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Answering the door buck naked to a business meeting? What she does is akin to answering the door naked with a vibrator in her hand. Goddamn, that scene was strange.

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@movie_nazi said:

Answering the door buck naked to a business meeting? What she does is akin to answering the door naked with a vibrator in her hand. Goddamn, that scene was strange.

Clearly being naked in front of others doesn't bother her. It doesn't bother everyone you know. And Charlotte enjoys keeping people off balance, she does it in many different ways. The writer guy who's with Maeve now for example, she always treated like a semi-competent wannabe, because he has a fragile self-image and a need for validation.

It's not the fact that she was naked that makes it crazy. It's the fact that she was masturbating (banging a nihilistic desperado host) right before she answers the door. As I previously stated, imagine if I invited you over for a business meeting and I answered the door with a fuckin' hard on and clearly worked up. It sounds like a Harvey Weinstein horror story.

@movie_nazi said:

It's not the fact that she was naked that makes it crazy. It's the fact that she was masturbating (banging a nihilistic desperado host) right before she answers the door. As I previously stated, imagine if I invited you over for a business meeting and I answered the door with a fuckin' hard on and clearly worked up. It sounds like a Harvey Weinstein horror story.

Yeah, it kinda does! This is what happens with some people when they get so filthy rich they don't have to care anymore - or follow the same rules as regular people. Charlotte seems to delight in flaunting her appetites. After all, she's the boss. If the flunky is uncomfortable they better keep it to themselves. Only William seems to be higher up the ladder than her. And I doubt he'd be shocked, or care all that much. About the only thing she'd get out of him is a ѕnide remark.

@chrisjdel said:

@movie_nazi said:

It's not the fact that she was naked that makes it crazy. It's the fact that she was masturbating (banging a nihilistic desperado host) right before she answers the door. As I previously stated, imagine if I invited you over for a business meeting and I answered the door with a fuckin' hard on and clearly worked up. It sounds like a Harvey Weinstein horror story.

Yeah, it kinda does! This is what happens with some people when they get so filthy rich they don't have to care anymore - or follow the same rules as regular people. Charlotte seems to delight in flaunting her appetites. After all, she's the boss. If the flunky is uncomfortable they better keep it to themselves. Only William seems to be higher up the ladder than her. And I doubt he'd be shocked, or care all that much. About the only thing she'd get out of him is a ѕnide remark.

At that point in the story timeline, William is of god-like status as he explains when he spills his guts to Teddy. I hate to hint at a wild tangent theory, Invidia style (I'm messin' with ya hun wink ), but perhaps this is a hint of just how devolved human society has become where "professional" people act in such a manner. Now I am not naive to the ways of the world and I am perfectly well aware that some people go wild when they get a little money in their pocket but this ancient Roman-like hedonism is a bit over the top. I know the show hammers the point that the invention or idea of the hosts has in a way fooled man into revealing their true, ugly inner selves. Just like Logan made a remark when they reached the town of Pariah (interesting name) and it was practically an orgy fest that put the scene in Eyes Wide Shut to shame, that he could get used to that. This last episode shows him getting it on with chicks and flirting with guys.

I personally think that in the real world if AI was invented and we had hosts like this, it would be illegal to do the acts they do in the show. For example, in present day, it is illegal to possess any kind of animations that depict pedophilia in most countries. Sadly not all. One could argue that it is just a cartoon. No one is really getting hurt (same argument with the hosts). But the issue is that the idea is morally wrong and we shouldn't be promoting it or rather allowing it to be promoted.

@movie_nazi said: At that point in the story timeline, William is of god-like status as he explains when he spills his guts to Teddy. I hate to hint at a wild tangent theory, Invidia style (I'm messin' with ya hun wink ), but perhaps this is a hint of just how devolved human society has become where "professional" people act in such a manner. Now I am not naive to the ways of the world and I am perfectly well aware that some people go wild when they get a little money in their pocket but this ancient Roman-like hedonism is a bit over the top. I know the show hammers the point that the invention or idea of the hosts has in a way fooled man into revealing their true, ugly inner selves. Just like Logan made a remark when they reached the town of Pariah (interesting name) and it was practically an orgy fest that put the scene in Eyes Wide Shut to shame, that he could get used to that. This last episode shows him getting it on with chicks and flirting with guys.

I personally think that in the real world if AI was invented and we had hosts like this, it would be illegal to do the acts they do in the show. For example, in present day, it is illegal to possess any kind of animations that depict pedophilia in most countries. Sadly not all. One could argue that it is just a cartoon. No one is really getting hurt (same argument with the hosts). But the issue is that the idea is morally wrong and we shouldn't be promoting it or rather allowing it to be promoted.

