stafford truck and then offer to sell it back to the family if they pay ""protection."" Jim meets with brother Doug to convince him brother Art has ordered a hit on Doug - however, Art has put a hit on Jim and he is ambushed and gets amnesia. Meanwhile, lounge-singer Casey meets with Doug and sets it up so he thinks Art is trying to kill him. Doug makes a deal with Barney for protection from his brother in return for $2 million and leads the IMF to the money - they arrest everyone and convince Art to tell them about his plan to kill Jim. Meanwhile Art's killers are on Jim's trail and when Barney gets hold of him, he manages to recover his memory just in time to thwart them.

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16 de septiembre de 197249m

Syndicate man Dutch Krebbs controls a large gambling operation and an undercover IMF agent with a camera-watch disappeared, presumably with recorded evidence against Krebbs. The IMF must find the agent's body and the watch. Jim poses as a pool player (being helped by Barney) to attract Krebbs' attention - Krebbs plans to use Jim to rip off a rival racketeer's best shooter, but Jim's girlfriend Mimi (formerly Press' girlfriend, now working with the IMF for revenge) reveals he's cheating to Krebbs, who believes Jim can't lose. Meanwhile the IMF rob Press, Krebbs' lieutenant, twice and Press has to make up the loss - Barney promises he can get the money by betting against Jim but Jim wins - Krebbs is accused of cheating and believes Press sold him out and orders a hit. Willy, working in the mob, tells Press about the watch and Press goes after it to get the evidence to bring down Krebbs and the team recovers the watch and takes them into custody, and Mimi signs on with the IMF.

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Dos Mil

23 de septiembre de 1972

Joseph Collins, a nuclear physicist, steals plutonium and is going to sell it to a unidentified foreign interest through a man named Haig. The IMF must identify Haig and locate the plutonium, so they feed Collins fake news story about military action in the Middle East, then arrest him for murder and show him film of Los Angeles under attack before knocking him out. When he wakes up, for Collins its the year 2000, he's been unconscious for 28 years, and the state exterminates anyone at the age of 65...which Collins will be in two days. Desperate, he escapes from his cell and finds a secret meeting of military heads who are ready to surrender beacuse of their lack of nuclear material - Collins obligingly gives them the location of his cache.

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El Trato

30 de septiembre de 1972

The Syndicate plans to finance the head of the army's takeover of his country in return for the right to operate the country's vices. The IMF team must intercept the safe deposit key before it reaches the general. Willy replaces a crewman aboard the yacht, but can't find the key and is discovered. He is forced overboard, almost drowns, but escapes and helps warn the team. Jim, Barney and Mimi craft an elaborate plot to convince the bad guys' courier to reveal the location of the key.

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7 de octubre de 1972

Syndicate boss Mike Apollo was being infiltrator by a Federal agent, Parnell, who disappeared - the IMF assumes Apollo is torturing him for information. The IMF must learn where Parnell is. Since fellow Syndicate boss Joe Epic's wife Leona died under mysterious circumstances while Apollo was elsewhere with Parnell, Jim as an insurance investigator reopens the case and hints to Epic his wife was involved with an affair. The IMF plants evidence the affair was with a fellow Syndicate boss, Apollo himself. Jim leaks a fake story to Epic's secretary that Epic is planning to kill Apollo. When Epic accuses Apollo of killing his wife at a Syndicate meeting Jim tells a different story, that it could have been Leona's husband or lover. To clear himself Apollo produces the imprisoned Parnell, at which point the police move in and arrest everyone.

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14 de octubre de 1972

A government scientist, Paul Morse, plans to sell a biological weapon, TOD-5, to terrorist Alpha Group led by Dr. Flory. The IMF must get to Morse's contact, Gordon Holt, and get him to take them to Alpha HQ. When Holt gets to the small town where he is to get the weapon from Morse, he finds the town under quarantine and people dying - then he starts showing (IMF-faked) symptoms of the disease. He grabs Mimi, who is supposedly immune, and takes her with him to Alpha HQ and infects them to force them to come up with an antidote - the IMF trail him and arrest the whole operation.

