Jane Leeves като Kit Voss

Епизоди 72

Крайно време

15 октомври 201842m

Болницата е залята от публика за концерт, след като паника на музикален фестивал е оставила мнозина в нужда от спешна медицинска помощ, и докато Конрад и Ник се втурват да спасят Джош Робинсън, Девън трябва да помогне на един от изпълнителите.

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22 октомври 201842m

Когато Бел предпочита да ползва апаратурата на Джулиан Буут вместо наличната в болницата, Кит и Ей Джей са принудени да загърбят враждата си и да се обединят срещу него, докато междувременно Конрад и Ник трябва да сбъднат мечтата на едно дете.

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29 октомври 201842m

Хелоуин в болницата става наистина призрачен, когато в нея е приета млада жена с ужасяващи нощни кошмари, докато Девън е дежурен в спешното отделение, а Ник е в паника заради решението си да заведе отскоро трезвата си сестра на купон.

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Опит и грешка

5 ноември 201842m

Пациенти, подложени на тестове с експериментално лекарство, започват да страдат от животозастрашаващи странични ефекти, а Ник се опасява, че сестра ѝ Джеси може да е в опасност, и с Конрад трябва да убедят Бел, че изпитанията не си струват риска.

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След падението

14 януари 201942m

Жертвите на Лейн Хънтър и техните семейства са бесни, когато тя е пусната от затвора. Въпреки че Бел урежда нейното пускане, тя продължава да се измъчва от манипулациите на Лейн.

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Абсолютно невъзможно

4 февруари 201942m

Конрад, Кит, Мина и Раптор работят заедно, за да спасят живота на студент по медицина, който има нужда от тройна трансплантация на органи. В това време полицията открива празната кола на Джулиан в близко езеро и Девън започва свое разследване.

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Глупави неща в името на секса

11 февруари 201942m

Когато опитът на Конрад да впечатли и изненада Ник на помпозна вечеря по случай деня на Свети Валентин се проваля, той преотстъпва резервацията си на някой, който може да се възползва пълноценно от нея, а Мина и Девън избягват празнуването.

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Контакт за спешни случаи

25 март 201942m

Частейн се опитва да потуши последствията след сблъсъка с корумпираната медицинска компания "Куовадис", докато Маршал е готов да покорява нови медицински територии, а Девън най-сетне открива какво се е случило с Джулиан Буут.

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1 април 201942m

Атланта е застигната от опустошителна снежна буря, докато Мина трябва да извърши сериозна операция без помощта на "Раптор", за да спаси живота на млад баща, а Кит и Бел са принудени да се грижат за децата на пациента.

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Кога, ако не сега?

15 април 201942m

Девън е загрижен, когато оплакванията на наскоро родила жена остават без навременна реакция и принуждава Бел да вземе крайни мерки, докато Конрад трябва да съобщи на Ник за влошаващото се състояние на Джеси.

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Както е писано

22 април 201942m

Болницата е изправена пред тежък недостиг на кръв и Конрад трябва да опита всичко, за да спаси живота на пациент, докато Ник получава съкрушителна новина и е притеснена за здравето на сестра си, а Мина и Девън работят с нов анестезиолог.

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Без приятели

Season Finale
6 май 201942m

За да спаси Частейн, Бел обмисля да продаде болницата, но Кит се опитва да му покаже, че вредите ще са повече от ползите, докато Ник успява да открие Кайл и го моли да размисли дали да не дари единия си бъбрек на Джеси.

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От пепелта

24 септември 201942m

"Ред Рок Маунтин Медикъл" поглъща болница "Частейн" и лекарите са обградени от нови правила и нови лекари, докато Конрад се озовава в опасна ситуация след газова експлозия, а новият неврохирург Барет Кейн е подложен на тест със сложна операция.

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Плът от плътта ми

1 октомври 201942m

Кейн се опитва да привлече Бел и Кит като помощници в опасна операция с идеята да спечели популярност на болницата, докато междувременно Раптор се привързва емоционално към пациент, а Ник планира изненада за Конрад.

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Избор на думи

5 ноември 201942m

След като самолет се разбива в Атланта, Девън е завладян от чувство за вина, мислейки се, че е могъл да предотврати трагедията. Бел, който е бил пътник в самолета, възприема като своя мисия да спаси живота на човека, седял до него.

