Epizódok 153


Bulma és Son Goku

1986. február 26.25m

Goku egyedül él a hegyek között, míg nem találkozik Bulmával, és együtt indulnak útnak, hogy összegyűjtsék a sárkánygömböket.


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Nincsenek golyók

1986. március 5.25m

Bulma megpróbálja megtanítani Gokut az élet apróbb dolgaira, például a tábor felállításra és a fürdésre. Goku vadászni megy, és összefut Mai-jel és Shuuval, akiket Pilaf küldött a sárkánygömbök keresésére. Goku hazafelé tart, amikor találkozik egy teknőssel, akinek segít, hogy visszatérhessen az óceánhoz.


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Zseniális Teknős felhője

1986. március 12.25m

Amint a teknőst az óceánhoz viszik, egy medve támadja meg őket, akit Goku legyőz. Eközben Shuu és Mai tájékoztatják Pilafot, hogy nem találtak sárkánygömböt. Elmennek az Emerald-tenger egy távoli szigetére, hogy megszerezzenek egy sárkánygömböt Zseniális teknőstől, de nem találják ott. Goku és Bulma találkoznak az öreg mesterrel, akié a teknős, akiknek segítettek, és hálából odaadja nekik a sárkánygömböt és egy varázsfelhőt.


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A nagy gonosztevő

1986. március 19.25m

Bulma és Goku egy faluba érkezik, ahol megtalálják az ötödik sárkánygömböt, de csak akkor kapják meg, ha legyőzik a falut terrorizáló szörnyet.


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A sivatag nagy Yamchája

1986. március 26.25m

Miután Goku legyőzte Oolongot, kénytelen csatlakozni a küldetéshez, mert alakváltó képességei jól jöhetnek. A következő sárkánygömb megtalálásához át kell kelniük a Diablo-sivatagon. A sivatagon átkelve találkoznak Yamchával, a sivatagi banditával, és ő és Goku összecsapnak.


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A különös haramia

1986. április 2.25m

Goku, Bulma és Oolong folytatják útjukat a Diablo-sivatagban. Eközben Yamcha bosszút forral. Pilaf elküldi Mait és Shuut Bulma sárkánygömbje után. Goku elmondja Oolongnak a sárkánygömbök titkát, de Yamcha is meghallja a beszélgetést. Mindegyikük a saját elképzelését akarja megvalósítani.


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A Bratfan hegy királya Goumao

1986. április 9.25m

Goku, Bulma és Oolong egy autóban folytatja küldetését, amelyet Yamcha adott nekik, aki titokban követi őket. Azt tervezi, hogy ellopja tőlük a gömböket. A következő állomás a Tűz-hegy, ahol állítólag a hatalmas Ox King rendelkezik a 6. sárkánygömbbel. A sárkánylabda megszerzése érdekében Gokut elküldik, hogy keresse meg az Ox King lányát, Chi Chit.


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Zseniális Teknős kamehamehája

1986. április 16.25m

Zseniális teknős szigetére repül Goku és Chi Chi, akik megkérik a mestert, hogy segítsen a Tűz-hegy lángját eloltani. Zseniális teknős vállalja, hogy a Kamehameha hullámmal maga oltja el a lángokat. Sikerül is neki, de véletlenül elpusztítja a várat és a hegyet is.


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A nyúl főnök speciális technikája

1986. április 23.25m

Goku, Bulma és Oolong olyan városba érkeznek, ahol mindenki fél Bulmától a rajta lévő nyúlruházat miatt. Felfedezik, hogy ez azért van, mert Nyúl Főnök vasököllel uralja a várost. Goku feladata, hogy Yamcha és Puar segítségével felszabadítsa a várost.


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Ellopták a kristálygömböket

1986. április 30.25m

Mai megjavítja Pilaf sárkánygömb radarját, és látják, hogy Goku és barátai hat sárkánygömbbel Pilaf kastélyába tartanak, hogy megszerezzék az utolsó gömböt. Pilaf elküldi Mait és Shuut, hogy ellopják a sárkánygömbjeiket. Ötöt sikerül is ellopniuk. Ezután Gokunak és társainak meg kell támadniuk a várat, hogy visszaszerezzék őket.


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Végre előjön a sárkány

1986. május 7.25m

Pilaf ellopja az utolsó sárkánygömböt Gokutól, akit barátaival együtt csapdába ejt kastélyában. Gokunak és barátainak meg kell találnia a menekülési módot, mielőtt Pilaf megidézi a sárkányt, és világuralomra tör.


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A telihold szörnye

1986. május 14.25m

Puar és Oolong képesek elmenekülni cellájukból a Goku Kamehameha hullámával ütött lyukán keresztül, de túl késő, hogy megakadályozzák Pilafot a szent sárkány megidézésében. Most meg kell előzniük a kívánságban.


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Son Goku átváltozása

1986. május 21.25m

Goku félelmetes óriásmajommá alakul át.


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A rivális

1986. május 28.25m

Goku és egy Krillin nevű fiatal fiú Zseniális teknősnél kezdik meg az edzést. Eközben Yamcha, Bulma, Puar és Oolong a város felé tartanak, de a dzsungelben lezuhannak, és később eltévednek a sivatagban.


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A titokzatos lány

1986. június 4.25m

Goku és Krillin talál egy lányt a mesterük számára, akit Launch-nak neveznek. Ám a leányzónak két személyisége van. Egyszer egy kedves leányzó, máskor meg egy nagyon veszélyes bandita.


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Az első próbatételek

1986. június 11.25m

Zseniális teknős elviszi Gokut és Krillint egy nagy szigetre edzeni. Az edzés rengeteg futásból áll, és a követ is meg kell találniuk, amelyet a mester a dzsungelbe dob.


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Intenzív edzés

1986. június 18.25m

Zseniális teknős tejet szállíttat Gokuval és Krillinnel a reggeli edzés részeként, így előkészítve őket a harcművészetek világversenyére. Eközben Yamcha is a tornára készül.


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Edzés Zseniális Teknős módszerével

1986. június 25.25m

Goku és Krillin edzése folytatódik. Csupasz kézzel kell felszántaniuk egy hatalmas földet, építési munkákat kell végezniük, nagy sziklákat kell mozgatniuk, úszniuk kell, és el kell kerülniük a dühös méheket.


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A nagy bajnokság

1986. július 2.25m

A harcművészeti világbajnokság közeledtével Goku és Krillin edzése intenzívebbé válik. Eközben Yamcha is növeli saját edzését, emiatt Bulma elhanyagoltnak érzi magát.