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21 de octubre de 1972

Carl Reid, a Syndicate cocaine distributor, has as his chief supplier Fernando Laroca, and the two of them have created an undetectable series of pickup and payoff locations. They're planning a huge shipment in 72 hours and the IMF must stop them. The IMF set up Reid's lieutenant Conrad to take them to the cocaine, although even he doesn't know where it is. The IMF set up a fake new cocaine organization with Willy as a chemist with a machine that can manufacture cocaine. Conrad makes a deal with them to undercut his boss and sell the cocaine to three big buyers - the IMF steal the money and leave him with fake cocaine, so Conrad kills one of Reid's man to find the real shipment of cocaine - when he finds it the IMF move in and the police arrest everyone.

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28 de octubre de 1972

Gunther Schell, the brains behind many Syndicate operations, escaped with the aid of a gang specializing in smuggling criminals out of the country - the IMF must locate Schell and the millions in Syndicate money he hid. The gang apparently brainwashes their ""clients"" and steals their money. Jim goes in as a doctor wanted for murder with his cash hidden after Barney hypnotically programs him only to divulge the information they want. Jim is contacted by the gang, led by Clavering, but the IMF loses contact with him when he's moved in a lead-lined casket to the gang's location, where Schell (who hasn't broke yet) is also at. Jim manages to knock Schell into a coma by triggering his diabetes and claims only he can save him. Jim calls in Willy as an anesthelogist and then the two of them knock out the gang and get Schell out. Barney sell's Schell's location to his superior, Lutz, and they all go to the hidden cash, where the police take them into custody.

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La Película

4 de noviembre de 1972

Norman Shields is a Syndicate man controlling the entertainment industry with money supplied by Theodore Dane, and is sending his brother Benjamin with the money to finance a takeover - the IMF must get the records and bring Shields down. Jim takes Theo's place (he and Shields have never met) and backs a production of a movie based on a murder which Shields committed years ago. Willy replaces Shields' gun with blanks and during a late night confrontation he ""shoots"" Jim - the IMF get the whole thing on tape and redub it with Theo's voice. Benjamin insists on seeing the money-making film that Shields is so worried about - instead, Shields ends up showing him the IMF film where brother Theo is ""killed."" Dane takes the syndicate records from Shields, who in turns has them taken by Willy and Jim.

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11 de noviembre de 1972

The IMF needs to get proof that Syndicate chief Sam Dexter murdered his girlfriend Vicki - Dexter is currently in prison on tax evasion and his unknown partner, The General, continues to extort millions. Jim the prosecutor produces Mimi the eyewitness who can place Dexter at the crime scene - when Dexter sends his hood Murdock, the IMF replace him by guest-agent Jack and after a faked accident implicates The General. Dexter's paid-off D.A., Reynolds, incriminates himself and ends up arrested but Dexter still refuses to cooperate. In the prison Dexter forces fellow con Barney to help him escape so he can confront the General and then return. When Dexter plans to kill Barney and the General, the IMF step in just in time.

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18 de noviembre de 1972

The IMF has 16 hours to find a nuclear bomb placed by an extortionist, Dr. Cooper, in one of seven Pacific Coast cities and find Cooper's associates in charge of disarming the bomb. The IMF track Cooper to a cafe and fake a radio broadcast announcing his demands will be met - then Jim and Mimi break in as convicts and take Cooper and the others hostage. The IMF eventually ""let"" Cooper call his associate Rogers to disarm the bomb but Cooper's wife Adele kills Rogers when she fears the plan has gone awry. When Rogers' death is announced on the radio, a frustrated Cooper convinces Jim and Mimi to take him to the bomb (beneath City Hall) which he shuts off with seconds to spare - the IMF take him into custody.

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2 de diciembre de 1972

Crime boss Metzger determines that the IMF was responsible for the heist at the Aquarius Casino (from last season's episode ""Casino"") and kidnaps Jim when he and Barney are on vacation, forcing the IMF to work for him to recover evidence against him from a safe deposit box. The evidence, a letter, is being used as a bargaining chip by Metzger's former crony, Connally, to get Federal immunity for his testimony. Casey and Willy manage to steal both keys to the box and get the letter, except Metzger's subordinate Hawks steals the letter to blackmail his boss. Barney comes up with a fake letter and use it to get to Jim where the IMF takes everyone into custody.

