Charlie Rose as Self

Episodes 147

The Bailout/General O/The Collider

September 28, 200844m

"The Bailout" interviews Henry Paulson about government action on the economy. "General O" interviews General Ray Odierno the replacement for General David Petraeus. "The Collider" looks at the Large Hadron Collider and what scientists seek to learn from it. "Andy Rooney" discusses the Vice Presidency.

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In tonight's first story, Steve Kroft with the details you might not have heard about the unraveling of the economy. What are 'credit default swaps' and how did they play a role in the downward spiral? The complex degradation of our economy is explained.

Scott Pelley re-visits the first weeks after 9/11 when the appropriate focus was on the instigator of the massive, tragic terrorist attacks, bin Laden. A former Delta Force Officer recounts the secret missions in the Tora Bora Mountains near Pakistan and never before seen video will shed new light on what really was (and is) going on.

Finally, Lesley Stahl with a story from Silicon Valley in California. While cars running on batteries isn't really news, one that can go from 0 to 60 in four seconds is the stuff fantasy is made of. The newest cars are being developed to run on Lithium-ion batteries, just like the one in your laptop. We're not that far away. All this and Andy Rooney's financial advice tonight on 60 Minutes.

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CBS News correspondent Armen Keteyian interviews Joaquin (Jack) Garcia, a fascinating undercover agent who infiltrated the Gambino crime family and was instrumental in bringing down the mob. A Cuban-American, Garcia was adept enough at pretending to be Italian that he was integrated into the deepest levels of the most dangerous mobster family.

Lesley Stahl explores the most advanced weaponry being developed and used in the war in Iraq. You won't believe how high tech it gets.

Finally, Morley Safer with the Antinoris, the family with what is believed to be the oldest family business in the world, Italian wine-making.

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Foreign born al Qaeda in Afghanistan gaining strength and sophistication. Lara Logan with Major General Jeffrey Schlosser and how this is happening.

In a second, very timely story, Lesley Stahl with what we might be seeing now that the government bail out has put government in the private sector.

Bob Simon with two brothers, Cayetano and Francisco Ordonez, probably the most recognized matadors in Spain. While taping this segment, a critical injury occurs when a 1,300 lb bull gets the best of a top matador.

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It sounds complicated and it actually is, but tonight, Steve Kroft makes it a lot easier to understand: Credit Default Swaps and their role in the unraveling of the economy.

Charlie Rose interviews T. Boone Pickens, the multi-billionaire oil man who claims to have a plan to make the U.S. far less dependent on foreign supplies. Could it really work?

Finally, Scott Pelley with Greg Carr, a U.S. citizen trying to make Gorongosa, a Mozambique, African location into one of the world's newest tourist destinations.

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Tonight, an atrocity exposed when Lesley Stahl investigates thousands of reservists and guardsmen returning home from duty to find their jobs gone. Some blatantly fired for "being gone too long" and others victims of downsizing while they were Iraq or Afghanistan.

A small Missouri town's newest Sheriff, Sgt Bill Jakob, was cleaning up the streets like no one else. Arresting drug dealers and other criminals, the mayor thought he was the best thing that happened to his town. Unfortunately, he wasn't really a cop at all.

Finally, Scott Pelley reports on how the future is now. Technology connected directly to the human brain, enabling communication with people otherwise trapped in a paralyzed body. What's next is even more remarkable.

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The Inner Circle, The Wasteland, Ted Turner

November 9, 200844m

Behind the scenes and a part of the "inner circle" with Steve Kroft on election night with Obama. You really haven't seen this anywhere else and it's both warm and fascinating.

Then we go to China, a land of secrets and lies. Scott Pelley follows the trashed technology we think is being recycled and safely disposed of as it ends up in China where it's anything but safe.

Finally, Morley Safer going toe to toe with mogul Ted Turner in one of the most candid interviews he's given.

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Obama's First Interview, Musical Savant

November 16, 200844m

Steve Kroft with President elect Obama's first post election interview. This is expected to be one of the most watched shows of the season as Barack Obama talks about his plans for the next four years. He also discusses his cabinet choices. Wife Michelle is also interviewed.

In the second story, Lesley Stahl re visits one of the most amazing musical savants known. Rex Lewis-Clack's life was changed when his parents found that their son, born blind and mentally impaired, was extraordinarily gifted. Now, at 13, see how far music and his gift has taken him.

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Easy Nukes, For Better or Worse

November 23, 200844m

Imagine the size of a 6-pack of soda able to cause a nuclear explosion. That's about all the HEU (highly enriched uranium) it would take and it's not so difficult to get.

Scott Pelley explores how easy it is to get a hold of the materials necessary to make a nuclear bomb. Matthew Bunn, security expert at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, concurs that access to HEU is not as difficult as it should be.

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The Cheaters, The Silver Star, Michael Phelps

November 30, 200844m

Online gambling is illegal in the U.S., but it's a nearly impossible law to enforce. In this story, a group of men turn a dishonest cyber-poker game around and cheat to the tune of $20 million. In the second story tonight, Lara Logan reports on the second woman to ever win the Silver Star (the first being in World War II). Monica Brown wasn't even supposed to be there when she ended up saving two wounded men in battle.

Also tonight, Michael Phelps talks with CNN's Anderson Cooper. This 23 year old Olympic record breaker, now a marketing millionaire and still remarkably personable.

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The Oil Kingdom, Schnabel

December 7, 200844m

Lesley Stahl visits Saudi Arabia and tours the oil producing facilities while interviewing Saudi officials. Though prices have plummeted in recent months, they're not worried. What's in store for us, and them.

In our second story, Morley Safer with Julian Schnabel, a powerhouse in art and film who made his initial mark in the 1980's and has never looked back.

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Lesley Stahl speaks with House Financial Services Committee Chairman Rep. Barney Frank (D.-Mass.)

Scott Pelley investigates the deepening mortgage crisis; Byron Pitts profiles USC football coach Pete Carroll; And Andy Rooney checks his mail.

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Scott Pelley with Arnold Schwarzenegger and the sad state of the State of California. The man who once topped box office charts, now a political leading man despite facing some huge challenges with California's economical spiral.

Also tonight, Lesley Stahl and the latest on airport security measures. Where weaknesses remain, where new tools are being tried and how Kip Hawley (outgoing head of TSA) feels poor reports are unjust.

Finally, Bob Simon follows up on the orphaned elephants of Kenya. Why their numbers are still significant.

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The Road to the White House

December 28, 200844m

Steve Kroft and a special edition 60 Minutes that explores President Elect Obama's long trek to winning the presidential election.

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Mind reading with a scientific spin. What studies have found by looking into our brains.

Lesley Stahl reports. Bob Simon reports on drunk driving and new campaigns that include longer prison sentences and even charges of murder.

Finally, Scott Pelley with Texas Tech coach, Mike Leach.

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Steve Kroft explores how our current economic mess had more contributors than we may have thought. Not the least of which being Wall Street speculation in the oil futures market.

News correspondent, David Martin with the Joint Chief of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen. This is Obama's advisor as our government changes parties during wartime, another historical first.

Finally, Scott Pelley with Wyclef Jean, a Haitian immigrant turned rock star.

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Scott Pelley in Wilmington, Ohio where DHL, the town's largest employer has closed operations. The massive hardships are seen on a tremendously personal level, including how one supervisor who would walk dismissed employees off the property and take their ID badges, had it done to her as well.

With "No Peace Deal", Bob Simon from Israel and the West Bank.

Finally, Morley Safer reports on resveratrol, a substance in red wine that so far has repeatedly shown promise at lengthening lifespans.

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Brace For Impact, Coldplay

February 8, 200944m

Long awaited Katy Couric interview with Capt. Chesley (Sully) Sullenberger, the heroic pilot who successfully landed a 75 ton jet in the Hudson River without a single loss of life. This is Sully's first in depth interview and not surprisingly, very candid and thoughtful.

Steve Kroft with Coldplay, the British group that rarely gives interviews and has been nominated for seven Grammys (airing tonight).

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Buy American; Whistle Blower; Taliban Power

February 15, 200944m

Lesley Stahl examines the new "Buy American" clause pushed for public works funded by the stimulus money. Dan DiMicco, CEO of the nation's largest steelmaker thinks it's a great idea. The head of Caterpillar, on the other hand, believes retaliation by other countries could spur them to push their own "Buy Europe" or "Buy China" clauses and end up hurting the American economy even more.

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Lesley Stahl reports on the newest argument to reduce the legal drinking age to 18. More than 100 college presidents believe this will reduce binge drinking. Numerous organizations believe this would mean 900 families a year burying a teen.

In our next segment, Lara Logan talks with Richard Butler, the CBS Newsman kidnapped along with others by Muslim militants. For three months he lived believing he would never make it out alive.

Also, Bob Simon with a truly unusual story about a young boy living with Nazi's after his family was massacred by them.

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The Bernard Madoff rip-off involved thousands of victims and billions of dollars. Why does Harry Markopolos claim that the SEC (Security Exchange Commission) wouldn't know fraud if it was handed to them? Steve Kroft reports on how the contention is that the SEC personnel reportedly watching out for this aren't experienced enough to see it.

In our second story, CNN's Anderson Cooper reports about the ongoing and growing war involving Mexican gangs and drugs. With most of their weapons coming from the U.S. and more than 6,000 deaths in the last couple of years, it may be time to notice and do something about it.