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Győzzön a jobbik

1986. július 9.25m

Kezdődik a Harcművészetek Világbajnokságának első fordulója, melyen Goku, Krillin és Yamcha egyaránt megmutatja tudását.


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A hústorony

1986. július 16.25m

Megkezdődnek a Harcművészeti Világbajnokság negyeddöntős mérkőzései. Elsőként Krillin küzd meg egy nagyon büdös emberrel.


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Yamcha és Jackie Chun

1986. július 23.25m

A következő mérkőzést Jackie Chun és Yamcha vívja.


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Son Goku vs. repülő sárkány

1986. július 30.25m

Eső ​miatt félbemarad a torna, és a résztvevők egy bárba tömörülnek, ahol néhányan összetűzésbe keverednek. Az eső elálltával folytatódik a negyeddöntő Goku és Giran között.


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Krillin elkeseredett támadása

1986. augusztus 6.25m

Gokuval és Krillinnel készített interjúk után elindulnak az elődöntők. Elsőnek Krillin és Jackie Chun küzd meg.


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A félelmetes tenku pekeji-ken

1986. augusztus 13.25m

A Harcművészeti Világbajnokság elődöntőjének mérkőzéseit Goku és Nam zárja.


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A mindent eldöntő döntő

1986. augusztus 20.25m

Goku Jackie Chun ellen harcol a Harcművészetek Világbajnokságának utolsó mérkőzésén.


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A szorítóban

1986. augusztus 27.25m

Folytatódik az epikus küzdelem Goku és Jackie Chun között.


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A finálé

1986. szeptember 3.25m

Jackie Chun és Goku harcának lezárása, aki most ismét a teliholdra nézve szörnyeteggé változik.


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A varázstó

1986. szeptember 10.25m

A bajnokság vége után a baráti társaság feloszlik. Goku elindul megkeresni nagyapja sárkánygömbjét, Krillin Zseniális teknőssel tart, hogy folytassa edzését, Yamcha, Bulma, Oolong és Puar pedig visszatér a városba. Miután vizet hozott a falujába, Nam rájön, hogy ez nem fog sokáig tartani. A legendás "Roaming tó" után kutat, de útja során egy óriási madár ragadja el. Goku megmenti, és segít neki megtalálni a tavat.


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A négycsillagos gömb

1986. szeptember 17.25m

Gokutól ellopják a sárkányradart, miközben úszik. Meg kell találnia a tolvajt, és vissza kell szereznie, hogy megtalálja nagyapja sárkánygömbjét. Eközben Pilaf ismét megpróbálja összegyűjteni a sárkánygömböket. Ám egy titokzatos katonai erő is ezt a célt tűzte ki magának.


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Éljen az ifjú férj

1986. szeptember 24.25m

Goku üldözi Pilafot, hogy megszerezze tőle a sárkánygömböt. Pilaf végül egy hamis gömböt ad Gokunak. Ezután Pilaf követi az igazit Ox King falujáig. A király és lánya, Chi Chi tévesen úgy vélik, hogy Pilaf hajója Gokujé, és kezdenek készülődni az esküvőre. Közben a Vörös Szalag Rend követi Pilafot a faluba, szintén a sárkánygömböt keresve.


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Húszezer mérföld a sivatagban

1986. október 1.25m

Pilaf elhagyja a falut a sárkánygömbbel. Silver ezredes követi őt, de Pilaf lelövi Silver gépét. Goku Chi Chiivel visszatér a lerombolt faluba, és Ox Kingtől megtudják, mi történt. Goku távozik, hogy megtalálja a sárkánygömböt. Ő és Silver mindketten Pilafot követik földalatti sivatagi erődjébe, ahol egy csata veszi kezdetét.


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A sárkány legendája

1986. október 8.25m

Míg Goku összebarátkozik egy vadmajommal és gyermekével, Zseniális teknős elmeséli Bulmának és Krillinnek a sárkánygömbök legendáját.


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Az ezredes úr nem tréfál

1986. október 15.25m

Silver és a Vörös Szalag Rend kétségbeesetten keresi a sárkánygömböt, de Goku találja meg előbb. Goku és Silver ezután összecsapnak.


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Son Goku a messzi északon

1986. október 22.25m

Az eszméletlen és megdermedt Gokut egy Suno nevű lány menti meg. Míg a Vörös Szalag Rend Goku után kutat a faluban, elmeséli a sárkánygömb legendáját Sunonak és édesanyjának. Goku megtudja tőlük, hogy a hadsereg rabszolgává tette a faluban lévő embereket, arra kényszerítve őket, hogy segítsenek a sárkánygömb felkutatásában, és a falu főnökét fogva tartják egy toronyban. Goku úgy dönt, hogy megmenti.


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Vasmarok szorításában

1986. október 29.25m

Goku bejut a toronyba, miközben megküzd az őrökkel. A 3. emeleten egy hatalmas férfival találja magát szemben.


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A nindzsa közbelép

1986. november 5.25m

Goku tovább halad a 4. emeletre, ahol is egy nindzsával kell megküzdenie.


Stáb 0

Rendezte: Nem lett rendező hozzáadva.

Írta: Nem lett író hozzáadva.

Vendégszereplők 0 Összes szereplő és stábtag

Nem lettek vendégszereplők hozzáadva.

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Son Goku a nindzsák ellen

1986. november 12.25m

Folytatódik a csata Goku és Murasaki között. Murasaki olyan technikát használ, amely lehetővé teszi, hogy öt emberre oszthassa magát. Vagy valójában öten vannak testvérek?


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A nagyszerű robot

1986. november 19.25m

Miután legyőzte Murasakit, Goku összebarátkozik a 8. számú Androiddal, aki végigvezeti a torony többi részén.


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Az undormányos dög

1986. november 26.25m

Miután White tábornok csapdába csalja Gokuékat egy föld alatti veremben, Goku a Buyon szörnyeteg ellen harcol.


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A pokoli torony végnapjai

1986. december 3.25m

Goku White tábornokkal harcol a torony legfelső emeletén.


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Kobak doktor titka

1986. december 10.25m

Goku megkapja a sárkánygömböt Android 8-tól, aki elrejtette a Vörös Szalag Rend elől, hogy biztonságban legyenek a falusiak. Utána elmennek Dr. Flappe-hoz, hogy eltávolítsák a bombát Android 8 mellkasából. Eközben Murasaki, miután túlélte a torony pusztulását, követi őket.