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La Caída

9 de diciembre de 1972

Peter Cordel, a hitman and grandmaster chess player, has evaded capture - the IMF must bring him to justice and determine who in the Syndicate he works for. Using a hypnotic drug given by guest-agent Sandy, the IMF condition Cordel to blackout every time he is told ""When in doubt, take a pawn."" Then they set it up so it looks like he kills several people during his blackouts and have him awaken in a mental hospital where an IMF orderly stages an assault to make it look like Cordel's boss wants him dead, so Cordel tells Sandy to warn his boss to call off his hit men, and the IMF capture the man.

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El Títere

22 de diciembre de 197249m

Paul Ostro is the head of the Ostro family and a Syndicate member - after a hunting accident leaving him heavily bandaged he announces a new $100 million Syndicate plan and the IMF must find out what it is. It turns out brother Leo had Paul killed and has a substitute placed which he uses to convince four mobsters to contribute a million each into ""Paul's"" mystery scheme. Jim and Casey get Leo involved in an oil deal with a corrupt minister (IMF guest agent Khalid) while Barney as a cook gives ""Paul"" a fake heart attack - Leo has to play along and Willy gets the fake Paul out and they replace him with their own IMF agent Hank and steal the $4 million from the other gangsters. Leo's rival Gault finds the money and a ticket, and when Leo tries to get ""Paul"" to clear him, the IMF agent tells a different story. Leo has to reveal his plan to use the $4 million as the basis for a massive counterfeiting operation and take Gault and the others to his printing presses - the IMF move in and capt

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5 de enero de 1973

Hannah O'Connel rules over a Syndicate family, including her two sons who act as her lieutenants. Hannah masterminded the theft of a million dollars in gold bullion, and escaped to the Caribbean with her surviving son Thomas - Robert turned government witness but Hannah shot and killed him. The IMF must get her to return to the U.S. and recover the gold. The O'Connel's are set up in a house run by Casey and led to believe it's haunted by Robert - their gunsels turn up ""dead"" and Hannah contacts shopkeeper Barney to arrange a voodoo exorcism. Hannah blacks out thanks to the IMF and they send her son Thomas running after faking him killing Willy over Casey. When Hannah wakes up Barney tells her that Robert is alive and got her to tell him the location of the gold while she was unconscious. Hannah hires Jim as a pilot to take her to the gold and the IMF move in for the arrest.

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12 de enero de 1973

Syndicater John Vayle, a member of the Luchek Family, dies in a plane explosion - the IMF believes Vayle's wife Eve set him up to get hold of records, which would be invaluable as evidence against Luchek. Eve has the records and plans to blackmail Luchek - Jim pretends to be a killer sent after her who Eve plays to find out who wanted her dead. The IMF set it up to look like her husband John is still alive and using truth serum on her in her sleep to provide the location of the records. Barney, a crooked cop, claims that he was working with Johnny and killed him afterward, and Eve has to check the records to make sure they still exist - the IMF follow her and Luchek to them and arrest everyone.

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El Interrogante

19 de enero de 1973

Nicholas Varsi, an enemy assassin, has been captured but claims to be a defector who will reveal his mission to a government agency, the FIS...when he is guaranteed safe asylum. But the FIS may have been infiltrated by a deep-cover operative and Varsi may be selling fake information, so the IMF must verify if he really wants to defector. Jim and Willy break Varsi out and Jim claims to be an agent for Varsi's former government and demands to know why he is defecting. Varsi says nothing and shoots FIS agent Andrea (actually a guest IMF agent) with an empty gun. They let him and Andrea go - he'll turn Andrea back to the FIS if he's a true defector, but instead Varsi goes to a hotel to meet with his former superior, Colonel Kremmer, and the IMF must figure things out before Varsi and Andrea are both killed.