Finally, Morley Safer with Republican Governor of Louisianna, Bobby Jindal. The son of Indian immigrants, at just 37 years old, is he a future contender for the presidency?

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Follow the Failure; DNA exoneration

March 8, 200944m

Follow the FDIC as they actually take over a bank, secretly on a Friday night. What exactly happens when a bank fails? Scott Pelley reports.

Lesley Stahl with a very interesting report on DNA evidence and how it weighs against, or with eyewitness accounts of crimes. Included in this segment, Jennifer Thompson, a rape victim who testified against Ronald Cotton, the man she was absolutely sure was her attacker. Years later, DNA exonerated Cotton and Jennifer admits she was wrong. This unlikely pair have teamed up to change the way system works, or doesn't work.

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What Went Wrong; Nourishment of a Nation

March 15, 200944m

Scott Pelley with Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke about what went wrong and brought us to this incredible economic crisis. There is so much to discuss that this segment is double-length.

Next, Lesley Stahl with Alice Waters, a world class chef, author of 8 cookbooks and a personal problem with microwaves. Well, at least to the point of wanting to show people how easy, environmentally friendly and healthy fresh, organic can be.

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Barrack & Michelle Obama

March 22, 200944m

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Cyber gangs use computer viruses to gain information to electronically rob bank accounts; the African lion is in danger of extinction; basketball star LeBron James earns tens of millions of dollars annually.

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Closing the Clinic/Torture in Iran/Dolly

April 5, 200944m

"Closing the Clinic" examines how the economic crisis is closing hospitals and medical clinic around the country. "Torture in Iran" interviews and Iranian dissident about his eight year incarceration in and eventual flight from Iran. "Dolly" interviews the famous country singer. "Andy Rooney" talks about money.

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Scott Pelley gets some incredible insight as to the advances made in prosthetic limbs. Fred Downs, head of prosthetics for the Veterans Administration, demonstrates the almost "sci fi" type limbs now being used to change lives.

In our second story, Lesley Stahl explores the reasons behind an increase in gun sales and why at least one advocacy group is encouraging Americans to be armed.

Finally, a look at the glitz and glitter of casino gaming as seen through the eyes of one of the most innovative and successful moguls, Steve Wynn. He is interviewed by Charlie Rose who also discusses the eye disease that may soon take the sight of this visionary.

And tonight, what's the problem with Andy Rooney.

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Delayed Retirement; Cold Fusion; Ole'!

April 19, 200944m

With many people's 401(k) retirement investments surprisingly drained, not everyone is in the position to wait the predicted 10 plus years for recovery. What are they doing when retirement was planned in the next couple years?

Steve Kroft reports on the hardships not publicized when retirement funds all but disappear.

In our second story, Scott Pelley with a look at how a new energy source may be an old idea. Cold fusion has been considered 'junk science' since first hailed as possible in the late 80's, but now former skeptics are considering it.

Finally, Bob Simon revisits the Spanish bullfighting family of Cayetano and Francisco Ordonez. The update shows how the story takes a bad turn.

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Lesley Stahl with Vice President Joe Biden as he allows this reporter to follow him around for three days. Just what does he do and how does his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, figure in? Also expect to see President Obama in this segment.

Also tonight, Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers who is building coal plants despite knowing the deadly byproduct of this cheap and abundant fuel. Scott Pelley reports on how clean coal technology may be the answer and how it can be done, but will it be done in time?

And Bob Simon following up with the heartbreaking elephant orphanage in Kenya. Why are there even more orphaned elephants?

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Ecuador, Saudi Arabia, wine

May 3, 200944m

Scott Pelley speaks with Ecuadorians suing oil maker Chevron because they claim the oil giant is polluting their fragile environment. David Martin reports on Saudi Arabia's attempts to change the mindsets of former jihadists. And finally, Morley Safer speaks with the Antinoris, a family who has been making wine in Italy for 600 years.

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Military, Spy, Baseball

May 10, 200944m

The United States military has been relying on new technology to track and destroy enemies, many times from thousands of miles away. Lara Logan reports. Later...Ashraf Marwan's death is a mystery as was his life - did he work as a spy for the Egyptian or the Israeli government? Steve Croft investigates. Also...Bill James is one of the most important 'players' for the Boston Red Sox, yet he never steps out on the field. Morley Safer tells us why. All this coming up on "60 Minutes."

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Secretary Gates, AIG, Anna Wintour

May 17, 200944m

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates discusses the war in Afghanistan in a candid and wide-ranging interview with Katie Couric. Later...Ed Liddy, the man who took over the reins of AIG, speaks to Steve Kroft about the gargantuan task ahead. Also...the sunglasses come off Anna Wintour as the Vogue editor reveals why she always wears them. She talks to Morley Safer in her first long-length interview for U.S. television.

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Federal Reserve, Dolly Parton

June 7, 200944m

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke tells Correspondent Scott Pelley what he believes led to the nation's economic crisis, and when he expects the recession to end. Country music star Dolly Parton discusses her success in show business.

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"The Man Who Knew" interviews the man who discovered Madoff's investment scheme. "For Better or Worse" rebroadcasts a segment on how immigration is forcing widows to leave the country after the death of their husbands. "Alice Waters" rebroadcasts a profile of the famous chef. "Andy Rooney" talks about shoes.

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"A Clean Version of Hell" rebroadcasts a segment on the Supermax prison where the United States holds some of its most dangerous criminals. "The War Next Door" rebroadcasts a segment on the rise of drug-cartel fueled violence in Mexico. "LeBron" rebroadcasts a segment on the famous basketball player. "Andy Rooney" answers his mail.

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The Cheater$/Mind Reading/Gorongosa

June 28, 200944m

"The Cheater$" rebroadcasts a segment on cheating in online poker. "Mind Reading" rebroadcasts a segment on how neuroscience is able to determine the nature of certain thoughts. "Gorongosa" rebroadcasts a segment on a philanthropist who is attempting to help Mozambique by developing one of its parks. "Andy Rooney" talks about cleaning his closet.

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Saving Flight 1549/Bon Jovi

July 5, 200944m

"Saving Flight 1549" rebroadcasts an interview with the captain and crew of US Airways Flight 1549 that was forced to make an emergency water landing earlier this year. "Bon Jovi" rebroadcasts a profile of the famous rock singer about his career.

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Kill Bin Laden/Eyewitness

July 12, 200944m

"Kill Bin Laden" rebroadcasts a segment on what really happened during the Battle of Tora Bora. "Eyewitness" rebroadcasts a double length segment that evaluates the reliability of eyewitness testimony. "Andy Rooney" talks about different kinds of fruit.

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Remembering Walter Cronkite

July 19, 200944m

The Life & Times of Walter Cronkite We interrupt the summer re-runs and re-visits with a special edition, new 60 Minutes. In memoriam of Walter Cronkite.

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Gun Rush/Poisoned/Steve Wynn

July 26, 200944m

"Gun Rush" rebroadcasts a segment on how Americans are stocking up on weapons even though there is an economic slowdown. "Poisoned" rebroadcasts a segment on how some African farmers are using a deadly poison to kill rare lions that are feeding on their herds. "Steve Wynn" rebroadcasts a profile on the Las Vegas casino mogul. "Andy Rooney" talks about the loss of his friend Walter Cronkite.

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Screening the TSA/Is It Murder?/Wyclef

August 2, 200944m

"Screening the TSA" rebroadcasts a segment on the hassles and problems associated with the Transportation Security Administration. "Is It Murder?" rebroadcast a segment on attempts to increase punishments of drunk drivers. "Wyclef" rebroadcasts a segment on the musician who is attempting to help his native Haiti. "Andy Rooney" talks about things people have sent him.

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"The Price of Bananas" rebroadcasts a segment on the troubles facing Chiquita banana in their dealings with Columbia. "Brain Power" rebroadcasts a segment on a new technology that allows the brain to interface with a computer. "Swimming with Sharks" examines the dangerous phenomenon of shark tourism. "Andy Rooney" talks about kitchen gadgets.

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Michael Vick

August 16, 200944m

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Remembering Don Hewitt

August 23, 200944m

Morley Safer looks back at the extraordinary life and career of television pioneer and 60 Minutes creator Don Hewitt.

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Scott Pelley reports on the illegally shipped electronics refuse to China, which includes the harm which is caused to the environment and those who salvage the components. Steve Kroft examines the effect on the economy caused by credit-default swaps. Morley Safer interviews inventor Forrest Bird, the inventor of the medical respirator.

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Scott Pelley gives his report concerning the intensity and frequency of forest fires and their relationship with global warming. Lara Logan interviews Maj. Gen. Jeffery Schloesser, stationed in Afghanistan, discussing the increase in enemy personnel. Los Angeles street musician Nathaniel Ayers is interviewed by Morley Safer, about being the main subject to the movie "The Soloist."

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President Obama/Big Teddy/Guiding Light

September 13, 200944m

President Obama is interviewed by Steve Krofts. The life of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy is reflected on by Ted Kennedy Jr. and editor Jonathan Karp. Morley Safer interviews cast members of the soap opera, The Guiding Light, including Kim Zimmer, Beth Chamberlin and Ron Raines, about the 72 year history.

