The Sandman (2022)

Written by Sejian on лістапад 16, 2023

Ignore the homophobic, racist and everyphobic reviews, but maybe also avoid this show.

Neil Gaiman might be a good writer, but as with American Gods, the moment he gets involved with live-action adaptations, the quality apparently goes out the window. Kudos to him for defending the casting choices though.

A few episodes from season 1 stand out, specifically episodes 1, 4, and 6. The rest are fine but just not worth it. The mid-season climax leaves a lot to be desired and apparently is so insignificant that it has no lasting impact on the world and no one bothers to mention it again. By the end I had lost so much interest in it that I didn't even bother to return for the bonus episode, and it allegedly has a cat. I love cats.

The casting is mostly good, but there's just too many plot holes and pointless guff.

Maybe season 2 will be better, who knows.