Return from Witch Mountain (1978)

Written by CinemaSerf on June 4, 2023

Much as with Ray Milland & Donald Pleasence in the first of these; this sequel is much more about the baddies - in this case a wonderfully venal Bette Davis "Letha" and Christopher Lee as the bonkers scientist "Victor": Lee must be twice the height of his diminutive co-star! Our pair of kids get to go to Los Angeles for a visit. On their way into town, they become separated - "Tony" (Ike Eisenmann) rescues a man he thinks has jumped off a building only to find that it is "Sickle", Davis' nephew and Lee's mind-control experiment guinea pig. They drug and kidnap Tony and carry out some fun capers in her search for loot... Meantime, "Tia" (Kim Richards) has rescued the "Earthquake Gang" from their own kiddie equivalent of "West Side Story" and they all set out to find her lost brother. The adult performances are all good fun, the story has a few twists and turns; goats and extortion, and there are some basic, enjoyable, special effects deployed throughout this rather, comically, predictable fantasy. This is a good follow up, an enjoyable family feature.