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The DEKA Arm

Season Finale
September 20, 200944m

Scott Pelley shows us the biggest innovation in prosthetic arms since WW II; Also, Morely Safer on Anna Wintour, and Byron Pitts speaks with USC football coach, Pete Carroll.

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McChrystal/The Liquidator/A Living for the Dead

September 27, 200944m

McCHRYSTAL - As the news from Afghanistan moves to the front pages of Americans' newspapers, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, tasked with turning things around there, tells 60 MINUTES that the spread of the violence in Afghanistan was more than he expected. David Martin reports. Mary Walsh is the producer.

THE LIQUIDATOR - The man in charge of recovering assets from Ponzi scheme king Bernard Madoff says there is about 18 billion still out there that he hopes to recover for victims of the scam. But it won't be easy. Morley Safer reports. Deirdre Naphin and Katy Textor are the producers.

A LIVING FOR THE DEAD - Marilyn Monroe, James Dean and Elvis are dead and now, so is Michael Jackson. But as Steve Kroft reports, they are very much alive when it comes to earning money for their estates. Frank Devine is the producer.

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THE SWINDLER - To understand how Bernard Madoff could have done what he did, listen to so-called "mini-Madoff" Ponzi schemer Marc Dreier tell Steve Kroft in his first television interview how he scammed $400 million. Ira Rosen is the producer.

130 MILLION TONS OF WASTE - If coal ash is safe to spread under a golf course or be used in carpets, why are the residents of Kingston, Tenn., being told to stay out of a river where the material was spilled last December? Lesley Stahl reports. Shachar Bar-On is the producer.

THE GREAT MIGRATION - Scott Pelley visits Kenya, the site of the great wildebeest migration, and looks at the threats to this natural spectacle comprised of over a million animals. Henry Schuster and Rebecca Peterson are the producers.

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Golf Company/A Blow to the Brain/The Birdmen

October 11, 200944m

GOLF COMPANY - Scott Pelley spends time with a U.S. Marine company in Helmand Province, sent there as part of President Obama's troop buildup in Afghanistan. Henry Schuster is the producer.

A BLOW TO THE BRAIN - New studies show that athletes, especially professional football players, who suffered many blows to the head, became brain damaged. Bob Simon reports. Catherine Olian and Michael Radutzky are the producers.

THE BIRDMEN - In the latest craze that has killed several extreme adventurers, men don wing suits, jump off mountain tops and glide at speeds of 140 miles per hour. Steve Kroft reports. Tom Anderson is the producer.

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H1N1/The Kanzius Machine/Drew Barrymore

October 18, 200944m

H1N1 - Scott Pelley reports on the H1N1 flu - which is increasingly targeting young, healthy people - and how the government plans to fight the flu pandemic. Michael Radutzky, David Gelber and Sam Hornblower are the producers.

THE KANZIUS MACHINE - John Kanzius fought his leukemia head on, inventing a machine that may someday offer effective treatment for cancers without the debilitating side effects of radiation and chemotherapy. Lesley Stahl reports. Tanya Simon is the producer.

DREW BARRYMORE - The remarkable former child star, actress and now director is profiled by CNN's Anderson Cooper. John Hamlin is the producer.

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$60 BILLION FRAUD - Medicare and Medicaid fraudsters are cheating U.S. taxpayers out of an estimated $90 billion a year using a billing scam that is surprisingly easy to execute. Steve Kroft investigates. Ira Rosen and Joel Bach are the producers.

FIGHTING FOR A CURE - More Americans are suffering from epilepsy than Parkinson's, cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis combined. Katie Couric reports on a disease that may not be getting the attention it deserves. Kyra Darnton is the producer.

TYLER PERRY - When Hollywood refused to produce his films his way, Tyler Perry started his own studio in Atlanta and now his movies - including the popular "Madea" series - are drawing huge audiences. Byron Pitts profiles the new and unlikely movie mogul. Ruth Streeter is the producer.

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H1N1 Vaccine/Yakuza/The Movie Pirates

November 1, 200944m

H1N1 VACCINE - Scott Pelley reports on the manufacture, distribution and safety of the H1N1 flu vaccine. David Gelber, Michael Radutzky and Sam Hornblower are the producers.

YAKUZA - How does a foreigner jump the line in America for a life-saving liver transplant? It might be because he is a high-ranking member of Japan's mafia, known as the Yakuza, whose criminal influence is worldwide. Lara Logan reports. Howard L. Rosenberg is the producer.

THE MOVIE PIRATES - They are the bane of Hollywood: criminals who copy films - sometimes before the movies even reach the theater - and distribute them illegally on the Internet, costing Hollywood billions in lost revenue. Lesley Stahl reports. Tom Anderson is the producer.

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Cyber War/Andre Agassi

November 8, 200944m

CYBER WAR - Could foreign hackers get into the computer systems that run crucial elements of the world's infrastructure, such as the power grids, water works or even a nation's military arsenal, to create havoc? They already have. Steve Kroft reports. Graham Messick is the producer.

ANDRE AGASSI - Katie Couric interviews the tennis champion about his drug use, the depression that made him use methamphetamine and other aspects of his personal life and tennis career in his first interview about his upcoming book. Harry Radliffe and Magalie Laguerre-Wilkinson are the producers.

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The Deadliest Weapon/B-Rex/Resurrecting Eden

November 15, 200944m

THE DEADLIEST WEAPON - Byron Pitts and 60 MINUTES cameras spend two days on the road with a bomb-hunting unit in Afghanistan as they encounter one deadly bomb after another. Tom Anderson is the producer.

B-REX - Lesley Stahl meets the inspiration for the lead character in the classic film Jurassic Park and reports on how famed dinosaur hunter Jack Horner is shaking up the paleontology world. Shari Finkelstein and Meghan Frank are the producers.

RESURRECTING EDEN - In Southern Iraq where many biblical scholars place the Garden of Eden, Scott Pelley finds a water world where the "Marsh Arabs" are making a comeback after Saddam nearly destroyed the "cradle of civilization." Jenny Dubin is the producer.

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The Cost of Dying / Witness / Cameron's Avatar

November 22, 200944m

THE COST OF DYING - Many Americans spend their last days in an intensive care unit, subjected to uncomfortable machines or surgeries to prolong their lives at enormous cost. Steve Kroft reports Andy Court is the producer. Watch a preview

WITNESS - Recently freed after four months of interrogation and torture at the hands of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Newsweek reporter Maziar Bahari tells his story to Bob Simon and writes about his ordeal in the next issue of Newsweek. Michael Gavshon and Drew Magratten are the producers. Watch a preview

CAMERON'S AVATAR - Morley Safer gets the first broadcast look at how "Titanic" director James Cameron created his $400 million 3D fantasy "Avatar." David Browning is the producer. Watch a preview

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Congo's Gold War / Robert Ballard

November 29, 200944m

CONGO GOLD - Five million people have died in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a war fueled primarily from gold mined in the country by warlords and smuggled out to be sold on the open market. Scott Pelley reports. Solly Granatstein and Nicole Young are the producers.

THE GREAT EXPLORER - Robert Ballard discovered the Titanic, the Bismarck and the PT 109 and now 60 MINUTES cameras are there for his latest discovery, 1,500 feet down in the Aegean Sea off Turkey. Lara Logan reports. Max McClellan is the producer. THIS IS A DOUBLE-LENGTH SEGMENT.

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The Zone/Personal Foul

December 6, 200944m

THE ZONE - Geoffrey Canada's remarkable experiment in inner-city education, the Harlem Children's Zone, has helped put historically low-achieving students in New York City on academic par with their grammar-school peers. CNN's Anderson Cooper reports. Tanya Simon is the producer.

PERSONAL FOUL - Disgraced ex-NBA referee Tim Donaghy speaks for the first time about betting on pro basketball games, his Mafia involvement and subsequent prison term. Bob Simon reports. Robert Anderson is the producer. (This is a double-length segment.)

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PRESIDENT OBAMA - In his first extensive interview since his speech announcing his troop build-up in Afghanistan, President Obama talks about his plans for Afghanistan and Pakistan, the economy and the creation of jobs and reacts to the breach in security at last week's White House state dinner. Steve Kroft reports. Michael Radutzky and Frank Devine are the producers.

GROWING BODY PARTS - Morley Safer reports on the emerging technology of growing body parts from human cells taken directly from patients, providing new hope for amputees and patients on organ-transplant lists. Katy Textor is the producer.

RICKY GERVAIS - Lesley Stahl profiles the man who created the hit television program "The Office," which has opened other doors to the stage and screen for the British comedian. Richard Buddenhagen is the producer.

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RUNNING DRY - A three-year drought in California is bringing a decades-long fight over water to a head, forcing tough choices. Lesley Stahl reports.

OUT OF THE SHADOWS - Henry Crumpton, the ex-CIA operative who secretly ran the war against terror in Afghanistan after 9/11, describes using local might to oust al Qaeda and their Taliban hosts - a strategy he says is needed in Pakistan now, where terrorist leaders are hiding. Lara Logan reports.

BIRDMEN - In the latest craze that has killed several extreme sports enthusiasts, men don wing-suits, jump off mountaintops and glide down at speeds approaching 140 miles per hour. Steve Kroft reports.