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Денят на медицинските сестри

12 ноември 201942m

В Деня на медицинските сестри сестрите от болница „Частейн“ са недостатъчно и работят извънредно, което ги кара да се чустват изтощени и недооценени. Д-р Каин прави опасна операция на нов пациент, спечелил на покер.

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На лов за кръв

3 декември 201942m

След като определят Деня на благодарността като „най-опасният ден в годината“, Девън и Ървинг наистина са затрупани с пациенти в спешното отделение. Когато знаменитост влиза в болницата със заседнала кост в гърлото, Логан Ким назначава нов хирург за случая.

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Mid-Season Finale
17 декември 201942m

В последния ден на Девън като стажант, той и Конрад са изправени пред морална дилема относно пациент, склонен към самоубийство, който се нуждае от трансплантация на черен дроб.

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28 януари 202042m

Кейн чувства, че Логан Ким не го уважава, когато разбира, че той го държи настрана от важните решения относно Конрад. Междувременно лекарите се опитват да спасят живота на двама големи спонсори на „Ред Рок“, които са претърпяли катастрофа с джет.

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Конрад се чувства като в капан между задълженията си на лекар и лоялността си към Кит, когато разбира, че нейният зет може би страда от сериозно заболяване. Докато работят в център за дългосрочна грижа, Девън и Ник правят шокиращо откритие за бивш пациент, станал жертва на манипулациите на Кейн.

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Система за поддръжка

24 март 202042m

Когато Кейн разбира за възникнала спешна ситуация в болницата, той се обръща към Езра, за да му помогне обстоятелствата да не се разгласяват. Ник и Конрад решават да бъдат система за поддръжка за пациент, нуждаещ се от трансплантация на бял дроб.

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Изгори всичко

Season Finale
7 април 202042m

Just when Derek's condition seems to be improving, a severe complication arises, causing Kitt to fear that he may be the latest victim of Cain's cover-up. When Cain's former girlfriend is admitted to the hospital for surgery, the doctors finally get a glimpse into his personal life. Meanwhile, Conrad fills in Marshall on the emergency situation facing the hospital and Mina and The Raptor work on saving the heart of a salsa dancer.

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A Wedding, A Funeral

12 януари 202142m

After a long wait, Conrad and Nic prepare for their wedding day with the support of their family and friends. Meanwhile, flashbacks to the early days of the COVID-19 crisis shine a light on the heroism of the doctors and the toll the virus took on everyone at Chastain Memorial.

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Mina's Kangaroo Court

19 януари 202142m

When Cain’s elective surgery patient returns with complications, Mina and Raptor butt heads over how to handle the situation. Conrad and Devon treat a local Congresswoman who withholds information that could prevent her from receiving proper treatment, causing Devon to open up about his grief. In the wake of losing many colleagues to the virus, Bell worries who would be there for him in a moment of crisis and finds himself mining his own past to find his estranged former stepson, elite plastic surgeon Dr. Jake Wong. Meanwhile, Logan Kim finds himself on the chopping block when the doctors are questioned about his actions during the pandemic.

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The Accidental Patient

26 януари 202142m

When Cain tries to be a hero at a crash scene, he is struck by a car, causing Chastain’s doctors to put aside their personal issues to try and save his life. Conrad and Nic team up to help one of the crash victims, whose secretive past makes it difficult to identify a diagnosis. Meanwhile, Bell brings his TV crew to the hospital in hopes of garnering positive attention for Chastain, and Mina opens up to Nic, only to find out that Nic is holding on to a secret of her own.

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Moving on and Mother Hens

2 февруари 202142m

The Chastain staff works together to diagnose a mother-daughter pair who both come in with symptoms that make it difficult to determine their conditions. Devon deals with an unexpected visit from his mother and Conrad and Nic try to figure out the best time to tell everyone their big news. Meanwhile, Bell deals with an over-eager fan of his show who ends up needing treatment at Chastain and Mina makes a bold move when she realizes her visa is about to expire.

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Home Before Dark

9 февруари 202142m

With Chastain on the verge of shutting down due to the sale by Red Rock, Conrad tries a last-ditch effort to save the hospital and the doctors plan for their next career moves. Meanwhile, on their last day, the whole staff must work together to save Nic's life after she is injured by a deranged patient.

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Requiems & Revivals

16 февруари 202142m

As Nic struggles with her recovery, her close friend and former Chastain colleague, Billie, comes back to the hospital to support her. Meanwhile, as the hospital transitions from private to public, the search begins for a new CEO, Bell asks a favor of his step-son and Devon sees an opportunity to fix the system.

