A Cure for Wellness (2017)

Written by PimplyChicken on June 27, 2017

My goodness! Two and a half hours of absolute drivel. The worst movie I have seen in a long time. The list of things that are wrong with this movie are almost too many to list.

First the good: the makers of this movie have obviously paid a lot of attention and have gone to a lot of trouble in the design of the movie. The location and the settings are stunning. The 'spa' where the story takes place is suitably unsettling and creepy. The music also is a highlight. That's where the good ends, unfortunately.

The plot of this movie is an absolute mess. It seems the producers weren't sure what they were going for: Gothic horror? Dark and quirky? Straight out frightening? As a result, the finished product is none of these things. The movie swings from one improbable scenario to another. New plot elements are introduced with no relation to what has gone before. Several times the movie arrives at what seems to be a conclusion before picking itself up, introducing a hitherto unreferenced, unrelated, unnecessary and unlikely plot 'twist' and then lurching on its demented way. It's almost as if the makers finished the movie and then someone thought of something else to include - often borrowed from another, better movie - and they tacked it on the end. The movie seems interminable. Its two and a half hour run time could have been shortened by an hour and resulted in a somewhat enjoyable story.

It also doesn't help that the denouement is pretty obvious quite early in the piece or that certain of the plot elements are not really explained properly or that none of the characters are likeable or worthy of the viewer's sympathy or that most of the tension is provided by the music, not by the story or acting.

In short, if you're looking for a good evening's entertainment look elsewhere. This ain't it.