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A CRACK IN THE SWISS VAULT - Swiss bank accounts offered people, including American tax cheats, a safe place to hide money. But Switzerland’s largest bank has given authorities formerly sacrosanct information on its American customers because of tips provided by whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld, who tells Steve Kroft the secrets Swiss bankers never tell. Andy Court and Keith Sharman are the producers.

"DELAY, DENY AND HOPE THAT I DIE" - Two wars and a recession have significantly increased the claims handled by the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs, slowing the large bureaucracy and frustrating many veterans. Byron Pitts reports. David Schneider is the producer.

THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF ELEPHANTS - Researchers listening to elephant sounds and observing their behavior are compiling an elephant dictionary. Bob Simon goes to Central Africa to listen to the language of the forest elephants first hand. Harry Radliffe is the producer.

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WATCHING THE BORDER - Steve Kroft reports on the status of the multi-billion-dollar "virtual fence" being built at the U.S.-Mexican border, which is years behind schedule and so far covers only about one percent of the border. Keith Sharman is the producer.

REVELATIONS FROM THE CAMPAIGN - Authors of a new book, "Game Change," and John McCain's former top campaign strategist reveal behind-the-scenes issues from the Republican and Democratic camps during the presidential campaign. CNN's Anderson Cooper reports. Robert Anderson is the producer.

RESURRECTING THE EXTINCT - Scientists believe they can sustain endangered species - maybe even one day resurrect some that have died out - using DNA technology. Lesley Stahl reports. Shari Finkelstein and Meghan Frank are the producers.

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Haiti/Football Island/Penelope Cruz

January 17, 201044m

HAITI - News from Haiti as Correspondent Byron Pitts reports on the efforts of the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division to help rescue, feed and protect the citizens of the earthquake decimated country.

FOOTBALL ISLAND - 60 MINUTES goes to American Samoa to find out how a territory with a population less than the capacity of a pro-football stadium sends more players to the NFL than any similarly populated place in America. Scott Pelley reports. Peter Radovich is the producer.

PENELOPE CRUZ - In a rare interview, the Spanish starlet opens up about her life, career and childhood. Charlie Rose reports. Ruth Streeter is the producer.

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The Quiet Professionals/White Hot/Beyonce

January 31, 201044m

THE QUIET PROFESSIONALS - In a rare chance to show America's elite Special Forces up close, 60 MINUTES spent over two months with a Green Beret unit as they trained a group of Afghan soldiers and then went into battle with them against the Taliban. Lara Logan reports. Jeff Newton is the producer.

WHITE HOT - U.S. Snowboarder Shaun White, who took home the gold at the last Winter Olympics, is still the guy to beat as he shows Bob Simon some of the tricks he'll use next month in Vancouver. Tanya Simon and Andrew Metz are the producers.

BEYONCE - Steve Kroft profiles the superstar singer on the road and backstage where she explains what makes her one of the world's most successful entertainers. John Hamlin is the producer.

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Made In America/Davos/Pigeon Fever

February 14, 201044m

MADE IN THE USA - Could crucial parts of the equipment Iran is using in its uranium enrichment facility have come from the U.S.? American law enforcement authorities say sensitive devices and electronics that could be used in weapons of mass destruction are being smuggled into Iran. Lesley Stahl reports. Shachar Bar-On and Meghan Frank are the producers.

DAVOS- Nowhere in the world can such a concentration of power be found than at the World Economic Forum's meeting in Davos, Switzerland, where the world's most powerful and influential people gather yearly to try to solve the world's most pressing problems. Scott Pelley reports. Michael Karzis is the producer.

PIGEON FEVER - It's been just over a year since Bernard Madoff's multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme fell apart. But, as Morley Safer reports, despite all the news about the Madoff scandal, similar Ponzi scams are still thriving. David Browning and Diane Beasley are the producers.

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Blackwater 61/Bloom Box/Ground Zero

February 21, 201044m

BLACKWATER 61 - "Blackwater 61" is the call sign of a plane flown by the embattled government contractor Blackwater that crashed into a mountain in Afghanistan killing all onboard. The widow of one of the soldiers killed - a pilot herself - says the firm was negligent in the way it operated the flight. Steve Kroft reports. Draggan Mihailovich is the producer.

THE BLOOM BOX - Large corporations in California have been secretly testing a new device that can generate power on the spot, without being connected to the electric grid. They're saying it's efficient, clean, and saves them money. Will we have one in every home someday? Lesley Stahl reports. Shachar Bar-On is the producer.

GROUND ZERO - It's been eight years since the attack on the World Trade Center and billions of dollars have been spent, yet none of the promised buildings and memorial has been completed in what its developer calls "a national disgrace." Scott Pelley reports. Shawn Efran and Catherine Herrick are the producers.

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STEALING AMERICA'S SECRETS -- 60 MINUTES has obtained an FBI videotape showing a Defense Department employee selling secrets to a Chinese spy that offers a rare glimpse into the secretive world of espionage and illustrates how China's spying may pose the biggest espionage threat to the U.S. Scott Pelley reports. Henry Schuster is the producer.

BATTLE OVER HISTORY - Bob Simon reports on what the Armenians call their holocaust - the 1915 forced deportation and massacre of more than a million ethnic Armenians by the Turks - an event that the Turks and our own government have refused to call genocide. Michael Gavshon and Drew Magratten are the producers.

KATHRYN BIGELOW - Lesley Stahl talks to Academy Award best-director nominee Kathryn Bigelow about her award-winning film, "The Hurt Locker." If she's chosen, she would be the first woman ever to win in that category. Tom Anderson is the producer.

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Inside The Collapse/Derek

March 14, 201044m

INSIDE THE COLLAPSE - Former trader-turned author Michael Lewis writes about a handful of Wall Street outsiders who realized the subprime mortgage business was a house of cards and found a way to make millions betting against it. He also talks about the current situation on Wall Street, the large bonuses still being paid and his predictions for the future of the industry. Steve Kroft reports. Frank Devine and Jennifer MacDonald are the producers. THIS IS A DOUBLE LENGTH SEGMENT.

DEREK - Lesley Stahl profiles British musical savant Derek Paravicini, whose computer-like memory for music is matched by his creative abilities to play it in any style. Shari Finkelstein is the producer.

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THE CASE AGAINST NADA PROUTY - Former FBI and CIA terrorism fighter Nada Prouty was herself accused of aiding terrorism, but in her first interview, she denies she was anything other than a patriot. Scott Pelley investigates her case. Graham Messick is the producer.

THE RUSSIAN IS COMING - Mikhail Prokhorov, perhaps Russia's richest man, discusses his planned purchase of the N.J. Nets basketball team, his vast wealth and the surprisingly unusual way he made most of his money in his first American television interview. Steve Kroft reports. Robert Anderson is the producer.

THE SHARKMAN - Anderson Cooper dives unprotected with great white sharks and the South African who's spent more time up close with the ocean's most feared predator than anyone else. Michael Gavshon and Paul Bellinger are the producers.

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Smokeless Cigarettes Morley Safer with Lori Andrews, professor of law who insists your genes are yours alone. Another lawyer who happens to be a molecular biologist insists that biotech gene patents are just beginning. Big companies profiting from the genetics of others? That's just one layer of 'wrong' explored in this story along with reasons why this might be the future in a good way. In our next story, Ugandan's given death sentences due to rampant HIV and AIDS in a country where the vast majority of people couldn't afford or gain access to necessary medications are now finding hope. Bob Simon reports on the American program helping to alter tragic outcomes. Also tonight, Leslie Stahl in a hard look at how tobacco companies are trying to stay afloat as more and more people wise up and quit while fewer start smoking to begin with. Are the new smokeless products safer alternatives or just another way to deliver new addicts to the companies that count on new customers replacing those lost to death and disease.

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In our first story, a double-length report, Steve Kroft with John Gotti, Jr., son of big time, well known mobster, John Gotti. Known as "Dapper Don" as well as other appropriate names, his son strived for his approval by following in his footsteps.

Now, with Gotti Sr. in prison, his son sits with Steve Kroft and exposes some of the secret dynamics of the Mafioso.

Also tonight, a 60 Minutes exclusive with the two people in South Africa who made what could be the biggest archeological discovery to date. A new link in human evolution, found by Lee Berger and his son Matthew, this is the most complete set of remains found. Bob Simon reports.

And let's not forget Andy Rooney tonight, on time.

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Scott Pelley investigates medical con artists who prey on dying patients by using the promise of stem cells to cure almost any disease. Also: Katie Couric interviews Al Pacino.

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Late-night television comedian Conan O'Brien appears in his first interview since having to give back his spot on the "Tonight Show" to Jay Leno. Steve Kroft reports.

The most dangerous body of water in the U.S. is a deep canal on the Mexican border with California where over 550 people, mostly illegal immigrants, have drowned. Scott Pelley reports.

Pioneering Chef Jose Andres takes Anderson Cooper's taste buds on a savory tour of his culinary laboratory, featuring his avant-garde cooking technique, molecular gastronomy.

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Steve Kroft reports on homegrown terror; Plus, Scott Pelley travels withSteve Kroft reports on homegrown terror; Plus, Scott Pelley travels with Sec. of State Hillary Clinton; Also, Morley Safer on people walking out on their mortgages, even though they can afford to pay.; Also, Morley Safer on people walking out on their mortgages, even though they can afford to pay.

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On tonight's edition of "60 Minutes", Scott Pelley investigates the Deepwater Horizon disaster, Bob Simon catches up with Conductor Gustavo Dudamel, and Andy Rooney on gambling.