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Son Goku felfedezi a várost

1986. december 17.25m

Goku West Citybe megy Bulmát keresve, abban a reményben, hogy a lány megjavíthatja a sárkányradart. Közben felfedezi, hogy mennyire más a városi élet ahhoz képest, amit megszokott.


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A találkozás

1986. december 24.25m

Bulma elkalauzolja Gokut a városban. Közben Red parancsnok elküldi Haskit, a mestertolvajt, hogy lopja el a sárkánygömböket Gokutól.


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Husky, a macskalány

1987. január 7.25m

Haski jósnőnek álcázza magát, hogy ellophassa a sárkánygömböket Gokutól.


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Bulma megmenekülése

1987. január 14.25m

Goku és Bulma elhagyják a várost, hogy megkeressék a következő sárkánygömböt. Megtalálják az óceán közepén, és leszállnak a közeli szigetre. Ezt a szigetet történetesen Blue tábornok és erői foglalják el, akik szintén a sárkánygömböt keresik.


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Zseniális Teknős szigetén

1987. január 21.25m

Miután észrevették, hogy a sárkánygömb túl mélyen van, hogy leússzanak érte, Goku és Bulma visszatér Zseniális teknős szigetére, hogy kölcsönkérjenek egy tengeralattjárót. Ott tartózkodása alatt a mester mesél nekik egy rejtett kalózkincsről, amely állítólag a sárkánygömb közelében található. Közben Blue tábornok felderítőt küld Goku követésére.


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Blue tábornok támadásba lendül

1987. január 28.25m

Goku, Bulma és Krillin a tengeralattjáróval elmennek megkeresni a sárkánygömböt. Blue tábornok követi őket, s közben elküldi katonáit Zseniális teknős szigetére, hogy megszerezzék a másik két gömböt.


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A titokzatos barlang

1987. február 4.25m

Blue tábornok továbbra is követi Gokuékat. Eközben Zseniális teknősnek és Launch-nak meg kell akadályoznia, hogy a katonák ellopják a gömböket.


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1987. február 11.25m

Goku és barátai tovább haladnak a barlangon, épp csak megúszva a csapdákat, míg Blue tábornok a nyomukban van.


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A robotkalóz

1987. február 11.25m

Goku és Krillin egy robot ellen harcol, amely a kalózok titkos rejtekhelyét őrzi.


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Kincs, ami van

1987. február 25.25m

Goku egy óriási polip ellen harcol. Krillin és Bulma keresik a kalózkincset, és belefutnak Blue tábornokba.


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Az ezer veszély barlangja

1987. március 4.25m

Gokunak le kell győznie Blue tábornokot, és meg kell találnia a sárkánygömböt, mielőtt a barlang összeomlik.


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Menekülj, ha kedves az életed

1987. március 11.25m

Goku, Krillin és Bulma épp csak megmenekülnek a barlangból, mielőtt összeomlik. Visszatérnek Blue tábornok bázisára, ahol Goku a rádión keresztül beszélget Red parancsnokkal, majd visszatérnek Zseniális teknős szigetére. Közben Blue követi őket.


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Az elemes játékok faluja

1987. március 18.25m

Blue tábornok ellopja a sárkánygömböket, és Goku üldözőbe veszi a varázsfelhőjével.


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Akár egy kicsi felhő

1987. március 25.25m

Az üldözés egy távoli kis faluban ér véget. Miközben Blue tábornokot keresi, Goku számos furcsa emberrel barátkozik meg.


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Arale a vörös szalagosok ellen

1987. április 8.25m

Blue tábornok túszul ejti Arale-t, azonban a kislány meglepő harci képességekkel rendelkezik.


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A Szent föld lakói

1987. április 15.25m

Goku elindul megkeresni a radar segítségével a következő gömböt. A Vörös Szalag Rend Yellow kapitánya már megtalálta egy aktív vulkán belsejében. Amikor megpróbálja megszerezni, a vulkán kitör, és a gömböt az erdőbe repíti, ahol a Föld oltalmazója megtalálja


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A rettegett Tópaipai

1987. április 22.25m

A zsoldos Taot felbérelik Goku megölésére és a sárkánygömbök megszerzésére. Közben Bora elmeséli Gokunak a Karin-torony legendáját.


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A nagy mérkőzés

1987. április 29.25m

A zsoldos Tao könnyedén legyőzi Gokut, és elveszi a sárkánygömböket. Goku ígéretet tesz, hogy felmászik a Karin-toronyba, hogy erősebbé váljon és legyőzze Taot, lehetővé téve számára, hogy összeszedje a gömböket és feltámassza Borát.


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A mesterek mestere

1987. május 6.25m

Goku eljut a Karin-torony tetejére. Megismerkedik Karinnal, a titokzatos macskával, aki őrzi a tornyot és a szent vizet.


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A szentvíz

1987. május 13.25m

Goku újra és újra megpróbálja elvenni a szent vizet Karintól.


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A hős visszatér

1987. május 20.25m

Goku leereszkedik a Karin-toronyról, és harcba száll Taoval, aki visszatért, hogy megölje, és elvegye a másik sárkánygömböt.


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A vereség

1987. május 27.25m

Miután Goku legyőzte, Tao felmászik a Karin-toronyra, és iszik a szent vízből. Ezután leereszkedik a toronyból, hogy újra megküzdjön Gokuval.


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Úton a főhadiszállás terén

1987. június 10.25m

Violet ezredes talál egy újabb sárkánygömböt a Vörös Szalag Rend számára, és Goku a hadsereg támaszpontja felé repül, hogy egymaga indítson támadást, és elvegye a sárkánygömböket. Amikor Bulma és a többiek tudomást szereznek a tervéről, elindulnak, hogy segítsenek neki.


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A visszavonulás

1987. június 17.25m

Yamcha és a többiek sietnek, hogy segítsenek Gokunak, aki megtámadja a Vörös Szalag Rendet.


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Red tábornok bukása

1987. június 24.25m

Goku folytatja támadását a Vörös Szalag Rend ellen, míg Red parancsnok és Black vezérkari tiszt vitatkoznak a protokollról. Végül Goku szemtől szemben találkozik velük. Eközben Yamcha és a többiek továbbhaladnak a Vörös Szalag Rend erődje felé.


