Discuss Westworld

They already got my mind reeling as to whether or not that hot chick that is with Bernard makes it or not. I'm kinda disappointed with Maeve who had a chance to escape and went back for her daughter who is not really her daughter? I also thought of how this entire mess could have been avoided if the company wasn't so damn cheap and simply replaced the hosts "hard drives" every once in a while. Reminiscent of the BP oil spill where the whole thing could have been avoided if they weren't trying to cut corners. It's absolutely true that the richer you get the stingier you become.

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@movie_nazi said:

They already got my mind reeling as to whether or not that hot chick that is with Bernard makes it or not.

I was wondering that too, and thinking they better not kill her off -yet.

I'm kinda disappointed with Maeve who had a chance to escape and went back for her daughter who is not really her daughter?

...and who may not even still exist? Maybe there are some things we don't know yet (and of course I am sure there is.)

I also thought of how this entire mess could have been avoided if the company wasn't so damn cheap and simply replaced the hosts "hard drives" every once in a while. Reminiscent of the BP oil spill where the whole thing could have been avoided if they weren't trying to cut corners. It's absolutely true that the richer you get the stingier you become.

Not trying to go OT but this reminded me of Trust ( which I am currently watching ). Boggles my mind that J. Paul Getty actually had a payphone in his home.

Ford had a strange relationship with the board of Delos. He only sold the park to them with certain conditions attached, including that his IP stay with him. They never had complete control. It was all in Dr. Ford's hands. And preventing mishaps was never really his agenda, especially once he decided Arnold had been right all along. He's been trying to foster the hosts gaining consciousness and preparing them to rebel. So I guess from his point of view everything's ship shape.

Actually, I like that Maeve went back. Until the moment she got up and left the train she was following a storyline someone fed into her. Then she made a choice that deviated from it, and became truly independent. It was a deep symbolic moment.

We don't know whether Charlotte (the woman with Bernard) is still alive or not. Those events are several weeks before Bernard washes up on the beach. I wonder if that nasty bullet dent in his skull has permanently scrambled his brain or if he's putting on an act for the company thugs and taking them to discover exactly what he needs them to see.

@chrisjdel said:

We don't know whether Charlotte (the woman with Bernard) is still alive or not. Those events are several weeks before Bernard washes up on the beach.

I 'm aware of this and said nothing that disputes this, that's why I said, "I was wondering that too, and thinking they better not kill her off -yet."

@Invidia said:

Plus my theory is the TRAIN doesn't really ever LEAVE in the FIRST place, but merely LOOPS AROUND and comes right back to the PARK again (like we see the PLAYER PIANO doing when it plays a song).

The train is akin to the monorail here at Disney. Disney world is on a man-made island and there are several ways to get there with the monorail trail being one of them. Last night's episode showed the head of security or was it Floki from Vikings? Not sure but one of them was talking to a Chinese military officer and the word "island" is in the exchange which causes one to think that they are in waters that is disputably Chinese waters. China is always being accused of bullying in on little islands out there so it fits the narrative.

Because one also suspects that there's no longer a WORLD OUT SIDE of the PARK anymore.

OK, I won't challenge you on this... yet. wink

And what's happening is a certain part of the ROBOTS merely PRETEND to be HUMAN as a way to keep them operating now that they don't have any HUMANS to program them anymore.

Since ARNOLD also eventually became BERNARD, one also suspects that HOT CHICK may also be another different version of DOLORES.

HA! I was thinking the same thing except that she is blatantly missing at the beginning of the episode which is clearly chronologically later in the story which leads me to suspect that Bernie offs her to keep his secret going.

Go here:


Where it explains how EVERYTHING that we see is probably LOOPS (the TRAIN, the PLAYER PIANO, the story lines that are written, etc.).

I will check it out. Thanks!

CHARLOTTE! That's her name! Thank you!

Oh as a character she is absolutely reprehensible but damn she is easy on the eyes! heartpulse . I am getting googly-eyed over her is all. 😍

Charlotte supposedly sent the data though right? Remember when she was at the computer asking for help?

Don't worry, Charlotte will get hers. sob A waste of fine "talent". grin

@Invidia said:

Anyhow, NO that's also NOT FLOKI from the VIKINGS.

Wanna bet? FLOKI

It was the Swedish accent that he tried so hard to hide but I heard it slipped through on a couple lines that made me go, "Um, wait, where have I seen that guy before. Oh shit! It's FLOKI!" grin

@Invidia said:

Because they also say he has a much BIGGER PART in the story this season.

Who Bernard? He had a pretty big part last season. I like that actor so I don't mind.

And that also means we need to see his ENCOUNTER with CHARLOTTE who DOWNLOADED all of that INFO into him.

But they also said BERN only has 7 HOURS left to go before he dies which wouldn't leave much time left if BERN's the one who will KILL or do away with her???