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On tonight's edition of "60 Minutes", Scott Pelley investigates the Deepwater Horizon disaster, Bob Simon catches up with Conductor Gustavo Dudamel, and Andy Rooney on gambling.

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"Are They Safe?" investigates the danger posed by phthalates a set of chemical compounds that are found in many plastics. "The Seed School" examines a successful inner city public boarding school. "Marty's Big Idea" interviews the inventor of the cell phone. "Andy Rooney" talks about advice from his doctor.

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"Are They Safe?" investigates the danger posed by phthalates a set of chemical compounds that are found in many plastics. "The Seed School" examines a successful inner city public boarding school. "Marty's Big Idea" interviews the inventor of the cell phone. "Andy Rooney" talks about advice from his doctor.

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"The Deadliest Weapon" rebroadcasts a segment on a group of soldiers in Afghanistan who look for roadside bombs. "Resurrecting the Extinct" rebroadcasts a discussion with scientists who are trying to recreate extinct animals. "Vogue, Anna Wintour" rebroadcasts a profile of the Vogue editor. "Andy Rooney" talks about Memorial Day and remembering fallen soldiers.

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"The Swindler" rebroadcasts a segment on a Ponzi scheme run by Marc Dreier. "The Case Against Nada Prouty" rebroadcasts an investigation into a former agent from the FBI and CIA who is accused to consorting with terrorists. "The Sharkman" rebroadcasts a profile on shark expert Mike Rutzen. "Andy Rooney" talks about newspaper comics.

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Sabotaging the System/The Great Explorer

June 13, 201044m

"Sabotaging the System" rebroadcasts an investigation into how easily foreign hackers could create havoc by breaking into computer systems controlling the world infrastructure. "The Great Explorer" rebroadcasts a profile of the famous famous underwater explorer Robert Ballard.

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"Assault on Pelindaba" rebroadcasts a segment on an attack at a South African nuclear research center. "The Liquidator" rebroadcasts a segment on the men in charge of undoing some of the damage from Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme. "A Living for the Dead" rebroadcasts a segment on the business of marketing dead celebrities. "Andy Rooney" talks about the U.S. citizenship test.

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"Blackwater 61" rebroadcasts an investigation into the crash of an airline run by a U.S. military contractor. "Fight for a Cure" rebroadcasts a segment on David Axelrod and his family's fight against epilepsy. "Cameron's Avatar" rebroadcasts a segment on the science fiction movie. "Andy Rooney" responds to viewer mail about his comments on the post office.

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"The Great Migration" rebroadcasts a looks at a massive animal migration in East Africa. "The Secret Language of Elephants" rebroadcasts a segment on scientists who are trying to understand Elephant speech. "B-Rex" rebroadcasts a profile of a paleontologist who is interested in recreating dinosaurs.

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"The Lost Children of Haiti" rebroadcasts a visit to the Caribbean country to see how children are managing in the weeks since the earthquake. "Kathryn Bigelow" rebroadcasts a profile of the Academy Award winning director. "White Hot" rebroadcasts a profile of Olympic snowboarder Shaun White. "Andy Rooney" talks about old papers he has kept.

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Golf Company/Penelope Cruz/Guiding Light

July 18, 201044m

"Golf Company" rebroadcasts a segment on visits G Company in Afghanistan and the strategy of separating enemy combatants from civilians. "Penelope Cruz" rebroadcasts a profile of the Spanish actress. "Guiding Light" rebroadcasts a segment on the famous long-running soap opera which is ending its run. "Andy Rooney" talks about kitchen gadgets.

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"The Narrative" rebroadcasts a segment on an ideology that is used to promote anti-Western sentiment. "Growing Body Parts" rebroadcasts a discussion with scientists who are developing techniques to regrow parts of the body. "Tyler Perry" rebroadcasts a profile of the famous filmmaker. "Andy Rooney" talks about excessive desire.

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Out of the Shadows/Discovery/Derek

August 1, 201044m

"Out of the Shadows" rebroadcasts a segment on CIA agent Hank Crumpton who is working against the Taliban. "Discovery" rebroadcasts a segment on the discovery of a new human ancestor in South Africa. "Derek" rebroadcasts a revisit to a blind musical savant. "Andy Rooney" talks about newspapers.

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"The Cost of Dying" rebroadcasts a segment on the enormous costs associated with end of life care. "The Patriarch" rebroadcasts a profile on the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church. "Chef Jose Andres" rebroadcasts a profile of the world famous chef.

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"A Crack in the Swiss Vault" rebroadcasts an examination of how Swiss banks help people secretly conceal wealth overseas. "130 Million Tons of Waste" rebroadcasts a segment on the dangers of coal ash. "Pacino" rebroadcasts a profile of the famous actor. "Andy Rooney" talks about specialization in medicine.

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The Blowout/The Russian Is Coming

August 22, 201044m

"The Blowout" rebroadcasts a segment on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig disaster. "The Russian is Coming" rebroadcasts a profile of Russian billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov who is trying to buy an NBA team. "Andy Rooney" talks about Christmas, games, and the election.

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"Stealing America's Secrets" rebroadcasts a segment examining how an American intelligence analyst gave secrets to China. "The Bloom Box" rebroadcasts a look at an invention that could revolutionize energy delivery. "The Birdmen" rebroadcasts a look at a winged sky-diving suit. "Andy Rooney" talks about being an average American.

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"60 Billion Dollar Fraud" rebroadcasts a segment on government agents fighting Medicare Fraud. "The Seed School" rebroadcasts a segment on a successful inner city public boarding school. "Doubles" rebroadcasts a look at twins who are playing doubles tennis.

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21st Century Snake Oil/Beyonce

September 12, 201044m

"21st Century Snake Oil" rebroadcasts an investigation into a medical conman who is attempting to profit by offering miracle cures involving stem cells. "Beyonce" rebroadcasts a profile of the famous singer. "Andy Rooney" talks about sleeping and the economy.

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The Swindler/White House Diary: Jimmy Carter/Football Island

Season Finale
September 19, 201044m

"The Swindler" rebroadcasts a segment on a Ponzi scheme run by Marc Dreier. "White House Diary: Jimmy Carter" interviews the former president about his new book. "Football Island" rebroadcasts a segment on how American Samoa has become a breeding ground for top football talent.

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Tonight's first story features Lara Logan back to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Last time she was there, she and her crew were fired on - by fighters in a Pakistani sanctuary. In our second story, Scott Pelley with some uncomfortable questions and answers about the Ground Zero Islamic Center proposal. Finally, Steve Kroft with Drew Brees, New Orleans Saints' Super Bowl star quarterback.

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Lesley Stahl goes to Iraq to report on the sources of conflict that could erupt once the U.S. withdraws; Also Kenneth Feinberg. Just in case you don't know who this is, Feinberg is the man who was in charge of the victims' of 9/11 compensation fund, Agent Orange compensation and most recently the BP oil spill. No one is ever completely happy with how these things go, but Feinberg is used to that and very open about what he's doing.

Finally, Scott Pelley with Bill and Melinda Gates. Yes, 'that' Gates. The multi-billionaire who seems determined to use that money for good deeds.

And stick around for Andy Rooney's gadgets.

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THE SPEED TRADERS - Steve Kroft gets a rare look inside the secretive world of "high-frequency trading," a controversial technique the SEC is scrutinizing in which computers can make thousands of stock trades in less than a second. Tom Anderson is the producer.

MANDELA - A collection of his memoirs, mostly from the 27 years he spent in prison, reveal the innermost thoughts of the international civil rights giant Nelson Mandela, whose movement brought down the apartheid regime of South Africa. Bob Simon reports. Michael Gavshon and Drew Magratten are the producers.

EMINEM - Anderson Cooper profiles the chart-topping rapper from Detroit who overcame addiction to reclaim the winning style that made him the biggest selling artist of the past decade. Tanya Simon is the producer.

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City of David/Stand Down/Market Street

October 17, 201044m

CITY OF DAVID - Lesley Stahl reports from under the city of Jerusalem from a controversial archeological dig that has become a flashpoint in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Shachar Bar-On is the producer.

STAND DOWN - Some veterans returning from Iraq or Afghanistan into the recession are finding themselves homeless. Scott Pelley reports on an annual encampment in San Diego where veterans can find hope, help and services. Henry Schuster is the producer.

MARKET STREET - Morley Safer reports on a mystery that was solved about a 100-year-old film that we now know was made on San Francisco's Market Street just days before the 1906 earthquake. David Browning is the producer.

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The 99ers/Jane Goodall/Top Gear

October 24, 201044m

THE 99ERS - Even after an extension of unemployment benefits to 99 weeks, many of those without work are still jobless and in a quandary. Scott Pelley talks to some of them in California's Silicon Valley. Robert Anderson, Daniel Ruetenik and Nicole Young are the producers.

JANE GOODALL - Jane Goodall brings Lara Logan and 60 MINUTES cameras back to the forests of Tanzania, where she began her love affair with chimpanzees 50 years ago, to remind the public that chimps are endangered. Max McClellan is the producer.

TOP GEAR - A quirky British television show about cars has become a hit almost everywhere but the U.S. Steve Kroft reports on "Top Gear," whose witty humor, outrageous speed, destructive vehicle stunts and car reviews attract an estimated weekly worldwide audience of 350 million according to the BBC. Graham Messick and Michael Karzis are the producers.

