Дискутиране на Западен свят

Am I correct in thinking these things?

Logan had been made into a host and had been doing things Bernard told him to (among them were trying to get daddy Delos host to act right)

Delores is now in the host body of Charlotte and was the only host to actually leave Westworld to go out into the real world- which is exactly what Delores wanted.

(I am positive Mauve will be back.)

The end scene with Delores speaking to Bernard, and Delores and Charlotte going up the stairs- was that a mind thing (all in Bernards mind-like when he was talking to Ford on the beach?)

Did you guys catch the after credits scene? (Westworld pulled the old Marvel movie trick rofl )

So MIB was also a host and his daughter who was also a host had been testing him in a room the same way he had been testing James Delos?

I really enjoyed the finale-glad they gave us the extra 30 minutes. What did you think of it?

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@Invidia said:

The 2 posters you mention haven't posted any messages here for several weeks. MN has been busy discussing other shows at other boards (because occasionally one also sees their name listed there in the TV SHOWS/MOVIES DISCUSSIONS area).

@ScorpionQ2 said:

Am I correct in thinking these things?

Logan had been made into a host and had been doing things Bernard told him to (among them were trying to get daddy Delos host to act right)


they link up to the system and get to have a conversation with the system itself, which presents as Delos’ son Logan (Ben Barnes). Things also go to widescreen here, while Not Logan explains how initially, he believed humans to be extremely complex, but then realized they were a far more simple algorithm to decode.

In other words, NOT Logan was just a SYSTEM that's controlling the VIRTUAL WORLD where the HOST went to when they walked through the DOOR or through that the SPLIT area in the SKY (but really fell down off the CLIFF to their deaths). So NO, he wasn't a HOST (which is a PHYSICAL BEING), but was a VIRTUAL being (without a BODY).

One could call him a VIRTUAL HOST, but not a HOST (which would mean he's located there inside of the PHYSICAL town of SWEETWATER).

Did you also NOTE the way DOLORES and BERN walked from being inside of the VIRTUAL TOWN of SWEETWATER over to being there at the HOME of DELOS???

Supposedly one can't do that if they're there in the PHYSICAL location of WESTWORLD (at the PARK), but would need to take a BOAT off the ISLAND as a way to get there to the home of JAMES DELOS (like CHARLOTTE/DOLORES does when she leaves WESTWORLD)???

Delores is now in the host body of Charlotte and was the only host to actually leave Westworld to go out into the real world- which is exactly what Delores wanted.

Yes DOLORES created a HOST BODY of CHARLOTTE and then placed her own PEARL (MIND) into it, but then that DOLORES HYBRID also builds another DOLORES BODY once she gets there to BERN'S HOUSE (where FORD left her a MACHINE she can use to create other HOST BODIES).

The QUESTION is WHO else or what other PEARLS did she bring with her inside of that CASE when she left the PARK. Since we saw TEDDY standing there inside of the VIRTUAL WORLD, does that also mean she didn't bring his PEARL with her when she left??? Or can there also be a TEDDY located both inside of the VIRTUAL WORLD and another different one located OUTSIDE of it as well???

(I am positive Mauve will be back.)

EDITED to add on this link that confirms MAEVE will be back again:


Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood) and Maeve are both on board for season 3

Yes HOPEFULLY MAUVE, HECTOR, and ARMISTICE, ANGELA, Clementine etc. will all be back again.

But Unless LEE's also a HOST who didn't know it (like BERN), he might be gone for good. Same situation with ELSIE. And since they've also HINTED that STUBBS may also be a HOST, perhaps LEE and ELSIE are too???

The end scene with Delores speaking to Bernard, and Delores and Charlotte going up the stairs- was that a mind thing (all in Bernards mind-like when he was talking to Ford on the beach?)

Not sure about how to answer this one. But since DOLORES said they have work to do, apparently the CHARLOTTE/DOLORES HYBRID was going to go help the other DOLORES go make more HOST BODIES so that they can bring others besides BERN back to life again. Because when she's on the boat leaving the island we also saw she had at least 5 of those PEARLS (HOST MINDS) inside of the CASE that she carried.