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Hero Moments

2 март 202142m

When Conrad gets a call from his former army commander who is stranded and wounded in the forest, the trip to save him brings lots of old emotions to the surface. Devon and Kit treat a patient who suffers from sickle cell anemia and encourage her to have a hip replacement to help treat her pain. Meanwhile, The Raptor is pulled away in the middle of an intense surgery, Mina is left to put her skills and finish the surgery on her own and Bell works on reconnecting with his stepson after helping him get hired at the hospital.

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First Days, Last Days

Mid-Season Finale
9 март 202142m

On Nic's first day back at Chastain, the man who attacked her is admitted to the ER, causing her to confront her trauma head-on. Cain, now in recovery, is self-conscious of his physical state and sets his eye on taking down Mina. The new intern both struggles and shines throughout her first day, causing Devon and Conrad to wonder if something bigger is going on.

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Doors Opening, Doors Closing

13 април 202142m

A case becomes personal for the staff when Conrad and Bell treat a pregnant woman who is carrying Jake's future adopted child. Upon hearing surprising news from Princess Nadine, Devon contemplates the future of his love life. On the heels of meeting The Raptor's parents, Mina gets a call that causes her to make a bold decision about her future. Meanwhile, Cain grows closer to Rose and Irving and Jessica tie the knot.

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Into the Unknown

20 април 202142m

Just when Mina and The Raptor can see their future together, an unexpected complication throws a wrench in their plans. Meanwhile, Cain faces a harsh reality when Kit gives him the opportunity to prove he is ready to return to the OR. Then, Devon presents Rose with a groundbreaking clinical trial that could help her battle with Sickle Cell Anemia.

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After the Storm

27 април 202142m

When a tornado touches down in Atlanta with Chastain directly in its path, the entire staff goes into crisis mode. Conrad and Nic work on an injured EMT. Devon and Leela become trapped with a man who has severe head trauma.

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Hope in the Unseen

4 май 202142m

With Nic's due date steadily approaching, she and Conrad plan a relaxing day off, but their plans are interrupted when a patient with a medical mystery sends them rushing back to Chastain. Devon stays by Rose's side as she starts her clinical trial and things take a turn for the worse. Meanwhile, Kit is under pressure to bring Chastain out of debt.

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A Children's Story

11 май 202142m

On the day of Nic's baby shower, Billie takes full control to make sure it goes smoothly, but a secret she's been hiding changes everything. Devon and Leela stumble upon an apartment fire, where they assist in getting victims safely to Chastain and Leela gets a chance to prove her skills to Raptor. Jake and his husband deal with the complications of Sammie's health. Raptor and Rose receive exciting news.

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Past, Present, Future

Season Finale
18 май 202142m

The wait is over as Conrad and Nic welcome the arrival of their baby girl. Raptor's life begins to fall apart and he is forced to turn to Cain for help. Devon and Bell work together on a complicated surgery that may allow them to save multiple lives. Kit tries to deal with the moral repercussions of financially saving Chastain.

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Da Da

21 септември 202143m

An attack by cyber criminals sends the Chastain ER into a tailspin and Kit tries to figure out whether or not to pay the ransom. The Raptor deals with a personal connection to the patients brought into the ER during the attack, leaving them all vulnerable. Meanwhile, Conrad works on balancing life as a new dad and Devon and Leela debate taking the next step in their relationship.

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No Good Deed

28 септември 202143m

When one of the doctors is found unconscious in an elevator at Chastain, the staff frantically retraces his steps to figure out the cause. Billie is faced with a personal conflict when she comes face-to-face with the secret she has been hiding all these years. Meanwhile, Bell helps Kit make a decision about a new neurosurgeon joining the team at Chastain.

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The Long and Winding Road

5 октомври 202143m

When an accident brings a familiar patient into the Chastain ER, the doctors must face the reality of figuring out how to proceed with the best care, which leads the whole staff questioning every decision. Meanwhile, The Raptor and Leela deal with a patient returning with the long-term effects of COVID.

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Now What?

12 октомври 202143m

In trying to find a way to channel his emotions, Conrad puts all his effort in looking for answers. Raptor has a run-in with the police that ends up taking a surprising turn. Meanwhile, Leela begins noticing problems with a surgeon who has been Bell’s mentor.