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The Last Dragon Ball

1987. július 1.25m

After Goku dodges the beam, Black attempts to use a missile to blow Goku up together with the entire base, but Goku repels this missile! As Black realizes he has no chance to win and tries to run away, Goku settles things with a single blow, and the Battle Jacket explodes! Goku reunites with his friends, who were hiding in the forest preparing their strategy, and even they are amazed at his strength. Only one Dragon Ball remains. However, for some reason the Dragon Radar isn’t picking up its signal.


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Who is Fortuneteller Baba?

1987. július 8.25m

Goku has wiped out the Red Ribbon Army, but he can’t figure out the location of the seventh Dragon Ball! From there, he ends up requesting a divination from the fortune-teller Uranai Baba, who the Turtle Hermit told him about. On the way, Goku and the others stop by Karin Tower and take Upa with them to Uranai Baba’s palace! However, in order to receive a divination from Uranai Baba, one must either pay 10 million zeni, or win in a battle against her five competitors! Goku and the others reluctantly agree to fight, but…


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We are the Five Warriors

1987. július 15.25m

Dracula Man, the first opponent, challenges Kuririn! Kuririn is filled with confidence, but he gets bitten in the head by Dracula Man and has his blood sucked! Having lost a large amount of blood, Kuririn is ultimately defeated by Dracula Man. Goku and the others then work on a strategy, and Upa and Puar participate together. They blow Dracula Man away with the things a vampire hates, garlic and the crucifix! Moving on, they pass the baton to Yamcha, but the next opponent is Mr. Invisible, an invisible man of all things!!


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Deadly Battle

1987. július 22.25m

Yamcha has a tough battle with an undetectable invisible man as his opponent! Goku returns after having been instructed by Kuririn to bring the Turtle Hermit and Bulma. Kuririn pulls down Bulma’s clothes when the timing is right, and blood shoots from the Turtle Hermit’s nose once he sees Bulma’s chest! Bathed in this nosebleed, the invisible man’s form appears, and he is defeated by Yamcha. Kuririn’s strategy wins! Meanwhile, the battleground is moved to the “Demons' Toilet”!


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Goku's Turn

1987. július 29.25m

The “Demons' Toilet” is lined with demon statues, and surrounded by a poisonous bog! The mysterious third contestant to appear is the mummy man, Mummy-kun! But in contrast to his appearance, Mummy-kun has ultra power and speed that surpasses Yamcha’s. Yamcha faces him with determination, but the difference in their power becomes clear. Still not understanding, Yamcha fights on until the end, but he is finally defeated! Then in place of Yamcha, who put up a good fight, Goku at last debuts!


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The Devilmite Beam

1987. augusztus 5.25m

The fight between Mummy-kun and Goku begins. Mummy-kun attacks furiously, but it is completely ineffective against Goku! Angered, Mummy-kun uses his bandages to attack?! The bandages wrap around his entire body, but Goku doesn’t surrender! Thinking quickly, he uses the poisonous bog to break out of the bandages, then defeats Mummy-kun with a single punch! The fourth person to appear is the devil Akkuman! However, even Akkuman is helpless against Goku’s power?!


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The Mysterious Fifth Man

1987. augusztus 12.25m

Akkuman has a rough battle against Goku’s overwhelming power, and fires the Devil Might Beam. It’s a frightful attack that infinitely multiplies the tiny evil hidden without a person’s heart, causing them to explode! Goku is bathed in the Devil Might Beam, but for some reason it doesn’t work on him! It turns out that Goku somehow doesn’t possess an evil heart!! Goku finally blows Akkuman away! And then the fifth man finally appears, but for some reason Goku feels nostalgic.


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The Strong Ones

1987. augusztus 19.25m

The fox mask-wearing fifth man is no ordinary person! A breathless offensive-defensive battle unfolds!! And then the fox mask man fires a Kamehameha of all things! But Goku doesn’t lose, and returns fire with his own Kamehameha, knocking the man down! In the instant it seemed like Goku had won, the fox mask man grabs onto Goku’s weakness, his tail! Seeing this, the Turtle Hermit realizes the fox mask man’s identity. He says that the opponent’s identity is Son Goku’s dead adoptive grandfather, Son Gohan!!


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True Colors of the Masked Man

1987. augusztus 26.25m

Grabbing onto Goku’s tail, the fox mask man knocks Goku around! But then Goku’s tail comes off!! As Goku is about to counterattack, having lost his weakness, the man quickly surrenders. His identity was Goku’s adoptive grandfather Son Gohan after all!! Goku rejoices in their reunion! Thanks to Uranai Baba, Gohan was able to return from the afterlife for a single day. After the brief reunion, Gohan returns to the afterlife once again!


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Pilaf's Tactics

1987. szeptember 2.25m

After having Uranai Baba divine the location of the seventh Dragon Ball, Goku immediately sets off on Kinto'un to find it. But it turns out that the ones in possession of the Dragon Ball are Pilaf and his lackeys, who had previously given Goku and the others a hard time. Goku ends up in a showdown over the Dragon Ball with Pilaf, who is plotting to rule the world! Pilaf confidently challenges Goku in his mecha, the Pilaf Machine. He puts up an unexpectedly good fight, but loses in the end! Goku finally obtains the last Dragon Ball!!


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The Eternal Dragon Rises

1987. szeptember 9.25m

Having collected the seven Dragon Balls, Goku returns to Karin Tower with Upa. Then in response to Goku’s summons, Shen Long appears once again! While he’s afraid of the gigantic Shen Long, Upa still speaks his wish! Hearing the wish, Shen Long brings Upa’s father Bora back to life, who was killed by Tao Pai-pai!! Goku says his parting words to Upa and his father, then returns to his friends. Then at the Turtle Hermit’s advice, he sets out on a trip in search of even greater power!


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Terror and Plague

1987. szeptember 16.25m

Having set off on his own journey of training, Goku visits Chao’s village, a boy he met along the way. The village where Chao lives is plagued by the outlaw brothers named Kinkaku and Ginkaku! Goku confronts Kinkaku and Ginkaku, but ends up sealed inside a mysterious gourd that sucks you in if you don’t reply when your name is called!! However, Goku is saved thanks to the Nyoi-Bo. He steals the gourd away from the two and punishes them!


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Goku vs. Sky Dragon

1987. szeptember 23.25m

Continuing on his training journey, in the city Goku learns of a martial artist named Chin Taiken, and ends up taking the place of the ill martial artist in an important match! But Taiken’s son, Shoken, doesn’t like the idea of Goku participating, and feeds him laxative-spiked food. The match with Ten Long, master of Hyuga-Ryu, then begins! An intense battle unfolds, but Goku’s stomach starts to feel strange due to the laxative! However, he somehow endures this to win the match!!