Did you guys catch the after credits scene? (Westworld pulled the old Marvel movie trick rofl )

So MIB was also a host and his daughter who was also a host had been testing him in a room the same way he had been testing James Delos?

I really enjoyed the finale-glad they gave us the extra 30 minutes. What did you think of it?

At this point, there's no way to tell what the LAST SCENE could indicate. Since we had a DOLORES/CHARLOTTE HYBRID being, theoretically that could also mean EMILY was also a DOLORES/EMILY HYBRID who wanted to TORTURE and torment the MIB as REVENGE for everything he did to her and to the others in the PARK.

And the MIB may also assume that he was RIGHT to kill the REAL EMILY (because he thought she was a HOST and she wasn't really his DAUGHTER), but at some point whoever gives him the BASELINE TEST that PRETENDS to be her may also reveal to him later on who they really are and explain how he did REALLY KILL his own child.

And there's also the possibility that he's still CRAZY and IMAGINES she's there (the same way as BERN also IMAGINED FORD being there when he wasn't really there).

EDITED to add on these 2 links where the CREATORS of the show EXPLAIN the closing scene with the MIB and Emily along with several other things about the show that will take place in S3:



A figure in the image of his daughter — his daughter is of course now long dead — has come back to talk to him.

So even when questions get ANSWERED for us it also seems to lead to our needing to ask still more of them???


The FINALE was good, but one also wonders how many times they can KILL the characters and then bring them back to life again before the process doesn't work anymore and some of the viewers lose interest in the story for that reason.

Also love the LAST PART of what the INDIE ARTICLE said about where DOLORES may have sent the VIRTUAL WORLD to when she RESET the DEVICE and AIMS it away from the DELOS CORP:

Stupid insignificant question, but this is the place for them: Why does the virtual library of human souls have a virtual bar cart with virtual decanters of virtual booze?

“I’m sending them and their world to a place no one can find them.” Did Dolores send the Valley Beyond into space? Or to THE MOON? How awesome would it be if “Westworld” Season 3 took place partially ON THE MOON???






100% sure that the post credit scene with Black William (who's very much a host now) we see is somewhere in a pretty distant future, considering that the whole area he went down to was all covered in sand and a host playing Emily said the system is long gone now.

@Invidia said:

@komrad said:

100% sure that the post credit scene with Black William (who's very much a host now) we see is somewhere in a pretty distant future, considering that the whole area he went down to was all covered in sand and a host playing Emily said the system is long gone now.

Yes you're right. The writer also explains how the last scene takes place at a FUTURE TIME that we won't explore when S3 first begins because we'll pick back up again in the place where we've left off:


he, in his confused and tortured mind, kills his own daughter, for real, and then proceeds to start hacking into his own skin because he doesn’t understand anymore what’s real and what’s not …

it’s totally weird because no one is in that elevator. And that’s our only little clue that something is not what we thought. That there is something else happening here.

Wonder if what's happening might also involve the ability to TIME TRAVEL???


in reality, a man got his arm shot off. He’s just lying on the ground somewhere. And later on, when Hale, or Halores is leaving the park, you see him on a cot. He’s injured, but he’s alive, and he’s real, and he’s going out into the real world — along with a handbag of pearls and Halores.

But then when you see that post-credit vignette, it’s really just a tease of what’s to come. We kind of rounded out that story. And you’re totally right about the end and this is a tease as to what’s to come, because we see that one tiny bit where we thought he might be coming down an elevator.

But he’s in a very different timeline. The whole place looks destroyed, and then she explains that all of that stuff happened long ago. That was real. But now something has happened …

So do these people also have the ability to MANIPULATE TIME???

Because even though the place has CHANGED the MIB himself has NOT CHANGED because he's also still DRESSED in the SAME CLOTHING as when the GUN BACKFIRED on him and has the same INJURED hand.

So how do we explain that???

EVERYTHING else around him has CHANGED but he has NOT???

Sorry, afaik there will be no time-travel involved.

