Francis Goes to West Point (1952)

Written by r96sk on January 3, 2022

'Francis Goes to West Point' is, for me, the least enjoyable entry of the first three films from this series.

I obviously didn't tally it all up exactly, but this 1952 release seems to include more Stirling and less Francis - which is an odd choice, if we aren't here for the mule then what we doing?! Not that more Francis would've improved this, but you get my point. A second army-related storyline across just three productions - coupled with the (now usual) repetitiveness - also makes things feel boring.

This is the same as its predecessors when it comes to the cast: Donald O'Connor good, rest meh. I haven't seen the show myself, but 'Star Trek' fans may spot a certain Leonard Nimoy appear in this.

'Francis Covers the Big Town' is up next!