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Goku Goes to Demon Land

1987. szeptember 30.25m

In the middle of his journey, Goku happens to pass by the Village of Fiends! When night falls, fiends appear from the Demon Realm Gate located between this world and the Demon Realm, and run wild in the village! In order to rescue Princess Misa, who was kidnapped by the fiends, Goku sets out to enter the Demon Realm Gate!! After having a showdown with Shura, the martial arts master of the Demon Realm, Goku blinds the fiends’ eyes with a Kamehameha and rescues Princess Misa while they’re off guard! The Demon Realm Gate is then sealed once again by Goku!!


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The Rampage of InoShikaCho

1987. október 7.25m

Goku sees the two martial artists Tenshinhan and Chiaotzu defeat the monster Inoshikacho, whose rampages had plagued the villagers. However, in reality the pair were friends with Inoshikacho, and deceitfully took money from the villagers! Goku tries to alert the villagers of the truth but gets framed instead, and he and Inoshikacho are chased by the villagers!! However, in the end the villagers’ distrust clears, and the reformed Inoshikacho ends up living with them in peace.


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Which Way to Papaya Island?

1987. október 14.25m

Three years have passed since Goku set out on his training journey. One day, Goku rescues the fox boy Konkichi, who was being pursued by an evil group. In gratitude to Goku, Konkichi says he will obtain the traveling fare for going to the Tenkaichi Budokai grounds. However, Konkichi is arrested for being a bank robber! Konkichi protests that while he may be a thief, he’s no bank robber! For Konkichi’s sake, Goku does a splendid job of capturing the real criminals!!


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Rivals and Arrivals

1987. október 21.25m

The 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai at last opens! When Kuririn and Yamcha arrive at the tournament grounds, the Turtle Hermit’s rival the Crane Hermit and his disciples Chiaotzu and Tenshinhan appear before them! The Crane Hermit leaves after saying some dreadfully insulting things! Meanwhile, Goku is nowhere to be found, and the tournament registration deadline has almost come! As everyone worries, Goku appears in the nick of time!! The friends enjoy their three-year reunion!


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Preliminary Peril

1987. október 28.25m

The tournament preliminaries have begun! Kuririn and Yamcha naturally advance through their respective brackets. Tenshinhan and Chiaotzu show up there, and rile them up with their bold demeanor. Sparks fly between the Turtle Hermit and the Crane Hermit’s disciples before the matches have even begun. Tenshinhan easily wins during his first appearance in the preliminaries, displaying a mere fraction of his bottomless ability! And then Goku’s turn has finally come! His opponent is King Chapa, well known as a master!!


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Then There Were Eight

1987. november 4.25m

Goku’s match against King Chapa begins! It seems that even Goku was having a difficult fight, but he brushed King Chapa’s attacks aside like they were nothing and achieved a sweeping victory!! Afterwards, Goku and the others continue to do well at advancing in the preliminaries! And Jackie Chun, the champion of the previous tournament, naturally advances as well! Meanwhile, Tenshinhan cruelly defeats Namu, who had fought against Goku in the semi-finals during the previous tournament! Goku and co. plus Tenshinhan and Chiaotzu thus ended up all participating in the main tournament!


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Yamcha vs. Tien

1987. november 11.25m

A lottery takes place to decide the match opponents out of the eight contestants who have survived into the main tournament. Tenshinhan uses Chiaotzu’s psychic powers to fix the match combinations as he sees fit! Because of this, the first match becomes a match of Yamcha versus Tenshinhan!! Yamcha harbors an extraordinary animosity towards the provocative Tenshinhan! When the match then starts, it becomes a white-hot offensive and defensive battle, with neither side giving an inch!!


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Yamcha's Big Break

1987. november 18.25m

Yamcha and Tenshinhan violently clash! Yamcha uses the Shin Roga fu-fu ken against Tenshinhan, but is gradually pushed back and is in a pinch. As his final hand, Yamcha fires a Kamehameha!! But Tenshinhan deflects the Kamehameha and defeats the faltering Yamcha in midair! Furthermore, he strikes the already unconscious Yamcha with a finishing blow! Goku burns with intense anger at the coldhearted Tenshinhan!!


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Full-Moon Vengeance

1987. november 25.25m

The Manwolf, who goes up against Jackie Chun in the second match, seems to harbor a grudge towards Jackie for some reason! The cause of this turns out to be because Jackie destroyed the moon with a Kamehameha in the previous tournament. Since then the Manwolf, who transforms into a human when he looks at the moon, has been unable to return to being a human. Jackie handles the Manwolf with ease and wins the match!! He then chooses Kuririn’s head to stand in for the moon, and restores the Manwolf to being human.


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The Dodon Wave

1987. december 2.25m

The third match becomes a showdown between Kuririn and Chiaotzu! Kuririn is bewildered by Chiaotzu’s strange techniques!! Flying freely through the air, Chiaotzu fires a “Dodonpa“, the same technique used by the assassin Tao Pai-pai! It turns out that Tao Pai-pai is actually the Crane Hermit’s younger brother!! After learning that Goku defeated Tao Pai-pai, the Crane Hermit orders Chiaotzu to kill Kuririn! Cornered, Kuririn resolves to using a Kamehameha!!


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Counting Controversy!!

1987. december 9.25m

The Kamehameha that Kuririn fired hits Chiaotzu head-on! Angered, Chiaotzu uses his psychic powers to prevent Kuririn from moving, and attacks him! But Kuririn realizes that Chiaotzu releases his psychic powers through his hands, and instantly throws out a math question! He then defeats Chiaotzu as Chiaotzu tries to use his hands to do the calculations!! That night, Goku is attacked by the Crane Hermit! However, Tenshinhan enters and stops him, vowing that he will defeat Goku in their match!!


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Goku Enters the Ring

1987. december 16.25m

Goku’s turn has come at last! His opponent is the popular action star, contestant Panputto! But Panputto’s manager is afraid of Goku’s strength, and right before the match he tricks Goku and takes him away! As Goku is on the verge of losing by default, through Lunch’s help he barely manages to make it to the match on time! The match then begins, and Goku wins in the blink of an eye! Goku has already acquired strength above the level of an ordinary human!!


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Tien Shinhan vs. Jackie Chun

1987. december 23.25m

The first match of the semi-finals ends up being a matchup of Jackie Chun versus Tenshinhan! Before the match, the two both burn with fierce fighting spirit!! The match then begins! Jackie uses a multi-fold Zanzouken, but Tenshinhan splendidly breaks through it!! Having made light of Jackie, Tenshinhan is overwhelmed by his strength! Meanwhile, seeing that Tenshinhan possess power greater than he imagined, Jackie begins to feel that a new age is coming!!