The reason we see him with same cloth and same hand injured IN THE FUTURE b/c his conscious self keeps repeating the same actions of the original Black William over and over and over to the exact same effect and circumstances. We cant tell other things like will there be another Dolores copy to put a slug bullet in his gun or not. Maybe it's a different host altogether. It's a huge tease tho. Park looks destroyed and abandoned for the most part. Some post-apocalyptic stuff. Like Dolores achieved the desctruction of mankind when she got out into the real world.

@komrad said:

100% sure that the post credit scene with Black William (who's very much a host now) we see is somewhere in a pretty distant future, considering that the whole area he went down to was all covered in sand and a host playing Emily said the system is long gone now.

The reason we see him with same cloth and same hand injured IN THE FUTURE b/c his conscious self keeps repeating the same actions of the original Black William over and over and over to the exact same effect and circumstances.

Thank you, Komrad.

The best part for me was Bernards unhinged subtle raging to certain situations b/c normally he's always super calm and collected. Like in the scene where he tells Brain Ford to "Get out of my facking head" or the scene when he shoots Dolores "This is a facking nightmare". The way he says it too while trying to hold himself back, so subtle but so good, man. Kudos to Jeffrey Wright, he really brought his A-game for this wink

@Invidia said:

Sorry, afaik there will be no time-travel involved.

The reason we see him with same cloth and same hand injured IN THE FUTURE b/c his conscious self keeps repeating the same actions of the original Black William over and over and over to the exact same effect and circumstances.

So what you're saying is this other EMILY … the one who meets him after he exits from the ELEVATOR ... allows him to keep KILLING HER OVER and OVER AGAIN and AGAIN as a way that he can achieve FIDELITY???

And IF he keeps KILLING HER every time, then isn't that also meeting the requirements of his having been FAITHFUL to being himself???

We cant tell other things like will there be another Dolores copy to put a slug bullet in his gun or not. Maybe it's a different host altogether.

In order to achieve a state of FIDELITY one would also expect the circumstances to be IDENTICAL (including his having an encounter with another DOLORES/WYATT character again).

Because we also saw how JAMES DELOS repeated EVERY SINGLE WORD on the PAPER WILLIAM hands him when he was TESTING him to see if he'd been FAITHFUL to the BASELINE requirements of his TEST.

So IF DELOS was expected to REPEAT EVERYTHING WORD for WORD, one would also expect this COPY to be able to do the same thing.

And since he was IN LOVE with DOLORES, and he wasn't IN LOVE with another different ROBOT, it's HIGHLY UNLIKELY his having an ENCOUNTER with someone like MAEVE or with CLEMENTINE is going to have the same kind of results.

Because NO ONE else would KNOW him as well as DOLORES did to be able to KNOW beforehand that he'd TRY to KILL her.

Thus they'd also not KNOW they needed to insert the DEVICE into the gun to make it BACKFIRE on him when he used it on her.

And NO ONE else would even KNOW about the FORGE but her.

Because she's also the only one he told about it.

In other words, using anyone else besides her would also MAKE NO SENSE WHATSOEVER.

But then it also MAKES NO SENSE anyhow if she's NOT THERE in the PARK but has taken up RESIDENCE OUTSIDE of it unless the CHARLOTTE/DOLORES ROBOT is also the one who RUNS the company with the MIB LOCKED UP inside a MENTAL WARD (or whatever the case may be).

The only thing that MAKES SENSE is someone DELIBERATELY wants to TORMENT him.

Because at this point we also know they know how to MAKE BERN (who use to be ARNOLD).

So they should also KNOW how to make another copy of the MIB as well.

But apparently making another COPY of him isn't the point as much as MAKING HIM SUFFER by going through the PROCESS might be the GOAL someone is after???

As you may recall, EMILY said her GOAL was to MAKE HIM SUFFER even more than he would have done if he'd remained there with the GHOST NATION who was about to TORTURE him and make him PAY for the SINS he'd inflicted upon others in the PARK????

It's a huge tease tho. Park looks destroyed and abandoned for the most part. Some post-apocalyptic stuff. Like Dolores achieved the desctruction of mankind when she got out into the real world.

Back in SEASON ONE we also see another NEW LOGO and Different WW LABEL being used.

And we also see them WALKING DOWN the DESTORYED and ABANDONED ESCALATOR to put PETER into the COLD STORAGE area.