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Anger in the Land/Tax the Rich/Zenyatta

October 31, 201044m

ANGER IN THE LAND - Scott Pelley reports from Newton, Iowa, where the closing of an appliance factory is causing a negative effect on the community's economy. Robert Anderson, Daniel Ruetenik and Nicole Young are the producers.

TAX THE RICH - David Stockman, Ronald Reagan's budget director who once preached tax cuts, is now in favor of putting a one-time surtax on the rich. Lesley Stahl reports and finds just such a proposal on the ballot in the state of Washington. Karen Sughrue is the producer.

ZENYATTA - If Zenyatta wins the Breeder's Cup Classic next week to cap an undefeated career of 20 straight victories, some say the 6-yr.-old mare might just be the greatest thoroughbred race horse in history. Bob Simon reports. Tom Anderson is the producer.

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President Obama/Pacman

November 7, 201044m

PRESIDENT OBAMA - President Obama takes questions from Steve Kroft in his first one-on-one interview since his party's midterm election defeat in the House. Michael Radutzky and L. Franklin Devine are the producers.

PACMAN - Boxing sensation Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao has done it all in the ring, winning world championships in seven different weight divisions. He'll go for an eighth title next week, but will his new job as a Philippine politician hurt his career? Bob Simon reports. Michael Gavshon and Drew Magratten are the producers.

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Shaleionaires/Haiti/Medal of Honor

November 14, 201044m

SHALEIONAIRES - While some complain that extracting natural gas from shale rock formations is tainting their water supply, others who have allowed drilling on their property are getting wealthy and becoming "shaleionaires." Lesley Stahl reports. Shachar Bar-On and Meghan Frank are the producers.

HAITI - The earthquake made things in already-poor Haiti bad enough, but now a cholera epidemic is threatening to kill more Haitians, whose living conditions after the quake help to spread the water-borne infection. Byron Pitts reports. Harry Radliffe and Magalie Laguerre Wilkinson are the producers.

MEDAL OF HONOR - The first living soldier to receive the Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War tells Lara Logan in an emotional interview just what he did to earn the nation's highest combat honor and how the recognition makes him uncomfortable. Max McClellan and Jeff Newton are the producers.

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THE MERCHANT OF DEATH - The Drug Enforcement Administration agents who caught the alleged arms dealer Viktor Bout explain how they lured and then captured the suspect one of them calls "one of the most dangerous men on the face of the Earth." Armen Keteyian reports. Robert Anderson and Pat Milton are the producers.

DESIGNING LIFE - Steve Kroft profiles famous microbiologist J. Craig Venter, whose scientists have already mapped the human genome and created what he calls "the first synthetic species." Andy Court is the producer.

MARK WAHLBERG - From street thug, to rapper to actor and now producer, Mark Wahlberg has reinvented himself to the top of the Hollywood heap. Lara Logan profiles Wahlberg as he prepares for his most challenging role: a boxer. Draggan Mihailovich is the producer.

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Good Cop, Bad Cop/Spider-Man/John Paul Stevens

November 28, 201044m

GOOD COP, BAD COP - The Afghan National Police force is more important to the security of the country than the army, but despite improvements, there are still drug abuse and corruption problems within its ranks. CNN's Anderson Cooper reports. Keith Sharman is the producer.

SPIDER-MAN - Lesley Stahl and 60 MINUTES cameras get the first look at the rehearsal and production of "Spider-Man, Turn Off the Dark," the most ambitious and expensive musical ever brought to a Broadway stage. Andrew Metz is the producer.

JOHN PAUL STEVENS - Scott Pelley interviews Justice John Paul Stevens upon his retirement from the U.S. Supreme Court after 35 years. Jenny Dubin is the producer.

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The Chairman/Facebook

December 5, 201044m

THE CHAIRMAN - The chairman of the Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke gives a rare interview to Scott Pelley in which he discusses pressing economic issues, including the unemployment rate, the deficit and the Fed's controversial $600 billion U.S. Treasury Bill purchase. Henry Schuster is the producer.

FACEBOOK - Mark Zuckerberg, the 26-yr.-old founder and CEO of mega-social media site Facebook, talks to Lesley Stahl about his life and his business, now worth an estimated $35 billion. Shachar Bar-On is the producer. THIS IS A DOUBLE-LENGTH SEGMENT.

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The Next Speaker/Brazil/Jerry Jones

December 12, 201044m

THE NEXT SPEAKER - Rep. John Boehner will become the speaker of the House next month, but few know this Ohio Republican beyond his life in Washington. Lesley Stahl profiles the man whose new role will place him at the top of the Republican Party and third in line for the presidency. Karen Sughrue is the producer.

BRAZIL - As the U.S. and most of the world's countries limp along after the crippling recession, Brazil is off and running with jobs, industry, and resources. The economic juggernaut is poised to become the fifth largest economy in the world. Steve Kroft reports. Draggan Mihailovich is the producer.

JERRY JONES - A disappointed Cowboys owner, GM Jerry Jones says even his friend, the late George Steinbrenner, would fire him for the poor performance of his Dallas football team that many predicted would go to the Super Bowl. Scott Pelley reports. Henry Schuster is the producer.

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The Day of Reckoning/Endless Memory

December 19, 201044m

THE DAY OF RECKONING - Steve Kroft reports on the growing financial difficulties states across the country are facing. James Jacoby is the producer.

ENDLESS MEMORY - Lesley Stahl reports on the recently discovered phenomenon of "superior autobiographical memory," the ability to recall nearly every day of one's life. Stahl interviews the handful of individuals known to possess the skill, which scientists are only now beginning to study. Shari Finkelstein is the producer. THIS IS A DOUBLE-LENGTH SEGMENT.

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Into The Wild

December 26, 201044m


THE GREAT MIGRATION - Scott Pelley visits Kenya, the site of the great wildebeest migration, and looks at the threats to this natural spectacle comprised of over a million animals. Henry Schuster and Rebecca Peterson are the producers.

THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF ELEPHANTS - Researchers listening to elephant sounds and observing their behavior are compiling an elephant dictionary. Bob Simon goes to Central Africa to listen to the language of the forest elephants first hand. Harry Radliffe is the producer.

B-REX - Lesley Stahl meets the inspiration for the lead character in the classic film Jurassic Park and reports on how famed dinosaur hunter Jack Horner is shaking up the paleontology world. Shari Finkelstein and Meghan Frank are the producers.

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Bad Medicine/Wynton

January 2, 201144m

BAD MEDICINE - Drug company whistle-blower Cheryl Eckard tells Scott Pelley about her experience trying to fix problems at a pharmaceutical factory that made her a key figure in a federal lawsuit and a multimillionaire. Denise Schrier Cetta is the producer.

WYNTON - Jazz missionary Wynton Marsalis shares his love of America's most distinctive art form by taking his Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra around the world. Morley Safer tags along as Marsalis and his musicians make the scene in London and then go to Havana for a spicy Afro-Cuban musical treat. David Browning is the producer. THIS IS A DOUBLE-LENGTH SEGMENT.

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THE BIG GAMBLE - Lesley Stahl reports on the proliferation of gambling to 38 states and its main attraction, the slot machine, newer versions of which some scientists believe may addict their players. Ira Rosen and Joel Bach are the producers.

SILVER OR LEAD - Byron Pitts reports on the murder of the mayor of a Mexican city, where powerful drug gangs seem to be giving authorities a choice of "silver or lead" - join us and we will pay you or don't and we'll kill you. David Schneider and Joyce Gesundheit are the producers.

A LIVING FOR THE DEAD - Marilyn Monroe, James Dean and Elvis are dead and so is Michael Jackson. But as Steve Kroft reports, they are very much alive when it comes to earning money for their estates. Frank Devine is the producer.

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Descent Into Madness/Yemen/The Gambler

January 16, 201144m

DESCENT INTO MADNESS - 60 MINUTES talks to Jared Loughner's friends and classmates and to ex-Secret Service, to reconstruct the pathway to mass murder he allegedly took in Tucson - a pattern this agent who once guarded the president could write a textbook about. Scott Pelley reports. Henry Schuster, Nicole Young and Jenny Dubin are the producers.

YEMEN - Steve Kroft reports on the U.S.'s new partner in the war on terror, Yemen, a known al Qaeda hideout and recently the source of several explosive packages sent to America. Leslie Cockburn is the producer.

THE GAMBLER - Las Vegas sports betting legend Bill Walters has never had a losing year - a winning a streak that's made odds makers call him the "most dangerous sports bettor in Nevada." Lara Logan reports. Tom Anderson is the producer.

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Wikileaks/In Search of the Jaguar

January 30, 201144m

WIKILEAKS - Julian Assange, the controversial founder of WikiLeaks, speaks to Steve Kroft about the U.S. attempt to indict him on criminal charges and the torrent of criticism aimed at him for publishing classified documents. Howard Rosenberg and Tanya Simon are the producers.

IN SEARCH OF THE JAGUAR - 60 MINUTES went in search of the most elusive of all of nature's big cats, the jaguar, and captured amazing footage of them in the Brazilian jungle. Bob Simon reports. Tom Anderson is the producer.