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La Fuente

26 de enero de 1973

Syndicate exec Tom Bachman has stolen the computerized records from his rival Matthew Drake in a power struggle. Bachman is hiding in a village in Mexico from the crippled Drake, waiting for a hired pilot to take him to safety. Barney takes the pilot's place and then fakes a crash where he and Bachman stumble across the ""Fellowship of the Golden Circle."" Bachman discovers they have a fountain of youth - when Drake's men catch up to him, he takes Casey along as proof of his claim and offers to return the records if Drake backs him in distributing the water. Casey ages and dies before their eyes, and Drake agrees so he can get a shot at the water's healing properties. Bachman leads Drake (and the IMF) to the hidden tapes and the crooks gets arrested.

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El Luchador

9 de febrero de 1973

Syndicate man Jay Braddock has corrupted promoter Paul Mitchell into working with him - they had middleweighter Loomis killed when he refused to throw a fight and the IMF must bring both men to justice. They do so by convincing Mitchell that his partner plans to kill him. Barney and Jim steal $37,800 from Braddock and then as a rival mob offer the partners the same amount to buy out their fighter Novick. Braddock decides to have Novick killed but the IMF intercept the call and send in Jim as the hit man. He ""kills"" Novick with a firebomb along with Susan Mitchell (actually Casey in disugise), the promoter's daughter. Mitchell tries to back out as the IMF pressure him, but Braddock messes things up by offering to kill Jim to reassure Mitchell. He manages to escape and they arrest both men.

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16 de febrero de 1973

Sam Hibbing, a major Syndicate drug dealer, stole three tons of amphetamines from a chemical plant and hit the stash in a secret location - the IMF must get it before he sells it. The IMF replaces Hibbert's drug-addicted daughter Margaret with Casey and her new friend Jim, who turns out to own a charter plane and served time for murder. Meanwhile Barney teams up with Hibbing's buyer Dayton to purchase the drugs but they must have them the next day - Jim sets it up so Hibbing's regular courier gave drugs to Margaret/Casey, leaving Hibbing with no other choice then to use Jim as the delivery man. Hibbing sees through Casey's disguise and she escapes, but Hibbing tries to stop Jim - Barney and Willy stop him and Margaret goes into rehab.

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El Péndulo

23 de febrero de 1973

Gunnar Malstrom leads the Pendulum, a secret terrorist group that is planning Operation Nightfall, targeted at the U.S. government - the IMF must stop it and bring Malstrom to justice. Casey dates Malstrom and brings him to World Resources Ltd., an IMF front company and supposed rival organization to Pendulum, and offer him a job if he leaves Pendulum. The IMF use a hidden polygraph to determine that Pendulum plans the assassination of a general - they fail to learn that the assassination has already taken place and Pendulum plans to have their general blow up the Chiefs of Staff in an explosion. Jim tries to warn the fake general, who asks him to sit in on the meeting. Thanks to a planted transmitter, the IMF discover Pendulum's true plan and Jim gets rid of the bomb just in time.

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El del Oeste

2 de marzo de 1973

Van Cleve and his partner, Royce, robbed a museum of pre-Colombian artifacts - Cleve apparently killed his partner and has the artwork hidden somewhere in the U.S. and the IMF must find it and bring him to justice. The IMF convince Cleve that he has the ability to see the future with some rigged incidents. Then they convince him that he'll die in an earthquake that will cause a dam nearby to burst - Cleve flees to the desert where he has the art hidden. The IMF follow him and manage to grab him and Royce, who faked his death and planned to kill Cleve and grab the artifacts.

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Final de temporada
30 de marzo de 1973

The Marnsburg Crown Jewels were brought to the U.S. and stolen from the UN Building - Jena Cole, a thief, is believed responsible but have no leads on the location of the jewels. The IMF must recover the jewels before the hostile Marnsburg government makes a case out of it. Jena is to turn the jewels over to the Syndicate, which financed the theft. Barney manage to get close to Jena and she finds he has plans to the Marnsburg Consulate. Meanwhile, the IMF return the ""real"" jewels, claiming the first ones were fake and confirming it throuigh her diamond fence (a IMF replacement). Jena and Barney team up to get into the consulate and steal the ""real"" jewels and turns them over to Jim the creditor, so Jena tries to fake him out for substituting her supposedly fake gems for the ""real"" ones, then sneak out. The Syndicate shows up and figures out which gems are which, and the police take everyone, including Jena, into custody.

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