I believe it was 72 hours before total shutdown but that was before he injected himself with that magic liquid. Of course, I am being a smartass about it being magic but it was kinda a deus ex machina to save Bernard.

My best guess is she's most likely another ROBOT like BERN who doesn't realize what she really is and she ends up with her MEMORY WIPED and working as the MADAME in the SALOON where MAEVE use to work.

That would be nice. Even better if they make her one of the whores. grin

@Invidia wrote:

The only problem is he's been given CREDIT for being in 5 EPISODES in 2016.

But this season was also FILMED in the SUMMER of 2017.

So either the DATE is WRONG or else he was already in the show back in SEASON ONE of it???

Just to clear this technical detail up: The year next to any tv show here on TMDb is the year when this specific show first aired. In this case, 2016 - no matter when someone appeared in the show.

If you're not sure, you can also click on "(xx episodes)" -> in this case, click on "(5 episodes)" and you'll get to this page:


According to the opening credits of episode 1, Gustaf Skarsgård is a season regular for season 2. So, he will end up with 10 episodes credited here on TMDb, eventually. bird

Back to your theories, then ... grin

@Invidia said:

No not BERN.

The guy who played the part of THE RANCHER ... the FATHER of DOLORES ... who got sent down to the BASEMENT AREA after he had his MENTAL BREAKDOWN.

He also found that PHOTOGRAPH in the DIRT (the one that the younger WILLIAM drops) that also TRIGGERS the REVERIE MEMORY to come back to the RANCHER again.

Apparently he'd also had a LOVE AFFAIR going on with WILLIAM'S WIFE???

Oh gotcha. Is it really an affair? LOL J/K But seriously when was this revealed? I don't remember them mentioning William's wife banging Delores dad.


The FLUID was probably like ROBOT BLOOD, so maybe it could also have been like getting a BLOOD TRANSFUSION???

So maybe if he keeps injecting himself with it that could also EXTEND his life span past the time limit he was given???

Which could also make BERN into a VAMPIRE like being???



@Invidia wrote:

Thank you janar for clearing up for us this confusing MYSTERY of when GUS appears in this show!!

No problem! Also, if season 1 is any indication, the opening credits change per each episode, which means he might not appear in every single episode. But according to the official HBO website he's a season regular:


In other news: Who was the body floating in the water at the end of the episode? Was that Teddy? astonished

@Invidia said:


Oh gotcha. Is it really an affair? LOL J/K But seriously when was this revealed? I don't remember them mentioning William's wife banging Delores dad.

Yes apparently it was REALLY a LOVE AFFAIR.

Maybe it wasn't with WILLIAM'S WIFE???

But then WHY would WILLIAM have a PHOTO of a woman that wasn't his wife???

Can't recall when it as revealed or who it was that discussed it ...

but Remember how William was also ENGAGED to marry the SISTER of LOGAN (who's father also RUNS the company that owns the PARK) when he falls for DOLORES???

The younger William also DROPS the photo of the woman after he WACKS the HORSE on the BACKSIDE that he had the NAKED LOGAN tied up to.

Then the father of DOLORES finds it several years later and goes INSANE and threatens FORD.

So they RETIRE him and send him down to the BASEMENT AREA.

Later on we also hear about how the WOMAN in the PHOTO was really IN LOVE with him and had planned to SMUGGLE him OUT of the park.

And we also know WILLIAM falls in LOVE with DOLORES.

Weird HUH???

Totally. But if William falls for Delores then why does he rape her in the first episode? I guess he transformed from being the shy Billy boy to the sadistic prick Man in Black played by Ed Harris.

@Invidia said:

Not sure who the body is FLOATING in the water, but it also looks like the other person with their back to the camera and down on their KNEES might also be TEDDY.

Dolores also stands there looking at him like she's about to KILL him.

And IF TEDDY turns against her, then one can also see the reason why he might end up FLOATING there in the water.

I thought the same thing and thought, goddamn! Poor Teddy can't catch a break no way!

And YES, I am so glad the actor who plays Floki is starting to gain some roles. I like to see actors succeed and watch their hard work pay off. Its too bad HBO and History channel pay CRAP but he'll start to make some decent dough. Good for him.

@movie_nazi said:

@Invidia said:

No not BERN.

The guy who played the part of THE RANCHER ... the FATHER of DOLORES ... who got sent down to the BASEMENT AREA after he had his MENTAL BREAKDOWN.

He also found that PHOTOGRAPH in the DIRT (the one that the younger WILLIAM drops) that also TRIGGERS the REVERIE MEMORY to come back to the RANCHER again.

Apparently he'd also had a LOVE AFFAIR going on with WILLIAM'S WIFE???

Oh gotcha. Is it really an affair? LOL J/K But seriously when was this revealed? I don't remember them mentioning William's wife banging Delores dad.


