السلاح الأمثل: مافريك (2022)

كًتبت بواسطة Nathan في يناير 6, 2023

Top Gun: Maverick had a ton of praise when I finally got around to watching it and it did a relatively good job living up to it.

My main two complaints from the original have been entirely corrected in it's sequel: cheesy dialogue and terrible shot selection in the aerial sequences. The script has been vastly improved upon with updated dialogue just all around better acting than the original. There were not corny lines or interactions that felt awkward. The aerial combat sections are incredible, they are done with such precision and purpose. I could actually understand what was on and where the fighter crafts were in relation to each. These raised the stacks and hade me fully invested.

The overall story is pretty great. I loved how the recruits were training for a final "suicide" mission, instead of just graduating from the academy. The dynamics between Tom Cruise and his superiors/students were great and felt witty and genuine. The continued relationship with Iceman was touching as they seem to have a real connection that has lasted throughout the years, although I thought his illness and they way they presented it was a bit out of place. My one big complain his Cruises love interest. This plot really has no impact on the story and is just thrown in there for old time sakes. I did enjoy their chemistry together and it was cute to his interactions with daughter. But, I watched the original directly before this and was utterly confused on who she was. It was really odd to have a throw away line in the original be the main love interest in the sequel, but like I said, it did not have a huge impact.

The performances are spectacular in this film. Tom Cruise and Miles Teller are standouts and their back and forth is really fun to see, delivering some funny jabs but some series dramatic moments. Jon Hamm was great as a hard ass commanding officer. Glen Powell was a standout as well, his cockiness and rivalry with Rooster was great but complex.

This film is a blast, and I really wish I would have made the time to see it in theaters. I really enjoyed this and I am definitely not one who fancies these types of films, but it captured me.

Score: 87% Verdict: Excellent