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The Thinnest Veil

19 октомври 202143m

While looking for a distraction on Halloween, Conrad treats a group of witches who send the ER into chaos. Also, Devon treats a patient who thinks he is being haunted by ghosts. Meanwhile, on the way back from his vacation, Bell picks up a hitchhiker who is not what he seems to be.

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Ask Your Doctor

9 ноември 202143m

Conrad brings a patient into the hospital who causes a high security crisis. An MMA brawl sends a well-known fighter to Chastain and all hands are on deck. Meanwhile, Bell and Raptor vie for the same position at the hospital, and Leela gets a visit from her sister.

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Who Will You Be?

16 ноември 202143m

A new group of interns, which include Billie’s son, Trevor, start their first day with Devon at Chastain. Kit and Bell try to convince Conrad to come back to Chastain and The Raptor’s mom ends up back in the ER. Meanwhile, Leela and Padma deal with an unexpected visit from their parents.

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Old Dogs, New Tricks

23 ноември 202143m

Kit hires a surgical coach to watch over Bell and Raptor and help them brush up on their skills. Upon receiving attention from multiple women at the hospital, Conrad contemplates jumping back into the dating scene. Meanwhile, Devon works with an elderly couple.

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He'd Really Like to Put in a Central Line

30 ноември 202143m

Conrad takes Trevor under his wing to care for a patient whose good luck seems to have run out. Leela struggles when given the decision to take full responsibility of her indecisive patient's life and The Raptor continues to try to figure out a care plan for his mother. Meanwhile, both Devon and Kit are stretched far too thin trying to balance everything on their plates

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Unknown Origin

Mid-Season Finale
7 декември 202143m

When the first day of Kit's experimental Flight Go team program sends Conrad out into the field, he builds a new relationship with a fellow doctor along for the ride. Devon works with Trevor for the first time on a patient with a mysterious fever, the cause of which can't be found. Meanwhile, Bell is hiding a secret from the whole staff and they are starting to become suspicious.

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Her Heart

1 февруари 202244m

A case turns personal for Conrad when the donor recipient of Nic's heart is admitted to the ER. Bell is faced with a devastating diagnosis that causes him to make a heartbreaking decision. Meanwhile, the Raptor asks Devon to include his ailing mother in his clinical trial, causing Devon to face a major dilemma

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Now You See Me

8 февруари 202244m

When a lost child is brought into the ER with physical signs of abuse, Conrad and Cade try to get to the bottom of what happened to her. While out shopping, Devon and Leela encounter a woman who is having trouble breathing, and when she arrives at the hospital, Devon takes it upon himself to make sure she feels comfortable with the staff. Meanwhile, Bell eyes an open seat on the State Medical Board and Billie decides it's time to confront her past

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15 февруари 202243m

A tragic accident occurs at Jessica’s sister’s gender reveal party, putting her brother-in-law’s life in jeopardy. Meanwhile, Conrad, Irving & Trevor work on an influencer whose life was put in danger by a risky cosmetic surgery. Then, Bell is cleared for his first surgery back and Billie is forced to face her past head-on.

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Hell in a Handbasket

22 февруари 202244m

When things from Billie's past begin to come to light, she is the subject of whispers and stares around the hospital and the team struggles to find the best way to support her. With the nurse shortage in full swing, a simple cleaning job turns into a horrific disaster that calls for all hands on deck. Meanwhile, Trevor discovers a shocking secret and Padma has a proposal for Leela

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In For a Penny

8 март 202244m

As his clinical begins, Devon treats his first patient with a revolutionary medical fluid that doesn’t go as planned. Meanwhile, an overdosed John Doe is rushed to Chastain, leading Conrad straight into a much bigger scandal than he expected. Then, a shocking secret regarding Cade’s past is discovered.

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6 Volts

29 март 202244m

An old friend's heart problems reveal a bigger issue; Billie and Trevor have an emotional reunion.

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The Space Between

5 април 202242m

Conrad treats one of Gigi's fellow classmates whose stomachache turns into something much more serious; Devon takes several interns to a senior living facility; Leela uncovers some unsettling news.

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Ride or Die

12 април 202242m

When Conrad confronts a pharmacy owner about fraudulent prescriptions being filled under his name, the situation takes a dangerous turn; the ER is sent into chaos when a street racing accident results in multiple severe injuries.

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All We Have Is Now

19 април 202242m

With Raptor on leave to take care of his mother, the hospital scrambles to stay organized without him. Meanwhile, a camping trip leaves a patient with a fatal disease that none of the doctors have seen before. Then, Bell and Kit devise a plan to help their case with the Medical Board.