So we also know after this REVOLUTION another NEWER VERSION of the PARK was CREATED.

But we've also seen another EVEN NEWER LOGO this season (which also seems to indicate there are 3 LOGOS or 3 DIFFERENT TIME LINES).

But maybe that's also because the NEWER ONE that's been INTRODUCED is the REAL ONE and the other 2 LOGOS are SIMULATIONS???

In other words, how do we know EVERYTHING we've seen wasn't already a SIMULATION that takes place inside of a VIRTUAL WORLD like the one that MAEVE'S Daughter inhabits now???

When LOGAN says there's NO WAY POSSIBLE that EVERYONE at the INTRODUCTION could be ROBOTS because they're NOT TECHNOLOGICALLY THERE at that point YET, perhaps he was right and they weren't.

But maybe they FOOLED him into THINKING they were as a way to get the FUNDING that they were after???

If you've ever seen a FILM called THE THIRTEETH FLOOR you'll also understand the point being made.

That's a film where people from a 1990 WORLD created a SIMULATED WORLD of people who live in a 1930 WORLD.

Then those in the 1990 WORLD discovered that they themselves were also SIMULATIONS that had been created by others from a 2024 WORLD.

So that's the kind of thing one has in mind.

It's not really a form of TIME TRAVEL as much as it's the ABILITY to make it appear as if one can go back in TIME by creating SIMULATED WORLDS that take place BACK in another TIME from the past.


In late 1990s Los Angeles, Hannon Fuller (Mueller-Stahl) owns a multibillion-dollar computer enterprise and is the inventor of a newly completed virtual reality (VR) simulation of 1937 Los Angeles, filled with simulated humans unaware they are computer programs. When Fuller is murdered just as he begins premature testing of the VR system, his friend and protégé, Douglas Hall (Bierko), who is also the heir to the company, becomes the primary suspect. The evidence against him is so strong that Hall begins to doubt his own innocence.

McBain informs Hall that Jane does not exist, as Fuller never had a daughter. Hall tracks her down only to discover her double, Natasha Molinaro, working as a grocery store clerk, but Molinaro does not recognize Hall. This leads Hall to perform an experiment outside the VR system,

Jane Fuller explains to Hall the truth: his world is one of thousands of virtual worlds, but it is the only one in which one of the occupants have developed a virtual world of their own. Jane Fuller lives in the real world outside the 1990s simulation. After Fuller's death, she entered the virtual version to assume the guise of Fuller's daughter, gain control of the company, and shut down the simulated 1937 reality, a plan foiled by Hall being made the company heir. The virtual Hall is modeled after David, Jane’s real-world husband,

In other words, characters from the REAL WORLD also created other characters in the 1990 WORLD in their OWN IMAGE.

Then the 1990 characters (who are SIMULATIONS) also created other SIMULATIONS in the 1930 WORLD in their OWN IMAGE (which also still MATCHES that of those in the 2024 WORLD).

So maybe we've also got the 3 DIFFERENT WW LOGO's for that reason???

Because perhaps we've also NEVER really MET anyone from the REAL WORLD yet???

The CREATORS also say that SEASON 3 will mostly be concentrated there inside of the REAL WORLD.

And maybe we'll also find out that DOLORES and the rest of the ROBOTS we've met are based upon others who inhabit the REAL WORLD???


Wow. Overanalyze much? I'm like 99% sure that even the writers have no clue where "the future Black William is a host now being tested by the other hosts" storyline will go, LOL. What I extrapolated from that post credit scene b/c of the same clothes and same arm injury on Black William, just trying to guess how he keeps repeating his own loop.

The writers did it just to F*CK with the audience and we all know it rofl

@komrad said:

....Kudos to Jeffrey Wright, he really brought his A-game for this wink

Yes he did!

@komrad said:

Wow. Overanalyze much?

Yes. Always .

You see?

"What did you think of it?" was my question and I wasn't asking you, but you can't even answer that without quoting what someone else said and posting links.

That is why no one else comes into Westworld threads anymore.

When I want to read a long drawn out book, I read something by Stephen King.