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Stepping Down

1987. december 30.25m

It’s the blazing white-hot match of Jackie versus Tenshinhan! Tenshinhan gets serious, and uses the Taiyou-ken! Flinching at the flash, Jackie is downed by a knee kick! After standing back up, Jackie tries to persuade Tenshinhan to walk on the true path. But Tenshinhan realizes that Jackie is the Turtle Hermit, and fires a Kamehameha of all things! Jackie deflects the Kamehameha, and jumps down from the arena, willingly receiving an out of bounds loss!


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Goku vs. Krillin

1988. január 6.25m

Having won through Jackie’s out of bounds loss, Tenshinhan is completely unable to understand what has happened! He then willingly meets with the Turtle Hermit and questions him on his reasons! The Turtle Hermit says that it is because the time has come for him to gradually turn the era over to the young heroes. He then again tries to persuade Tenshinhan to walk on the true path. Tenshinhan’s heart has begun to gradually turn. At the tournament grounds, Goku and Kuririn’s very first fight has begun! The two fight at full force, not holding back!!


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Tail's Tale

1988. január 13.25m

A battle where neither side gives an inch unfolds in the semi-finals! Kuririn has grown far more since last time, but Goku has become even stronger than that!! As Kuririn begins to be gradually pushed back, he takes advantage of an opening and grabs Goku’s weakness, his tail! But this doesn’t affect Goku, who during his training strengthened even his tail!! Goku moves at such high speeds that he can’t be seen and attacks Kuririn, knocking him from the arena and winning the match!!


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Final Match: Goku vs. Tien

1988. január 20.25m

The morning of the finals at last arrives. There’s a big clamor at the tournament grounds as it overflows with people trying to watch the match! Seeing this, Goku burns with fighting spirit!! Meanwhile, Tenshinhan is moved by the Turtle Hermit’s words, and heads to the arena as if to stop his uncertainty. And then the final round begins at last! Once the match begins, the two immediately launch into a grand, intense battle!! But Tenshinhan has seen through Goku’s fighting style, and attacks as if pressuring Goku for a response. Goku is in a great pinch!!


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Victory's Edge

1988. január 27.25m

Tenshinhan uses his secret technique, the Haikyu-ken, to smash Goku into the floor! But Goku gets up easily, and faces Tenshinhan not with the power he uses for matches, but rather the power he uses for battle! Their techniques smash furiously against each other! Goku’s Zanzouken is effective, and Tenshinhan is downed!! Tenshinhan uses his even more secret technique, the Taiyou-Ken, but Goku counters it with sunglasses and instead Tenshinhan is the one to be knocked down! The two continue their super-intense match, but Goku’s condition suddenly becomes strange!!


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Tien's Insurrection

1988. február 3.25m

Goku has suddenly become unable to move his body! This is due to Chiaotzu’s psychic powers!! He sealed up Goku’s movement on the Crane Hermit’s orders. But Tenshinhan realizes the Crane Hermit’s trick, and puts a stop to it! The heart of a proper martial artist has sprouted in Tenshinhan!! The Crane Hermit is mad with rage, but he is knocked off into the distance by the Turtle Hermit’s Kamehameha. And then this time for sure, Goku and Tenshinhan’s earnest match begins!!


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The Spirit Cannon

1988. február 10.25m

To test Goku’s ability, Tenshinhan uses his still even more secret technique, the Shiyou-ken! Two arms appear from his back, and Tenshinhan attacks with all four arms!! But Goku continues his attack without even flinching! In order to decide the match, Tenshinhan resolves to use his ultimate secret technique, the Kikouhou (Energy Cannon)! It’s a frightful technique that has destructive power many levels greater than the Kamehameha! The arena is then completely blown away by the Kikouhou!!


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The Fallen

1988. február 17.25m

The Kikouhou has left both fighters weary and exhausted. With all of their energy gone and the stage destroyed by the Kikouhou, Tenshinhan and Goku plummet towards the Earth, with the first to touch down losing the match! A new Champion is crowned today!


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Enter King Piccolo

1988. február 24.25m

Kuririn is dead! As Goku sets out on a quest for revenge, his friends attempt to learn the identity of Kuririn's killer. All clues lead to the Turtle Hermit's past and an evil that could destroy the world!


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Tambourine Attacks!

1988. március 2.25m

Piccolo Daimao has begun his sinister plot to restore his power and take over the world. All he needs are the seven Dragon Balls and all of the Tenkaichi Budokai participants - dead.


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Mark of the Demon

1988. március 9.25m

The evil Piccolo Daimao has sent his henchman, Tambourine to kill all the warriors that could foil his plan. Goku, in an effort to avenge Kuririn's death, is defeated by Tambourine and left stranded. He runs into a strange mountain man - but is he friend or foe?


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Here Comes Yajirobe

1988. március 16.25m

Lost in the wilderness, Goku fights for his honor after a mountain boy accuse him of stealing his fish. Meanwhile, the Turtle Hermit and company desperately search for a means of stopping Piccolo Daimao from obtaining the Dragon Balls and annihilating all martial artists!


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Terrible Tambourine

1988. március 23.25m

Tambourine continues his seek-and-slaughter campaign of martial artists as he sets his sight on victim eight: Yamcha! The Turtle Hermit takes Tenshinhan and Chiaotzu on a cross-country race for the Dragon Balls, as they try to stay ahead of the competition, Piccolo Daimao and his dastardly horde. Meanwhile Goku attempts to persuade mountain-boy Yajirobe to hand over his Dragon Ball to help save Kuririn!


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Tien's Atonement

1988. április 6.25m

Tambourine closes in on Goku and Yajirobe as the two warriors engage in a cross-country chase - of each other. Meanwhile, to obtain a Dragon Ball Tenshinhan must first atone for the brutality of his past.


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Goku's Revenge

1988. április 13.25m

The final showdown between Goku and Tambourine is here! As Goku fights to avenge Kuririn's death, the Turtle Hermit, Tenshinhan, and Chiaotzu continue their race against Piccolo Daimao for the Dragon Balls. However, Piccolo Daimao is out to get those responsible for Cymbal's demise, and the trail leads him to Goku!