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February 6, 201144m


John Gotti, Jr. talks to Steve Kroft in his first extended television interview about growing up with the infamous father whom he strove to please by living a life of crime, but whom he eventually betrayed by leaving that life.

The special hour includes stories about his father, the late John "Teflon Don" Gotti; being "made" a member of his father's crime family; feelings about his privacy now; his own daily worries about being "whacked"; and the one thing that made his legendary crime-boss father weep.

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New Age Revolution/The 33/Lady Gaga

February 13, 201144m

NEW AGE REVOLUTION – Harry Smith reports on the latest events from Egypt, including an in-depth interview with Wael Ghonim. Tom Anderson, Andy Court, Harry A. Radliffe II, Jeff Newton and Amjad Tadros are the producers.

THE 33 – Four months after 33 Chilean miners were rescued from a half-mile underground, where they lived in daily fear of death for over two months, psychologists say all but one of them are experiencing serious mental stress. Bob Simon reports. Michael Gavshon and Drew Magratten are the producers.

LADY GAGA – With her outrageous costumes and mega-hit dance songs, Lady Gaga has become the world’s most talked about entertainer. Anderson Cooper reports. John Hamlin is the producer.

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THE SPARK - Bob Simon reports from Tunisia, where protests against the repressive government not only toppled its autocratic ruler, but sparked the uprising in Egypt that forced President Hosni Mubarak to resign. Draggan Mihailovich and Nathalie Sommer are the producers.

SCOTT BROWN: AGAINST ALL ODDS - The Massachusetts senator describes his traumatic childhood, including revelations of sexual and physical abuse. Lesley Stahl reports. Karen Sughrue is the producer.

THE KING'S SPEECH - 60 MINUTES talks to its starring actor, Colin Firth, and reports on the historic find in an attic that helped make the "The King's Speech" an Oscar favorite. Scott Pelley reports. Ruth Streeter is the producer.

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21st Century Cons

February 27, 201144m

60 MINUTES presents a special hour with two stories featuring hidden cameras that capture conmen at work.

21st CENTURY SNAKE OIL - 60 MINUTES hidden cameras expose medical conmen who prey on dying victims by using pitches that capitalize on the promise of stem cells to cure almost any disease. Scott Pelley reports. David Gelber, Sam Hornblower and Michael Radutzky are the producers. THIS IS A DOUBLE-LENGTH SEGMENT

STEALING AMERICA'S SECRETS - 60 MINUTES has obtained an FBI videotape showing a Defense Department employee selling secrets to a Chinese spy that offers a rare glimpse into the secretive world of espionage and illustrates how China's spying may pose the biggest espionage threat to the U.S.. Scott Pelley reports. Henry Schuster is the producer.

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Curve Ball - Bob Simon interviews the Iraqi defector code-named "Curve Ball" - first identified by 60 MINUTES three years ago - whose false tale of a mobile, biological weapons program was the chief justification for invading Iraq. Draggan Mihailovich is the producer.

Counterfeit Drugs - 60 MINUTES' nine-month investigation of counterfeit prescription drugs reveals how the dangerous and sometimes deadly fakes get into the nation's drug pipeline. Dr. Sanjay Gupta reports. Kyra Darnton, Sam Hornblower and Michael Radutzky are the producers.

The $125,000 Question - Katie Couric reports on an experimental New York City charter school founded on the idea of hiring the best teachers by paying them $125,000, while denying them tenure. Jenny Dubin is the producer.

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Japan/The N-word/The Archbishop

March 20, 201144m

Japan - Scott Pelley reports on the American team working to avert nuclear disaster in Japan after the tsunami crippled a power plant. Robert Anderson and Henry Schuster are the producers.

The N-word - A Southern publisher's sanitized edition of "Huckleberry Finn" that replaces the N-word with "slave" over 200 times is the focal point for a debate on the use of the controversial word in American society. Byron Pitts reports. David Schneider is the producer.

The Archbishop - In a wide-ranging interview with Morley Safer, New York's Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan discusses the sex abuse crisis in the Catholic church, his current mission and the state of the church in America. Deirdre Naphin is the producer.

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The New Tax Havens - American companies are finding new overseas tax havens to legally protect some of their profits from the U.S. tax rate of 35 percent, among the highest in the world. Lesley Stahl reports. Shachar Bar-On is the producer.

One Child At A Time - Wars can literally shatter children's lives and Elissa Montanti is on a mission to make some of them whole again through a network of volunteers. Scott Pelley follows the progress of one of them, a badly maimed Iraqi boy. Tanya Simon and Catherine Herrick are the producers.

Coach Hurley - Tiny Catholic high school St. Anthony in Jersey City, N.J., doesn't even have its own gym, but it has Coach Bob Hurley, who has taken the team - now ranked number-one in the nation - to 24 state championships. Steve Kroft reports. Peter Radovich is the producer.

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The Next Housing Shock/Gospel for Teens

April 3, 201144m

The Next Housing Shock - As more and more Americans face mortgage foreclosure, banks' crucial ownership documents for the properties are often unclear and are sometimes even bogus - a condition that's causing lawsuits and hampering an already weak housing market. Scott Pelley reports. Robert Anderson and Daniel Ruetenik are the producers.

Gospel for Teens - Lesley Stahl spends a year following the inspirational leader of a gospel music program for teenagers in Harlem and her students as they learn to sing this original American art form and build the confidence and character it inspires. Shari Finkelstein is the producer. THIS IS A DOUBLE-LENGTH SEGMENT.

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The Murder of Louis Allen - Steve Kroft's 18-month investigation into a 47-yr.old murder in a Mississippi town sheds light on an unsolved civil rights killing near the top of the FBI's list. Graham Messick and Sumi Aggarwal are the producers.

The Library - No one is allowed to borrow from the Vatican Library, except the pope. And no wonder: the archive holds some of the oldest and most precious works of art and treasure known to man. Morley Safer and "60 Minutes" cameras get to see the best of the best. David Browning is the producer.

Albert Pujols - His big bat has made the St. Louis Cardinals' slugger one of the top 10 players in baseball history. But to people with Down syndrome and the poor of his native Dominican Republic that he helps, he means a lot more than home runs and RBI. Bob Simon reports. Draggan Mihailovich is the producer.

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Greg Mortenson - He's written inspiring best sellers, including "Three Cups of Tea," but are the stories all true? Steve Kroft investigates. Andy Court and Kevin Livelli are the producers.

The Case of Beckett Brennan - The government recently sent out guidelines on how college judicial review boards should handle the rising incidence of campus sexual assault. Beckett Brennan says the University of the Pacific's board bungled her case, spurring her to come forward to say she was sexually assaulted by three of the school's athletes. Katie Couric reports. Graham Messick and Ashley Velie are the producers.

The Co-Founder - Lesley Stahl speaks to Microsoft co-founder and billionaire Paul Allen in his first interview about his upcoming book in which he criticizes his Microsoft co-founder, Bill Gates. Shachar-Bar-On is the producer.

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Mount Athos/The Billionaire

April 24, 201144m

Mount Athos - Bob Simon steps back in time when he gets rare access to monks in ancient monasteries on a remote Greek peninsula who have lived a Spartan life of prayer in a tradition virtually unchanged for a thousand years. Cameras capture the monastic life, including chanting, prayers, rituals, and the priceless relics and icons from the Byzantine Empire stored on "The Holy Mountain," Mt. Athos. Harry Radliffe and Michael Karzis are the producers. (This is a double-length segment.)

The Billionaire - Eli Broad sets the standard for philanthropy. He's given away over $2 billion and plans on leaving even more to charity before he dies. But along with the billionaire's name that most projects he funds must take, his advice and oftentimes his control are usually part of the deal. Morley Safer reports. Ruth Streeter is the producer.

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Lara Logan/Mitch Landrieu/Zenyatta

May 1, 201144m

Lara Logan - In her first television interview since being sexually assaulted two months ago, the CBS News chief foreign correspondent and 60 MINUTES reporter reveals what happened to her in Tahrir Square in an interview with Scott Pelley. Robert Anderson is the producer.

Mitch Landrieu - The New Orleans mayor talks to Byron Pitts about the city he loves and his efforts to heal wounds it still suffers from corruption and Hurricane Katrina. David Schneider is the producer.

Zenyatta - With the greatest American horse race coming up next week in Kentucky, 60 MINUTES takes another look at one of the greatest American thoroughbreds ever to grace a track - the nearly undefeated Zenyatta. Bob Simon reports. Tom Anderson is the producer.

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President Obama gives his first and only interview since the killing of Osama bin Laden to "60 Minutes." The president will reveal to Steve Kroft for the first time his thoughts as he watched and listened from the Situation Room of the White House as the commando-style raid on bin Laden's compound unfolded. Frank Devine and Michael Radutzky are the producers.

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Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on a five-day mission to the Middle East.

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Armstrong/The FBI and the Grim Reaper

May 22, 201144m

"Armstrong" examines the allegations that world famous cyclist Lance Armstrong is using performance enhancing drugs. "The FBI and the Grim Reaper" looks at FBI agent Lin Vecchio who help put away several notorious Mafia leaders, but also faces murder charges due to his association with an informant.

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"U.S. v. Drake" looks at former NSA executive Thomas Drake who claims 9/11 could have been stopped though he now faces espionage charges. "Children in the Fields" examines how some farmers are forced to work with their families in the fields. "Al Sharpton" profiles the famous activist. "Andy Rooney" memorializes producer Joe Wershba.