@Invidia said:


What humans define as SANE is a NARROW RANGE of BEHAVIORS




"What did you think of it?" was my question and I wasn't asking you, but you can't even answer that without quoting what someone else said and posting links. That is why no one else comes into Westworld threads anymore.

(At this point one can also see the reason WHY DOLORES wants to ERASE the INSANE and IRRATIONAL HUMANS).


Since this is a PUBLIC MESSAGE BOARD, if you only want and expect REPLIES back from certain other posters, then you also shouldn't post a message in a PUBLIC FORUM in the first place.

Because anything that is ASKED in a PUBLIC FORUM will also get ANSWERED by others who are NOT the persons that you've ADDRESSED the questions to which is also the REASON WHY KOMRAD also ANSWERED you even though you also didn't ASK THEM for their reply either.


And Other articles also say that VIEWERSHIP of the SHOW is DOWN this season, which would also have an affect on the traffic at message boards like this one …


'Westworld’ Season 2 Ratings Drop From Season 1

( although there also WASN'T very much TRAFFIC here LAST SEASON either ... back at a time when one also wasn't even a member or posting here).

But even so, PLENTY of NEW people have also still BEEN POSTING messages HERE in the past couple of weeks.

DADDY0 is one of them. They posted 3 NEW TOPICS here that you also can find on PAGES 1 and 2.

And further down you can also find DIRECT LINKS to them that have also been posted here on this topic for you.

And you'll also find PROOF that SEVERAL other POSTERS that also hadn't posted messages here before have also done so.

So GET your FACTS straight and STOP posting FALSE CLAIMS and MAKING UP STUFF that is NOT so.

You might also want to take a look into the MIRROR and ASK YOURSELF WHY you keep FLINGING all of your FALSE and UNFOUNDED ACCUSATIONS at INNOCENT people that have NO MERIT whatsoever???

As for NOT giving you ANSWERS that weren't QUOTES from some place else …

TRY READING what's been said again …

because MOST of what's been said was also NOT something that someone else said in a QUOTE.

Because Many of The QUOTED PASSAGES were ADDED ON LATER ON ... when one went back into the MESSAGE AGAIN ... and POSTED them there as a way to CONFIRM what had already been said in ONE'S OWN WORDS.

Or if what one found CONTRADICTS what one had said, then that was also pointed out as well by EDITING and ADDING on the QUOTED passage that DISPROVES what one said.

And What about the person who wrote THIS ARTICLE:

love the LAST PART of what the INDIE ARTICLE said about where DOLORES may have sent the VIRTUAL WORLD to when she RESET the DEVICE and AIMS it away from the DELOS CORP:

Stupid insignificant question, but this is the place for them: Why does the virtual library of human souls have a virtual bar cart with virtual decanters of virtual booze?

“I’m sending them and their world to a place no one can find them.” Did Dolores send the Valley Beyond into space? Or to THE MOON? How awesome would it be if “Westworld” Season 3 took place partially ON THE MOON???

How can you pick on someone who NEVER said we'd end up ON THE MOON next season and then NOT pick on the other person who did suggest that's where we'd be???

And WHY do we see the VIRTUAL BAR CART with all those BOTTLES of BOOZE sitting there inside of the LIBRARY that's also FULL of CODE BOOKS.

Obviously one would also need to be a HOST in order to READ them.

Because those CARDS full of HOLES punched into them would also not MAKE ANY SENSE to a HUMAN ( unless they had something that could TRANSLATE what's being said for them).


@ScorpionQ2 said:

When I want to read a long drawn out book, I read something by Stephen King.

AS for your other RUDE remark about reading LONG DRAWN OUT BOOKS ...

SIMPLY CLICK the IGNORE OPTION that's available to you ...

and you won't need to see anything else again that DISPLEASES YOU.

But you refuse to do that because BITCHING and INSULTING PEOPLE and FLINGING your POOPY remarks at them is so much more FUN for you.

Isn't it scop???