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Goku vs. King Piccolo

1988. április 20.25m

Son Goku must stand alone as he faces the wrath of Piccolo Daimao. Without aid, and protecting the One-Star Dragon Ball, Goku defends his life as the dastardly alien seeks revenge for the deaths of Cymbal and Tambourine, two of his prized soldiers. The Turtle Hermit finds himself between a rock and a hard place as he quests for the Three-Star ball.


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Piccolo Closes In

1988. május 4.25m

Exhausted, bruised, and alone, Goku makes a final stand against the seemingly indestructible Piccolo Daimao. As the Turtle Hermit and others continue their pursuit of the Dragon Balls, it becomes clear that the trail leads to the dark forces of Piccolo Daimao and judgment day for our heroes.


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Roshi's Gambit

1988. május 11.25m

Global destruction is one wish away if Piccolo Daimao succeeds in calling fourth the Eternal Dragon. The Turtle Hermit answers the call for a hero by placing himself between the creature and the remaining Dragon Balls. However, in his attempt to save the world, he may pay the ultimate price.


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King Piccolo's Wish

1988. május 18.25m

Piccolo Daimao has called forth the Eternal Dragon. The Turtle Hermit is down, Tenshinhan can't get up and Chiaotzu is scared stiff. With no one to oppose him, Piccolo Daimao prepares to make a wish, which if granted, could become the world's greatest nightmare!


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Siege on Chow Castle

1988. május 25.25m

The invasion has begun! A youthful Piccolo Daimao sets out to vanquish the world, sector by sector, and he's starting out with the peaceful inhabitants of the King's realm! Meanwhile, Goku hopes to regain his strength by visiting Karin Tower, if he can climb it, exhausted and frail.


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Conquest and Power

1988. június 1.25m

Goku's reunion with Karin is filled with hope and disappointment as the hero receives shocking news! Meanwhile Piccolo Daimao attempts to force the King's obedience through a horrific display of brutality towards his kingdom and subjects as Tenshinhan prepares for the long journey to learn the secret of the Mafuba.


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Awaken Darkness

1988. június 15.25m

Something stirs in the cold, deep black below. Moans bellow from a hallow cavern beneath the ice. The Dark is alive! And it calls for Goku, as he sets out on a dangerous quest to find the Super Spirit Water. One sip could mean amazing power - or painful death!


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A Taste of Destiny

1988. június 22.25m

Goku and Yajirobe seek the Super Spirit Water, a mystical beverage that will grant either great power or death. But surprise follows surprise as Goku finally finds Darkness, the keeper of the Super Spirit Water. After Goku proves himself worthy, Darkness allows him to drink the perilous potion. But will he be empowered or perished?


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The Ultimate Sacrifice

1988. június 29.25m

Tenshinhan masters the Mafuba, deciding to use it against the evil Piccolo Daimao. One problem: if used against an opponent the Mafuba will kill its user! Meanwhile Goku and Yajirobe return to Karin Tower where Goku discovers his new powers and is given another Kinto'un. Can Goku reach Piccolo Daimao before Tenshinhan sacrifices himself?


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Prelude to Vengeance

1988. július 6.25m

Piccolo Daimao has declared annihilation of the world, one sector at a time. First up, Metro West, home of Bulma's parents. Tenshinhan, having mastered the Mafuba, prepares to fight Piccolo Daimao, but a new menace threatens all. Goku race to offer aid, but will it be too late?


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Battle Cry

1988. július 20.25m

There's a new beast in town and his name is Drum. Tenshinhan must go through him before he can fight Piccolo Daimao. The problem is, Drum moves faster than Tenshinhan's eyes - all three of them! Goku is on his way, but will he arrive in time to save the day?


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Goku Strikes Back

1988. július 27.25m

Goku is back to face Piccolo Daimao, and not a moment too soon! As Tenshinhan and the rest of the resistance endure their most desperate hour, only Goku stands between Piccolo Daimao and the destruction of Metro West. It's more than just a rematch, it's the battle to save the world!


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The Biggest Crisis

1988. augusztus 3.25m

Piccolo Daimao puts all of Metro West on edge when he invades the King's Castle, but Goku is not about to let him take over without a fight. While Tenshinhan watches from the sidelines, the young warrior takes it on the chin and refuses to go down. It's a fierce battle but even Goku has his limits. How much can he take?


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Final Showdown

1988. augusztus 10.25m

The fierce battle between Goku and Piccolo Daimao continues, but Piccolo gains the advantage when he breaks Goku down limb by limb. To make matters worse, Tenshinhan is used as a pawn in the battle. Goku is forced to make an awful choice. Will he surrender to Piccolo Daimao and save his friend or choose to fight and risk his own life?


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Lost and Found

1988. augusztus 17.25m

With Piccolo Daimao's reign of terror at an end, Goku has time to mend his wounds. As he heals he learns that there may be a way to revive his lost friends - face to face meeting with the creator of the Dragon Balls! The one problem is that the only way to get to the mysterious God is by using his Nyoi-bo, and it has gone missing!


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Temple Above the Clouds

1988. augusztus 24.25m

Goku finds his lost Nyoi-bo and uses it to climb to God's temple in the sky. The only problem is that when he arrives he must face off against God's assistant Mr. Popo in a test of strength. Does Goku have what it takes to pass this test and earn a meeting with the mysterious God?


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Earth's Guardian Emerges

1988. augusztus 31.25m

The moment has arrived for Goku to come face to face with the amazing God, Guardian of Earth! But even the wise Karin could not prepare Goku for what he will see when the mysterious Guardian emerges!


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Eternal Dragon Resurrected

1988. szeptember 14.25m

After Goku mistakes God for the villainous Piccolo Daimao it is time for the young warrior to begin his grueling three year training for the next Tenkaichi Budokai. In exchange for Goku's promise God agrees to revive the Eternal Dragon!


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Quicker than Lightning

1988. szeptember 21.25m

Goku's first task under his new teacher is a death-defying mission to the top of Mount Thunder to fetch the legendary Holy Crown. But the mystical artifact has a deadly secret! Goku will have to be quicker than lightning to accomplish this task - alive!


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Secret of the Woods

1988. szeptember 28.25m

Continuing his training, Goku follows Mr. Popo's instruction and enters the deep, dark woods. While searching for a worthy sparring partner, Goku stumbles across a surprising discovery hidden deep within the secluded labyrinth - and finds help a most unexpected way!


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The Time Room

1988. október 12.25m

Goku journeys through time, where he meets a young Muten Roshi! But Roshi has a problem of his own - his arch rival, Shen! While the two rivals battle for the affections of the same girl, Goku attempts a new power with the help of Mutaito.