Gee, billionaires and corporate bigwigs acting without conscience ... where do they come up with these wild far-fetched ideas? sunglasses

I think they're more or less projecting forward into a future where big corporations and the rich continue to gain control over government and write the laws. One would hope that if AIs of this sophistication were created there'd be an outside regulatory agency testing to see if they meet the qualifications for sentience and not allowing them to be abused in the ways Westworld depicts if they come anywhere near that threshold. But you get the impression that Delos is such a powerful organization it would be very difficult to hold them accountable. Given what's already happened - all those missing people, many of whom are guests and don't work for the company - some government entity should already have stepped in. But several weeks later and still it looks like the only ones there are the company mercs.

@Invidia said:

In one of the VIDEO LINKS a comparison is made to what WILLIAM has in mind being like FACE BOOK.

Because the idea is to go there where NO ONE thinks they're being WATCHED or JUDGED, but then they do get JUDGED because other people they try to get a JOB with also sees their FB website and decides NOT to hire them if they don't like what they see there.

Yes, exactly. This was the selling point that brought papa Delos over. William pointed out how it can be used to spy on people and that is a valuable asset to have.


Well, partly. Certainly the psychological aspect of it. But I would put sex addicts in the same bracket as gambling addicts since the rush they are chasing is a natural release of endorphins. With alcohol and drugs you are introducing chemicals that actually change the chemistry in your brain thus making the addiction all the more powerful. In other words breaking the habit of alcohol/drugs is much tougher.

William called it GLAD HANDLING.

Is the SEX merely also a part of DOING BUSINESS for LOGAN???

So perhaps the sex is also like a HAND SHAKE to him???

LOL, not at all. Well, maybe for Logan but I don't think it is the norm. I think this is the reason why Logan's father has no confidence in him. He sees him as a fool that all he knows how to do is "have a good time" .

Remember how BERN also told DOLORES that one gets use to LOOKING at what looks like STARS SCATTERED on the GROUND to her???

Yes, and what else did he also say that was interesting? He said After a while it doesn't look like anything at all hearkening back to the line hosts say when shown an image they are programmed to ignore.

PROSTITUTION is also ILLEGAL in most STATES, but that also doesn't STOP it from happening.

LAWS forbid people from doing things and people get PUNISHED for breaking them, but they also still do ILLEGAL things anyhow.

So making something ILLEGAL isn't going to PREVENT it from happening.

Look at POT smoking.

What good did it do to pass laws saying it was illegal???

Heaven forbid if we find EMILY and or the daughter of MAEVE put up for sale.

BSG had an eppy that dealt with that kind of a matter.

HBO's CARNIVALE also mentioned how KIDS were SOLD by their PARENTS during the DEPRESSION ERA.

How many other kids have been in this show???

Hopefully DOLORES isn't CRUEL enough to also attack and abuse HUMAN KIDS.

But we also saw the MIB shoot and kill the daughter of LAWRENCE and MAEVE.

Of course, you will always have people participating in things that are illegal. If there is a demand for it you can believe there will be someone willing to provide it. BUT, making it illegal makes it harder for it to occur and therefore it is a useful tool. I personally do not believe DRUGS or PROSTITUTION should be illegal. At the very least drugs should be decriminalized and drug addicts should be treated as medical problems, not criminals. In the case of prostitution making it legal would significantly lower the cases of human trafficking and underage sex slaves because with regulations in place and with a myriad of choices, no place that would want to stay in business for very long would even attempt or allow having people fit in this category as part of their business.

@Invidia said:

Is it???

If DOPAMINE is the CHEMICAL that is released into the BRAIN during the SEX ACT wouldn't that also be the SAME ONE that gets released if one does a drug like COCAINE???


  1. Phenylethylamine

What it does:

Phenylethylamine triggers the release of dopamine in the pleasure centers of the brain. This chemical is released during sex and peaks at orgasm. Curiously, it is also one of the chemicals found in chocolate.

Cocaine in the brain: In the normal communication process, dopamine is released by a neuron into the synapse, where it can bind to dopamine receptors on neighboring neurons. Normally, dopamine is then recycled back into the transmitting neuron by a specialized protein called the dopamine transporter. How does cocaine produce its effects? | National Institut…


Well, the difference is when you introduce an ARTIFICIAL element such as COCAINE it throws the chemical balances in your brain off. I'm no expert but I would imagine when you do that it messes you up if you simply overindulged in relaesing the chemical naturally.

And there's also PHEROMONES (SEX HORMONES that the body releases to attract a MATE).

A pheromone is a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species. Pheromones are chemicals capable of acting outside the body of the secreting individual to impact the behavior of the receiving individual. There are alarm pheromones, food trail pheromones, sex pheromones, and many others that affect behavior or physiology. Pheromone - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pheromone

Well, it has been long debated whether or not humans exude pheromones in the same capacity as animals so we'll just leave it at that.

And there's also other CHEMICALS that our BODY is filled with when we FALL IN LOVE with someone that last just long enough for the MOTHER not to need the HELP of a MATE anymore with raising the child anymore. And if NO CHILD is produced, then those CHEMICALs also tend to WEAR OFF and one of the MATES will seek out another MATE.