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Fork in the Road

26 април 202242m

Conrad and Cade work with a Medicare patient who sheds some light of prescription fraud. Leela works herself to the brink of exhaustion.

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3 май 202242m

When one of the doctors is shot outside the hospital, the ER is put into lockdown and the team races to save one of their own. Elsewhere, Devon and The Raptor work with a patient who learns he is unable to receive a lung transplant, due to his vaccination status. Meanwhile, Devon and Leela try to juggle the new dynamics of their relationship and Cade's father arrives at Chastain.

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The Proof Is in the Pudding

10 май 202242m

A young boy comes into the hospital with a rare disease which leaves his bones incredibly fragile; with his clinical trial officially being declared a success, Devon has some huge decisions to make about the future of his career.

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Neon Moon

Season Finale
17 май 202242m

Conrad contemplates his future; Devon is presented with an amazing career opportunity out of state; Ian is faced with a devastating diagnosis; Kit and Bell celebrate their engagement; Padma receives some highly anticipated news.

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Two Hearts

20 септември 202244m

When Padma's pregnancy takes a dangerous turn, the doctors come together to find a solution and turn to Ian to perform a miracle. Meanwhile, Conrad makes a decision regarding his love life and Devon leads his own clinical trials at Chastain.

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Peek and Shriek

27 септември 202244m

The high stakes governor election results in violence at the polls, causing multiple victims to arrive at Chastain. Conrad finds common ground with an aggressive patient, helping lead to a diagnosis for his outbursts. Meanwhile, when another patient’s lung collapses, the doctors find a serious root of the issue.

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One Bullet

4 октомври 202244m

When a gunshot victim comes into the ER, his injuries prove to be so catastrophic throughout his body that multiple doctors need to jump on the case. Meanwhile, Ian is faced with a mandatory drug test and Padma prepares for her C-section.

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It Won't Be Like This for Long

11 октомври 202244m

Ian is faced with performing a surgery on a Jane Doe NICU patient while he continues to struggle with his personal issues. Meanwhile, Conrad asks Devon to cover his shift so he can spend a day at home with an anxious Gigi.

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A River in Egypt

18 октомври 202244m

A college professor comes into the ER and Conrad realizes it’s a former patient of his from when he was an intern. Meanwhile, Devon ends up admitting a man – who swears by an anti-aging regimen that he thinks is the answer to eternal life – into the hospital after he collapses.

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For Better or Worse

25 октомври 202244m

On the day of Kit and Bell’s wedding, Bell and Conrad get pulled away to tend to the ill daughter of a major hospital donor. Meanwhile, Billie takes Gigi and Sammie dress shopping.

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The Chimera

8 ноември 202244m

Devon sees a traveling British couple who are nervous about the cost of American health care.

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The Better Part of Valor

15 ноември 202244m

After a teenage boy is taken into Chastain for falling unconscious from a suspicious pill, Conrad takes action to find the boy's brother before he meets the same fate. Meanwhile, Dr. Bell deals with being served court papers from a former patient.

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No Pressure No Diamonds

29 ноември 202244m

Devon prepares to perform the first titanium rib cage implant surgery in the country.

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Family Day

Mid-Season Finale
6 декември 202244m

Conrad comes face to face with Nic's dad, Kyle, after 5 years of no contact, when he comes into Chastain with an extremely low heart rate. Billie advises her patient against surgery, but the patient’s family ignores her recommendation. Meanwhile, Cade musters up the courage to confront Ian about his addiction and Leela grows concerned about Padma.

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All In

3 януари 202344m

A famous cardiothoracic surgeon – who happens to be Dr. Yamada’s mentor – comes into Chastain after experiencing heart pain. Meanwhile, Kit breaks the news that the ER will no longer be accepting trauma patients due to budget cuts, and Devon and Conrad help treat a confused woman.

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All the Wiser

10 януари 202344m

The ER quickly fills up after a heavy storm causes a devastating helicopter crash. Conrad, Devon and the rest of the Chastain doctors rush to treat patients including the helicopter pilot, a barista, and Chastain’s least favorite person, Governor Mark Betz.

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All Hands on Deck

Season Finale
17 януари 202344m

Conrad is pulled away from celebrating Gigi’s 6th birthday when Sammie comes into Chastian with a 104-degree fever, and Kit must call in a favor for treatment. Meanwhile, a heart arrives for Governor Betz’s transplant surgery.

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