I'll Make a Habit of it (1994)

Written by Sayori :3 on ოქტომბერი 5, 2023

One of my all-time favorites!

Adorable interactions, gay jokes, characters that invoke strong emotions - This show deserves a larger following. Every second Nagisa and Nosaka spend together is adorable. When Nagisa's dressed up as a boy, her love for Nosaka looks so adorably gay. And every girl Nagisa meets in boymode likes her. And to top it off, Momoko is the most hateable antagonist I know. She's always harassing the main cast, harassing her loveable apprentice, and weaseling her way into being a good villain.

Watching this anime just plain makes me happy. I hope it gets a cult following together someday.

My only complaint is that mainly in the second half, but kinda even early on, the show starts to prioritize Momoko. It starts good, but quickly goes downhill and drops all existing plotlines.