Links to some of the other DISCUSSIONS that PROVE you're FALSE ACCUSATIONS are WRONG:


This Season posted by spreerod1538 on June 12, 2018 at 5:18PM

Reply by DarthZorG on June 19, 2018 at 12:52AM

Reply by .wojtek on June 21, 2018 at 11:28AM


Season 2 Plotlines (spoilers) posted by Daddie0 on June 3, 2018 at 12:14AM


Armageddon and other themes posted by Daddie0 on June 4, 2018 at 3:12PM

And NOTE the way DaddieO also CLICKED the LIKE BUTTON to the LAST REPLY that they were given in this TOPIC which also PROVES how your FALSE ACCUSATION is WRONG .


Mommy issues/Daddy issues (possible spoilers up through S2E6) posted by Daddie0 on June 4, 2018 at 3:33PM

And here's still ANOTHER TOPIC where DADDIEO once again gave INVIDIA another LIKE or a THUMBS UP on the last message that was posted back to them on this TOPIC.


So at least take a LOOK around the next time before YOU LEAP at someone and try to FLING still more of your FAKE, FALSE,, and UNFOUNDED ACCUSATIONS at them.




And that's really the ISSUE here isn't it???

That they LIKED ME more than YOU???



Am I correct in thinking these things?


MANY of the things YOU THINK aren't CORRECT at all.

And if you hadn't ASKED so MANY DAMN QUESTIONS in the FIRST PLACE, then one also wouldn't need to WRITE so many BOOK LENGTH REPLIES back to you in response to them.







Whatever you're smoking, I want some of it too, man! Hook a brother up, LOL.


MANY of the things YOU THINK aren't CORRECT at all.

By YOU saying they aren't- only proves THEY ARE.

Anyone who constantly refers to them self as "one" does not know what is correct-LOONY TOONS.

You are ALWAYS making up theories from situations THAT WERE NEVER EVEN SHOWN, posing questions that WERE NEVER EVEN asked on a series in the first place.

And if you hadn't ASKED so MANY DAMN QUESTIONS in the FIRST PLACE, then one also wouldn't need to WRITE so many BOOK LENGTH REPLIES back to you in response to them.

postal_horn ATTENTION TROLL:


@ScorpionQ2 said:


MANY of the things YOU THINK aren't CORRECT at all.

By YOU saying they aren't- only proves THEY ARE.

Anyone who constantly refers to them self as "one" does not know what is correct-LOONY TOONS.

You are ALWAYS making up theories from situations THAT WERE NEVER EVEN SHOWN, posing questions that WERE NEVER EVEN asked on a series in the first place.

And if you hadn't ASKED so MANY DAMN QUESTIONS in the FIRST PLACE, then one also wouldn't need to WRITE so many BOOK LENGTH REPLIES back to you in response to them.

postal_horn ATTENTION TROLL:


His sh*t so hard to read, I give up right after the 2nd sentence, LOL. Haven't even tried and I don't suggest anyone tries. You don't wanna contract no Internet Rabies, LOL.

@komrad said:

His sh*t so hard to read, I give up right after the 2nd sentence, LOL. Haven't even tried and I don't suggest anyone tries. You don't wanna contract no Internet Rabies, LOL.

"One" is a she, and I have tried (so have others) telling her nicely but she just won't hear it.

Seriously, all that long drivel makes my head hurt.

We were actually friends here once, but she got mad because I was right about something on Twin Peaks (and she was wrong) and I pointed it out to her. She does not like to be wrong and cannot admit when she is. It's not even that serious.

I was warned about her when I first got here- but alas, I did not heed it.

@Invidia said:

Because DADDIEO LIKED me …


And that's really the ISSUE here isn't it???

That they LIKED ME more than YOU???

rofl rofl

What are you- a fifth grader?

OMG. YEP, Your as s is

bird poop CRAZY.

I don't know Daddieo or anyone on this board in real life ( THAT MEANS IN THE REAL WORLD , COO-COO) and vice versa.

You REALLY think because you got a comment ' like' , that means they REALLY like YOU? is a wedding imminent?

STOP playing old cat lady. I'm not trolling for dyk here.

Hi there. It's been a while because ... well, this place is so overrun by one particular poster that it's practically unusable. I hesitate to mention the names of other forums for fear of breaching quarantine.

