19 部电影

2019 年 06 月 07 日


2014 年 03 月 19 日


2014 年 12 月 17 日

Two decades after forging an unlikely alliance in Pol Pot's Cambodia, a French ethnologist and a former Khmer Rouge official meet again after the latter is arrested for crimes against humanity.

红色高棉S21几乎可以和奥斯威辛集中营相提并论的一个名字,发生于佛教盛行的柬埔寨,他的作用是用于“内部清洗”。在追求组织绝对的纯洁下,异己思想被抹杀。直到二十年前,红色高棉建立的民主柬埔寨政权被十万越南大军和自己倒戈的军队推翻。 此后,有关这个政权血腥历史的材料逐步公诸於世,主要见之於柬埔寨难民的陈述、西方记者的采访、学者的调查以及越南政府和由它扶植起来的柬埔寨新政府整理公布的材料。 但是有关红色高棉的历史记载受到很多因素的限制,主要因为红色高棉制订和推行政策时的隐秘性,执政时国家的对外封闭状态,以及其寿命过於短暂,并没有建立起系统的档案。然而,这种材料的缺失和由此造成的研究的困难正从一个特别的角度反映了柬埔寨革命的特点:它如同一场飓风,肆虐过后除了留下一片废墟以外,没有任何清楚的踪迹可寻。 因为一些诸如以上的原因,这段历史并不像奥斯威辛集中营那么的明白透彻,我们了解的只有一个事实,那就是屠杀真真实实的发生了,人性赤裸裸的被践踏了。 S-21是国安办公室二十一号营的代号。在红色柬埔寨统治期间,这个拘留所,以各种残忍酷刑而恶名昭彰,如今原地建有一个屠杀紀念馆。导演用了三年时间致力邀请在世的人──不止是幸存者,连施刑者在內──重访旧地,重现当年景象,是柬埔寨人向以色列纪录片巨作《Shoah》重返纳粹集中营面对历史的借镜及回应。这不是另一部逼人认错的《祭军魂》,电影不是法庭,历史的仇与恨,铭记的与忏悔的勇气,这是一部具有宽宏气度的時代意义纪录片。

1989 年 11 月 16 日

After having fled Pol Pot, Rithy Panh, a 15 year old Cambodian finds refuge at the Mairut camp in Thailand, in 1979. Ten years later, now a filmmaker, he returns to the camps to film the daily life of this threatened people. The peoples he meets, eaten away by inactivity, insecutity and the fear of being forgotten, have been waiting for a possible return to Cambodia.

2020 年 08 月 24 日

柬埔寨难民泰德-恩戈伊(Ted Ngoy)通过烘焙美国人最喜欢的糕点--甜甜圈,建立了一个价值数百万美元的帝国。

2012 年 11 月 16 日

Between 1975 and 1979, at least 250,000 Cambodian women were forced into marriages by the Khmer Rouge. Sochan was one of them. At the age of 16, she was forced to marry a soldier who raped her. After 30 years of silence, Sochan decided to bring her case to the international tribunal set up to try former Khmer Rouge leaders.

2023 年 01 月 20 日

The story of Thun Chay, a Cambodian who was left behind by his mother in a refugee camp during their escape from the Red Khmer and the civil war in their home country.

2011 年 01 月 01 日

Between April, 1975 and January, 1979, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge were responsible for the deaths of 1.7 million people in Cambodia. A quarter of the population were wiped out in one of the most brutal and virulent genocides of the twentieth century. This new film explores the life of Pol Pot, the ever-smiling, obsessively secretive leader of the Khmer Rouge. What drove him to inflict such a radical experiment on his own people? How did the Khmer Rouge turn from a band of nationalist revolutionaries into a ruthless killing machine? And why did the West stand by and let it happen?
 As an international tribunal in Cambodia finally brings the surviving leaders of the Khmer Rouge to justice, it's time to re-examine the gruesome legacy of Pol Pot.

2014 年 04 月 25 日

In search of the lucrative matsutake mushroom, two former soldiers discover the means to gradually heal their wounds of war. Roger, a self-described 'fall-down drunk' and sniper in Vietnam, and Kouy, a Cambodian refugee who fought the Khmer Rouge, bonded in the bustling tent-city known as Mushroom Camp, which pops up each autumn in the Oregon woods. Their friendship became an adoptive family; according to a Cambodian custom, if you lose your family like Kouy, you must rebuilt it anew. Now, however, this new family could be lost. Roger's health is declining and trauma flashbacks rack his mind; Kouy gently aids his family before the snow falls and the hunting season ends, signaling his time to leave.

After seeing his parents and grandmother killed by the Vietnamese, a 12 year old Khmer boy flees with his baby sister in an attempt to reach safety in Thailand. On the way he befriends a group of Khmer fighters.

A fictionalised account of the brutal oppression experienced by a family living in a labour camp headed by malicious cadres.

2017 年 09 月 23 日

Two Dutch lawyers, Michiel Pestman and Victor Koppe, travel to Cambodia in 2011 to defend Nuon Chea in an international tribunal. Nuon Chea, also known as Brother No. 2, was the second man after Pol Pot in the Khmer Rouge regime. He is being charged with mass murder and crimes against humanity. For four years, the documentary follows the lawyers in their attempt to give this man a fair trial, but the UN tribunal is beset by local interests and a government which consists partly of other former members of the Khmer Rouge who would really like all of the blame to rest solely on the defendant. What should've been the crowning achievement in the careers of the lawyers turns out very different.

1986 年 01 月 01 日

CAMBODIA/KAMPUCHEA draws on unique propaganda film and archival material from the Khmer Rouge, Vietnam and other sources. This is set against the grim realities of the Kampuchean tragedy. As a continuing theme, the film features exclusive interviews with Prince Sihanouk, who offers explanations for and insights into the role he has played in the fate of his luckless country. This definitive film study delves to the roots of the conflict, making sense of the madness, the politics and contradictions. It captures the epic spirit and passions of a people when a whole world is overturned.

1978 年 10 月 04 日

Documentary about Cambodia featuring a long interview with Pol Pot

Vixna and her two children are lured from the safety of Paris by her husband, a officer in Pol Pot's army, back to Cambodia where they undergo brainwashing and enslavement by the Khmer Rouge.

1986 年 01 月 01 日

CAMBODIA: THE PRINCE AND THE PROPHECY explores the years of Prince Norodom Sihanouk’s rule, his juggling for peace, his charisma and contradictions. Following the Prince’s overthrow in 1970, the film traces Cambodia’s destruction during the five years of war before Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge came to power and launched their revolution… As a central theme, the film and its sequel CAMBODIA/KAMPUCHEA feature exclusive interviews with Prince Sihanouk, and focus on his pivotal role in shaping Cambodia’s fate.

2021 年 08 月 10 日

Through daily routines in a rural village, an indigenous elder couple recall their strange marriage to their grand-daughter, and sometimes to each other, in the changing rhythm of nature around them.

Based upon documentation of forced confessions made during the Khmer Rouge era in Cambodia, this film reconstructs the relationship of a young woman, Hout Bophana, and Ly Sitha before they were tortured in executed in 1977.



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