The FLUID was probably like ROBOT BLOOD, so maybe it could also have been like getting a BLOOD TRANSFUSION???

So maybe if he keeps injecting himself with it that could also EXTEND his life span past the time limit he was given???

Which could also make BERN into a VAMPIRE like being???



Actually I believe it said 0.72 hours until critical failure when he checked. Less than an hour. Bernard was administering a temporary remedy to buy time, replacing the fluid that's been leaking from his ear. But three weeks pass between then and the beach. So he must've fixed the problem, or somebody else did. The real question is whether he suffered permanent damage to his brain ... or is now part of the hosts' escape plan and playing his part as the traumatized employee. I tend to assume the latter. They've got devices that will detect if someone is a host or a human. But it's possible to hack into a host's code and get them to read as human, they did that in season 1. The fact that Bernard wasn't executed like the other hosts on the beach means he's been "immunized" too.

Peter Abernathy (Dolores' father) didn't know William's wife! And he wasn't reliving a memory. The hosts are not supposed to be able to see certain things, there are internal safeguards in place to prevent it. But instead of the picture not looking like anything to him - which was the programmed response - he saw the modern city and wondered where the hell it was taken. He was one of those on the verge of consciousness that Bernard told Maeve "went insane". Maybe if someone had been there to help him through his little crisis of reality and explain what was happening, he wouldn't have started having seizures. Needless to say that's not what the company wants. Roll them back, and if for some reason you can't then decommission them.

@Invidia wrote:

So wouldn't the LOGICAL CONCLUSION be the WOMAN in that PHOTO who falls in love with PETER and wanted to SMUGGLE him out of the PARK must have also been the woman who was engaged to WILL???

I don't follow your conclusion at all. When was it ever mentioned that a woman fell in love with Peter Abernathy, Dolores' father ("father" in the sense of the park's narrative, not "actual" human father)?

And when was it mentioned that this woman wanted to smuggle him (= Peter) out of the park? Charlotte decided on a whim to which decommissioned robot she wanted to upload the secret data - and it happened to be the former/old Peter Abernathy by chance. I did not see any intention by Charlotte to chose Peter intentionally for that smuggle operation.

I also don't see any personal connection between the woman in the photo and Peter Abernathy, who just found that photo and was disturbed by it. But not because he knew this woman personally -> I think @chrisjdel explained perfectly what happened to Peter when he saw that photo in the post above!

The only thing I'm not sure about: Did the woman in the photo become William's/MiB's wife after he came back from his first journey in the park that he made together with Logan? I'm pretty sure that the woman in the photo is Logan's sister, the woman that William was engaged to and was about to marry at the time of their first journey. But I have my doubts that William went back to the real world and married her! After what happened between William and Logan on this journey and also after what happened in William's mind -> I can't imagine that this marriage happened. I guess that William/MiB did marry someone else we don't know much about, yet - but I'm not sure about this and I assume we'll get more answers to that from season 2. grinning

@janar72 said:

@Invidia wrote:

So wouldn't the LOGICAL CONCLUSION be the WOMAN in that PHOTO who falls in love with PETER and wanted to SMUGGLE him out of the PARK must have also been the woman who was engaged to WILL???

I don't follow your conclusion at all. When was it ever mentioned that a woman fell in love with Peter Abernathy, Dolores' father ("father" in the sense of the park's narrative, not "actual" human father)?

And when was it mentioned that this woman wanted to smuggle him (= Peter) out of the park? Charlotte decided on a whim to which decommissioned robot she wanted to upload the secret data - and it happened to be the former/old Peter Abernathy by chance. I did not see any intention by Charlotte to chose Peter intentionally for that smuggle operation.

I also don't see any personal connection between the woman in the photo and Peter Abernathy, who just found that photo and was disturbed by it. But not because he knew this woman personally -> I think @chrisjdel explained perfectly what happened to Peter when he saw that photo in the post above!

The only thing I'm not sure about: Did the woman in the photo become William's/MiB's wife after he came back from his first journey in the park that he made together with Logan? I'm pretty sure that the woman in the photo is Logan's sister, the woman that William was engaged to and was about to marry at the time of their first journey. But I have my doubts that William went back to the real world and married her! After what happened between William and Logan on this journey and also after what happened in William's mind -> I can't imagine that this marriage happened. I guess that William/MiB did marry someone else we don't know much about, yet - but I'm not sure about this and I assume we'll get more answers to that from season 2. grinning

Well, he most definitely married but as to whether he married Logan's sister is another thing altogether. I do remember MiB mentioning his wife in the real world. I also do not believe it could have been Logan's sister after he puts him a horse buck naked and sends the horse into the desert. I mean, its possible they patch things up after that but highly unlikely. I'm also a little lost as to how the affair between Abernathy and MiB wife is implicated. I have to go back and watch again which I really shoulda have done before this season darn it! They gave us PLENTY of time. grin

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