Thor 4 - Love And Thunder (2022)

Skrevet av Manuel São Bento den 8 Juli 2022


"Thor: Love and Thunder boasts a bittersweet story about finding peace and love in suffering and pain, without forgetting the necessary thunderous action that reaches its best level in a long sequence surrounded by a breathtaking black-and-white color palette.

Christian Bale stands out with a terrifying performance as one of MCU's best villains in recent years, while Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman share excellent chemistry. Visually distinct and with a unique soundtrack, the formulaic screenplay benefits immensely when focusing on the complex arcs of each character.

Still, the continuous comedy bits - far from the hilarious creativity of the past - deny further exploration, removing emotional value from the third act. The action featuring generic CGI shadow monsters holds predictable issues, and an irrelevant plot deviation only serves as a teaser for future content.

Overall, Taika Waititi succeeds yet again, but this time, he fails to reach the full potential of the premise."

Rating: B+