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Medal of Honor/A Relentless Enemy

May 29, 201144m

Medal of Honor - The first living soldier to win the Medal of Honor since the Vietnam War tells Lara Logan in an emotional interview just what he did to earn the nation's highest combat honor and how the recognition makes him uncomfortable. Sal Giunta has now possessed the medal for six months and says he is just as uncomfortable wearing it as he was to be named its winner.

A Relentless Enemy - Lara Logan's report takes viewers to the border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan, where the unit she was covering came under heavy and regular enemy fire from fighters the U.S. military says keep coming from their sanctuary in Pakistan.

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The Speed Traders - Steve Kroft gets a rare look inside the secretive world of "high-frequency trading," a controversial technique the SEC is scrutinizing in which computers can make thousands of stock trades in less than a second.

City of David - Lesley Stahl reports from under the city of Jerusalem from a controversial archeological dig that has become a flashpoint in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Lady Gaga - With her outrageous costumes and mega hit dance songs, Lady Gaga has become the world's most talked about entertainer.

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Designing Life - Steve Kroft profiles famous microbiologist Craig Venter, whose scientists have already mapped the human genome and created what he calls "the first synthetic species."

The N-Word - A Southern publisher's sanitized edition of "Huckleberry Finn" that replaces the N-word with "slave" over 200 times is the focal point for a debate on the use of the controversial word in American society.

The King's Speech - "60 Minutes" talks to its starring actor, Colin Firth, and reports on the historic find in an attic that helped make the "The King's Speech" an Oscar favorite.

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The Spark/Endless Memory

June 19, 201144m

The Spark - Bob Simon reports from Tunisia, where protests against the repressive government not only toppled its autocratic ruler, but sparked the uprising in Egypt that forced President Hosni Mubarak to resign.

Endless Memory - Lesley Stahl reports on the recently discovered phenomenon of "superior autobiographical memory," the ability to recall nearly every day of one's life. Stahl interviews the handful of individuals known to possess the skill, which scientists are only now beginning to study.

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Hard Times Generation/Wynton Marsalis

June 26, 201144m

Hard Times Generation - For some children, socializing and learning in school are being cruelly complicated by homelessness, as Scott Pelley reports from Florida, where school buses now stop at budget motels for children who've lost their homes.

Wynton Marsalis - Jazz missionary Wynton Marsalis shares his love of America's most distinctive art form by taking his Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra around the world. Morley Safer tags along as Marsalis and his musicians make the scene in London and then go to Havana for a spicy Afro-Cuban musical treat.

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The Murder of Louis Allen - Steve Kroft's 18-month investigation into a 47-yr.old murder in a Mississippi town sheds light on an unsolved civil rights killing near the top of the FBI's list.

One Child at a Time - Wars can literally shatter children's lives and Elissa Montanti is on a mission to make some of them whole again through a network of volunteers. Scott Pelley follows the progress of one of them, a badly maimed Iraqi boy.

The Library - No one is allowed to borrow a book from the Vatican Library - except the pope. And no wonder: the archive holds some of the oldest and most precious works of art and treasure known to man. Morley Safer and "60 Minutes" cameras get to see the best of the best.

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Shaleionaires/Stand Down/Market Street

July 10, 201144m

Shaleionaires - While some complain that extracting natural gas from shale rock formations is tainting their water supply, others who have allowed drilling on their property are getting wealthy and becoming "shaleionaires."

Stand Down - Some veterans returning from Iraq or Afghanistan into the recession are finding themselves homeless. Scott Pelley reports on an annual encampment in San Diego where veterans can find hope, help and services.

Market Street - Morley Safer reports on a mystery that was solved about a 100-year-old film that we now know was made on San Francisco's Market St. just days before the 1906 earthquake.

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Silver or Lead - Byron Pitts reports on the murder of the mayor of a Mexican city, where powerful drug gangs seem to be giving authorities a choice of "silver or lead" - join us and we will pay you or don't and we'll kill you.

The Gambler - Las Vegas sports betting legend Bill Walters has never had a losing year - a winning a streak that's made odds makers call him the "most dangerous sports bettor in Nevada."

In Search of Jaguars - "60 Minutes" went in search of the most elusive of all of nature's big cats, the jaguar, and captured amazing footage of them in the Brazilian jungle.

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Resurrecting Eden - In Southern Iraq where many biblical scholars place the Garden of Eden, Scott Pelley finds a water world where the "Marsh Arabs" are making a comeback after Saddam nearly destroyed the "cradle of civilization."

Mitch Landrieu - The New Orleans mayor talks to Byron Pitts about the city he loves and his efforts to heal wounds it still suffers from corruption and Hurricane Katrina.

The "Sharkman" - Anderson Cooper dives unprotected with great white sharks and the South African who's spent more time up close with the ocean's most feared predator than anyone else.

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The Big Gamble/Brazil/Mark Wahlberg

July 31, 201144m

The Big Gamble - Lesley Stahl reports on the proliferation of gambling to 38 states and its main attraction, the slot machine, newer versions of which some scientists believe may addict their players.

Brazil - As the U.S. and most of the world's countries limp along after the crippling recession, Brazil is off and running with jobs, industry, and resources. The economic juggernaut is poised to become the fifth largest economy in the world.

Mark Wahlberg - From street thug, to rapper to actor and now producer, Mark Wahlberg has reinvented himself to the top of the Hollywood heap. Lara Logan profiles Wahlberg as he prepares for his most challenging role - a boxer.

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The next housing shock - As more and more Americans face mortgage foreclosure, banks' crucial ownership documents for the properties are often unclear and are sometimes even bogus - a condition that's causing lawsuits and hampering an already weak housing market.

The co-founder - Lesley Stahl speaks to Microsoft co-founder and billionaire Paul Allen in his first interview about his upcoming book in which he criticizes his Microsoft co-founder, Bill Gates.

Eminem - Anderson Cooper profiles the chart-topping rapper from Detroit who overcame addiction to reclaim the winning style that made him the biggest selling artist of the past decade.

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The new tax havens/Top Gear/Albert Pujols

August 14, 201144m

The new tax havens - American companies are finding new overseas tax havens to legally protect some of their profits from the U.S. tax rate of 35 percent - among the highest in the world.

Top Gear - A quirky British television show about cars has become a hit almost everywhere but the U.S. Steve Kroft reports on "Top Gear," whose witty humor, outrageous speed, destructive vehicle stunts and car reviews attract an estimated weekly worldwide audience of 350 million according to the BBC.

Albert Pujols - His big bat has made the St. Louis Cardinals' slugger one of the top 10 players in baseball history. But to people with Down syndrome and the poor of his native Dominican Republic who he helps, he means a lot more than home runs and RBI.

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U.S. vs. DRAKE/The 33/The Archbishop

August 21, 201144m

U.S. vs. DRAKE - Tom Drake, a former National Security Agency senior executive, was indicted last year for espionage after leaking allegations to the media that the nation's largest intelligence organization had committed fraud, waste and abuse.

The 33 - Three months after 33 Chilean miners were rescued from a half-mile underground - where they lived in daily fear of death for 69 days - psychologists say more than 20 of them are experiencing serious mental stress. Bob Simon reports.

The Archbishop - In a wide-ranging interview with Morley Safer, New York's Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan discusses the sex abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, his current mission and the state of the church in America.

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Greg Mortenson/Gospel for Teens

August 28, 201144m

Greg Mortenson - He's written inspiring best sellers, including "Three Cups of Tea," but are the stories all true?

Gospel for Teens - Lesley Stahl spends a year following the inspirational leader of a gospel music program for teenagers in Harlem and her students as they learn to sing this original American art form and build the confidence and character it inspires.

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WikiLeaks/Resurrecting the extinct

September 4, 201144m

WikiLeaks - Julian Assange, the controversial founder of WikiLeaks, speaks to Steve Kroft about the U.S. attempt to indict him on criminal charges and the torrent of criticism aimed at him for publishing classified documents.

Resurrecting the extinct -Scientists believe they can sustain endangered species - maybe even one day resurrect some that have died out - using DNA technology.

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The interrogator/Remembering 9/11

September 11, 201144m

The interrogator - Few know more about the 9/11 investigation than Ali Soufan, who questioned members of al Qaeda after the attack. The former FBI agent reveals himself for the first time and talks about his interrogations in an interview with Lara Logan.

Remembering 9/11 -Ground Zero responders relive their haunting experiences on the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks for a "60 Minutes" segment about their road to recovery and the doctor who is preserving their oral histories.

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?I've never seen the like?/Spy on the ice/Jerry Jones

Season Finale
September 18, 201144m

"I've never seen the like" - After many requests for help from his ambushed unit were denied, Dakota Meyer took matters into his own hands, going through a gauntlet of Taliban fire five times to try and save his trapped comrades. His efforts earned him the Medal of Honor. David Martin reports.

Spy on the ice - Bob Simon reports on the latest "spy-cam" techniques used by wildlife filmmakers to show animals - in this case, polar bears - up-close and in a way audiences have never seen them before.

Jerry Jones - A disappointed Cowboys owner - GM Jerry Jones says even his friend, the late George Steinbrenner, would fire him for the poor performance of his Dallas football team that many predicted would go to the Super Bowl.

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