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Goku's Doll

1988. október 19.25m

"Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it!" Goku learns this lesson the hard way when he asks Mr. Popo for the ultimate sparring partner to aid in his training. What he gets is the battle of his life! Meanwhile, Yamcha and the others continue their long journey to reach Karin Tower, in hopes of receiving training from the wise Master.


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Walking Their Own Ways

1988. október 26.25m

Preparing for the Tenkaichi Budokai, Goku gets some important training tips from Mr. Popo. Meanwhile, Tenshinhan, Yamcha, Chiaotzu and Kuririn make their way to Karin Tower for some training of their own. Unfortunately they are sidetracked by a village celebrating a mysterious festival to their mountain spirit. Once the mountain erupts it is up to our heroes to put a lid on the active volcano!


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Hotter than Lava

1988. november 2.25m

While Goku continues his training, Tenshinhan, Yamcha, Chiaotzu and Kuririn find themselves in a very hot situation! A remote village is threatened by an erupting volcano and it is up to the good guys to put a lid on it. The time has come to put their new training to the test!


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1988. november 9.25m

Warriors the world over are lining up to compete as the Tenkaichi Budokai prepares to get under way. Unfortunately, all of the Turtle Hermit's pupils are missing, including Goku. With the entry-deadline approaching, the competitive future of our heroes look bleak, as does Muten Roshi's patience.


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Preliminary Peril

1988. november 16.25m

The Tenkaichi Budokai gets underway as Goku and the others compete in the exciting preliminary round. But the competition threatens to turn ugly when Goku gets a visit from an old adversary.


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Battle of the Eight

1988. november 23.25m

The preliminary round continues as Goku, Yamcha, Kuririn, and Tenshinhan battle one opponent after another in hopes of advancing to the semi-final round. Meanwhile, the Turtle Hermit is confronted by an old rival.


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Tien Shinhan vs. Mercenary Tao

1988. november 30.25m

The Budokai gets underway as Tenshinhan battles his former mentor turned cyborg, Tao Pai Pai. Tensions run high as the former assassin attempts to take Tenshinhan down - permanently!


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Anonymous Proposal

1988. december 7.25m

Goku takes on his most lovely opponent yet in the second match of the Tenkaichi Budokai. Know only as Anonymous, the beautiful warrior's identity is a mysterious as her fierce anger toward Goku, who must win the match in order to learn her real name.


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The Mysterious Hero

1988. december 14.25m

The Budokai continues with a double header! First up, Kuririn battles Ma Junior, Piccolo Daimao's alter ego, and every bit as powerful. Yamcha jumps in the ring next, opposing Shen, whose meek appearance may hide a darker threat.


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1988. december 21.25m

Yamcha scratches to stay in the ring as Shen reveals his true ability - and identity. Goku and Tenshinhan must fight one another in a friendly rematch to claim the last remaining spot for the semi-finals.


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Goku Gains Speed

1989. január 11.25m

As the battle between Tenshinhan and Goku rages, Goku unloads a heavy burden, one that may shift the balance in the extraordinary showdown. All eyes turn to Tenshinhan as an embarrassing moment spurs him to make a dangerous choice.


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The Four Faces of Tien

1989. január 18.25m

Goku has always been able to handle himself in the ring, but when his fight with Tenshinhan turns into a war against an army, he finds himself in serious jeopardy. Tenshinhan's new technique may spell the end for our hero!


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Kami vs. Piccolo

1989. január 25.25m

Goku is eager to fight Ma Junior, but God fears his inexperience will be his downfall. Shen takes on Ma Junior in the last round of the semi-finals, where his shocking agenda is revealed.


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Battle for the Future

1989. február 1.25m

Goku faces the ultimate test as he confronts his greatest nemesis in the final round of the Budokai. This time his fight is for more than the title. The future of the free world is at stake!


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Super Kamehameha

1989. február 8.25m

The battle to save the planet continues as Goku tries to take down Ma Junior in the final match of the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai. Goku has an ultimate weapon: The Ultimate Super Kamehameha Wave. However, if he uses it to destroy Ma Junior, God will be sacrificed, having been trapped inside Ma Junior's stomach.


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Junior No More

1989. február 15.25m

Ma Junior reveals a startling secret that shocks the tournament. Goku finds himself facing a huge dilemma, as he fights for the championship becomes the fight for survival!


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Goku's Trap

1989. február 22.25m

As the exhausting battle between Goku and Ma Junior continues, Goku avoids disaster by taking the battle within. Ma Junior surprises all when he unveils a new threat!


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Goku Hangs On

1989. március 1.25m

The Tenkaichi Budokai begins to fall to piece as Ma Junior unveils a technique that not only threatens to destroy Goku, but his friends as well. Even the mighty God believes that there is no way for Goku to survive in this winner-take-all massacre!


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The Victor

1989. március 8.25m

The end of the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai finds Goku struggling for survival as Ma Junior gets the upper hand, poised to take the Title and his life. God devises a way to rescue the young hero, but his plan calls for the ultimate sacrifice!


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Dress in Flames

1989. március 15.25m

Eager to announce their wedding plans, Goku and Chichi return to her father's kingdom. The good news is short-lived when the Gyumao's castle goes up in flames! Goku embarks on a quest to find a sacred tool, which can save the Gyumao and his future with Chichi.


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The Fire-Eater

1989. március 22.25m

Goku and Chichi's search for the Basho-sen leads them into the heart of a fiery volcano. Once inside, they must face a mighty creature that consumes flames: the Fire-Eater!


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Outrageous Octagon

1989. április 5.25m

Goku's search for the Basho-sen leads him to a treacherous mountain that has a strange curse. Chichi is faced with the biggest mess of her life when she meets a mysterious old woman, while the Gyumao tries to flee the raging fires that threaten to destroy his castle!


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Mystery of the Dark World

1989. április 12.25m

After the Basho-sen fails to put out the fire threatening the Gyumao, Goku and Chichi set out to find the Eightfold Furnace, believed to be the last hope for extinguishing the deadly blaze. But before they can complete their quest, Goku must solve the mystery of the next world.


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The End, the Beginning

Évad befejezés
1989. április 19.25m

Goku and Chichi must travel to Mt. Gogyo in a last ditch effort to save her father, the Gyumao, from the deadly magical flames, which threaten to consume his kingdom. Before Goku can complete his quest, he must fan the flames of Fate and hope he does not get burned!


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