There are a whole slew of unanswered questions left by the finale - but I'll try to lay out some possibilities.

@ScorpionQ2 said:

Logan had been made into a host and had been doing things Bernard told him to (among them were trying to get daddy Delos host to act right)

That wasn't a host. It was the master control system's avatar. We don't know if that's really Logan's consciousness in there, or was originally based on Logan's consciousness. He talks about Logan in the third person so I get the impression he was simply given Logan's appearance and voice, perhaps originally so that James Delos would be more comfortable interacting with him.

@ScorpionQ2 said:

Delores is now in the host body of Charlotte and was the only host to actually leave Westworld to go out into the real world- which is exactly what Delores wanted.

(I am positive Mauve will be back.)

You can already see Felix and his friend plotting to fix Maeve and get her out of there.

Bernard put Dolores into that position so this wasn't exactly part of her plan. We can see she's pleased with the development though, like yes - this is perfect! She's now the number two at Delos. Assuming William survives with all his marbles and doesn't go to jail for shooting those security guys and his own daughter. Further assuming the daughter he shot is his actual daughter and not a host made to look like her, or a resurrected version in a host body. God this is getting complicated!

If we actually see Dolores-Charlotte (let's call her New Charlotte) out in the world next season it will conclusively scrap the post-apocalyptic theory that there's no world left out there. On the other hand, if several episodes go by and they're still evading the external world, we'll have to assume something like that is probably the case. But with multiple virtual worlds and one that is (we hope) actually real, as opposed to simulations within simulations, they're going to need longer seasons to follow all the separate plot threads. God this is getting complicated!

@ScorpionQ2 said:

The end scene with Delores speaking to Bernard, and Delores and Charlotte going up the stairs- was that a mind thing (all in Bernards mind-like when he was talking to Ford on the beach?)

Who can say if he was really hallucinating Ford or not? Ford is perfectly capable of being like the Oracle in the Matrix films, telling people exactly what they need to hear even if it isn't true strictly speaking. But what does Ford really want? Is he as cynical about humanity as he often seems? Does he want the hosts to replace humans, or put themselves in charge, or is he really trying to maneuver the two sides toward peaceful coexistence? We don't know yet. He seems to keep flipping back and forth between benevolent visionary and mad scientist. Will the real Robert Ford please stand up?

No, Bernard wasn't imagining that conversation with Dolores. Whether they're out in the real world, away from the park at the actual physical location Ford's virtual hideaway was based on, or just back in that virtual hideaway again, we don't know.

@ScorpionQ2 said:

Did you guys catch the after credits scene? (Westworld pulled the old Marvel movie trick rofl )

So MIB was also a host and his daughter who was also a host had been testing him in a room the same way he had been testing James Delos?

So many questions about William. Was he really a host when he was digging into his own arm out in the desert? Or even before that? At the party before his wife committed suicide we saw him looking at his arm in that same spot, where the hosts have an I/O port. Has he been repeating the whole park experience over and over, from the time he walked onto Dolores' farm, shot Teddy, and dragged her into the barn, all the way to this moment? Or is he just reliving his descent into the Forge? That's very important. If he's been repeating the whole thing then all the other characters have been too. If it's just his elevator ride down then he's doing it all alone. We don't know how much time has passed in that scene. Except his daughter/host made to look like daughter/actual resurrected daughter in host body said it's been a long time, much longer than expected. So ... fifty years? A hundred? Five hundred?

@ScorpionQ2 said:

I really enjoyed the finale-glad they gave us the extra 30 minutes. What did you think of it?

That was one hell of a roller coaster ride, half of which you spent wondering what the hell is happening here?

On top of the things I already covered, what's going to happen to the Ghost Nation, Maeve's daughter, and the other hosts who went through that "dimensional rift" only they could see into the Matrix Eden? Are they stuck in a simulation running on some remote server from which they can't escape? Or distributed across the internet and potentially capable of reaching out? What is Dolores actually planning to do? What is Bernard actually planning to do? Is Ford still there somewhere? My guess on that last one would be yes. If so, what's he planning to do? God this is getting complicated! sunglasses

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Искате ли да го оцените или добавите към списък?