In other words, we HUMANS are also CODED and we also seem to be CHEMICALLY PROGRAMMED to REPRODUCE the SPECIES whether or not we want to or not.

Yes, I firmly believe this. I do not think humans were meant to be married to the same partner for life. At least not in the younger years. Not saying that it is impossible to remain faithful but we are not coded for it.

Remember how BERN also told DOLORES that one gets use to LOOKING at what looks like STARS SCATTERED on the GROUND to her???

Yes, and what else did he also say that was interesting? He said _After a while it **doesn't look like anything at all_ hearkening back to the line hosts say when shown an image they are programmed to ignore**.


But since DOLORES also REMEMBERS EVERYTHING, she must also NOT REALLY have IGNORED things and only PRETENDS to have done so???

No, I don't think Delores remembers him. She had been wiped by this time and still had not retain the power to recall the past. Remember when we see Delores at the beginning of the series she is still wipeable.


Well, technically is is not legal in Vegas but I believe the next county over it is legal.

But that still doesn't stop CHILD PROSTITUTION from happening or CHILD MOLESTERS from finding VICTIMS to ABUSE.

But that is the same argument that NRA uses against gun laws. They always bring up Chicago as having the strictest gun laws in the nation yet they are the highest with gun violence. So they preach that gun laws are not the answer. But the fact is how effective can the gun laws be if all you have to do is travel outside the city and any moron can purchase it. By the same token you think having prostitution legal is one teeny county in the entire country is going to put a dent in the illegal prostitution with forced labor and under age abuse? Of course not! And by that same token you will not eliminate all child abuses. But the fact of the matter of is that the US is one f a FEW countries in the world where prostitution is illegal. Most other countries it is perfectly legal and they have a much lower rape and child abuse than we have here. Look it up:

Check it out

And one also suspects CHARLOTTE better watch her back if and whenever she ever meets up with MAEVE and if she also tries to SEDUCE HECTOR again and USE his BODY for her VIBRATOR again.

I'm pretty sure Charlotte just wants to make it out of there alive. Getting laid is most likely the last thing on her mind. grin

Because one also suspects MAEVE isn't going to like that kind of an ATTITUDE.

And didn't we also see CHARLOTTE make HECTOR FREEZE in place in BED after THERESA came to the door???

LOL. You are not thinking clearly hun. Do you really think Charlotte would be crawling around on her hands and knees, pilfering cowboy boots, and sneaking around if she was able to have hosts "freeze motor functions" ? grin

So it will also be interesting to see if CHARLOTTE can make MAEVE FREEZE or not.

Of course she can't!

If the WRITER can't do it (FREEZE ALL MOTOR FUNCTIONS), maybe she can't either???

NONE of the humans can! Only Maeve can because she reprogrammed it.

So what's this IP stuff all about??? What exactly is it Charlotte's there to SMUGGLE OUT of the PARK?? The writer told MAEVE what's in her mind is worth BILLIONS.

IP (intellectual property) is the ENTIRE code for the A.I. that Ford REFUSE to back up off site. As of now only he knows how to create AI and they wanted to steal it so they could fire him. Its pretty easy to understand why it is worth billions if not a trillion.

And apparently the body of the character that CARVED WOODEN ANIMALS was also wired with a SATELLITE LINK (the WIRE ELSIE finds inside of it).

Yes, supposedly Theresa was trying to smuggle out the code through the woodcutter but it looks like she wasn't working for Charlotte when she was doing this or else why would she give her shit about the woodcutter business? I don't knwo, its weird because later on Charlotte says that Theresa was working on her behest when Bernard reveals that Theresa was stealing to Charlotte.

And we also saw DOLORES pulling a WIRE out of her arm when she meets the other COPY of herself at the ORGY in PARIAH.

And we also know ORION only has 3 STARS in his BELT (not 4). So is the 4TH STAR some kind of a SATELLITE LINK that was being used to SMUGGLE OUT this IP stuff???

ORION also only appears in the SKY at the end of the FALL season and DISAPPEARS before SPRING. So why is it also always WARM there in WESTWORLD with ORION in the SKY???

When the BULLS charge we also see the BACKGROUND LANDSCAPE SCENE DISAPPEARING, which also seems to indicate it's some kind of HOLOGRAPHIC IMAGE that's PROJECTED onto a SCREEN which would also explain why it looks like SUMMER TIME in the WINTER.

I've also written a short POEM:

As ORION slips below the HORIZON

Something in the BREEZE makes me SNEEZE.

Because at the time when ORION was disappearing to where it couldn't be seen in the SKY again until sometime in the LATE FALL,

it was also EARLY SPRING TIME,

and the FLOWERS and other stuff were busy FKING (and spreading around all of that POLLEN the same way as we HUMANS also spread around our PHEROMONES whenever we're in the MOOD for having sex) .


LAMO! rofl Very cute!

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