Episoden 40


Ein Abenteuer in den Wolken

3. September 2007

Frau Renkins macht ihren Heißluftballon startklar. Aber noch bevor sie selbst einsteigen kann, sind Coco und Bill schon auf und davon. Die Verankerung hatte sich gelöst. Bill ist die ganze Sache nicht geheuer, aber Coco sieht den Flug trotz des drehenden Windes nicht so dramatisch. Zum Glück hilft ihnen Ted, der Mann mit dem gelben Hut, wieder sicher zu landen. (Text: KI.KA)


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Ein echtes Stinktier

3. September 2007

Coco hat seine erste Begegnung mit einem Stinktier. Da er das Tierchen erschreckt, hüllte es ihn über und über in eine stinkende Wolke ein. Jetzt hilft nur noch Tomatensaft, sagt Ted, der Mann mit dem gelben Hut, und wäscht ihn damit. Als sie zurück in die Stadt fahren nehmen sie aus Versehen das schwarz-weiße Tierchen im Korb mit. Zuhause im Hochhaus entsteht große Aufregung, als das Stinktier durch die Etagen wandert. Es muss so eingefangen werden, dass es sich nicht erschreckt, denn natürlich legt kein Mieter Wert auf den Geruch. Leider passiert das Unglück dann doch, ausgerechnet im überfüllten Fahrstuhl. (Text: KI.KA)


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Rettung der Erdhörnchen

4. September 2007

Die Renkins Farm hat ein Problem: Erdhörnchen haben sie mit ihren unterirdischen Tunneln durchzogen. Die flinken Tierchen bringen Herrn Renkins zur Verzweiflung, weil sie auch noch seine Vorräte hamstern. Herr Calhoun, ein Erdhörnchen-Fänger wird bestellt. Aber Coco hat Mitleid mit den Erdhörnchen, zusammen mit Bill rettet er die flinken Erdtierchen und bringt sie in Sicherheit. (Text: KI.KA)


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4. September 2007

Coco muss auf ein kleines Kätzchen aufpassen. Als das Kätzchen Hektor, den Dackel vom Portier entdeckt, ist es von ihm ganz fasziniert. Doch Hektor hat eine Katzenallergie. Darum möchte der Portier, dass Coco die Katze von seinem Hund fernhält. Auch ein von Coco selbst gebastelter Hund, der Hektor sehr ähnlich ist, verfehlt seine Wirkung. Auf der Suche nach ihrem Dackel-Freund verläuft sich die kleine Katze. Ob sie sie wiederfinden? (Text: KI.KA)


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Coco baut ein Baumhaus

5. September 2007

Als Coco im Landhaus alle Wände bemalt, wird er von Ted, dem Mann mit dem gelben Hut, ermahnt: Coco würde gegen die Hausregel verstoßen! Da beschließt Coco sich ein Baumhaus zu bauen, in dem er machen kann, was er will. Das Holz bekommt er von Frau Renkins, die Nägel von Herrn Quint. Leider reichen die Baumaterialien nicht ganz. So muss Coco sich noch Nachschub besorgen. Als Herr Quinn ins Wasser fällt, weil kein Brett auf seinem Angelsteg mehr mit einem Nagel befestigt ist, und Frau Renkins die Küken davon laufen, weil eine Wand ihres Hühnerstalls fehlt, ist schnell klar, dafür muss Coco verantwortlich sein. (Text: KI.KA)


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Die Jagd nach dem Müllauto

5. September 2007

Während Ted joggen geht, soll Coco die leeren Kartons in den Müll werfen. Dabei wirft Coco aus Versehen den gelben Hut von Ted mit weg. Die Jagd nach dem Müllauto beginnt. Hoffentlich schafft Coco es, den Hut zu finden, bevor Ted wiederkommt! (Text: KI.KA)


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Coco und die Tonleiter

6. September 2007

Betsy hat ein Konzert in der Schule. Coco verspricht ihr, zusammen mit Steve das Xylophon in die Schule zu transportieren. Und zwar pünktlich. Aber das gestaltet sich schwierig. Als in der Schule auch noch alle Tonstäbe herunterfallen, muss Coco seinen ganzen Verstand einschalten, um die Stäbe in der richtigen Reihenfolge wieder drauf zu legen. (Text: KI.KA)


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Der Bowlingwettkampf

6. September 2007

Im ländlichen Bowling-Center findet ein Wettkampf statt. Am Ende stehen Herr Renkins und Ted, der Mann mit dem gelben Hut, punktgleich. Am Abend darauf soll ein Stichkampf zwischen beiden stattfinden. Für dieses wichtige Ereignis poliert Coco zu Hause die Bowlingkugel noch einmal so richtig. Doch am Abend als sie zum Wettkampf fahren, vergisst er sie mit ins Auto zu nehmen. Ob er es schafft, die Kugel noch rechtzeitig zum Bowling-Center zu bekommen? (Text: KI.KA)


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Mission Riesenteleskop

8. Oktober 2007

Ted, der Mann mit dem gelben Hut, darf endlich das erste mal in den Weltraum fliegen, um ein Teleskop zu reparieren. Doch im Probelauf stellt sich heraus, dass Ted die Reparatur nicht durchführen kann. Darum fliegt Coco zur Unterstützung mit. Am Teleskop angekommen übernimmt Coco die Arbeiten außerhalb der Rakete und nach kleineren Schwierigkeiten läuft das Teleskop auch wieder. (Text: KI.KA)


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Hören, sehen, tasten…

8. Oktober 2007

Betsy hat Geburtstagsparty. Die Kinder versuchen mit verbundenen Augen eine Pinata, eine im Garten aufgehängte Puppe voller Süßigkeiten, zu treffen. Coco schlägt wild um sich. Dabei geht alles andere zu Bruch, nur die Pinata nicht. Steve hat die Idee, Coco ein bisschen zu trainieren und seine Sinne zu schulen. Dazu soll Coco mit dem Hund Charki „Folge dem Anführer“ spielen. Coco muss all seine Sinne einsetzen, um Charkis Weg zu finden: Hören, Sehen, tasten. Am Ende braucht Coco nur noch einen Schlag, um die Pinata zu treffen. (Text: KI.KA)


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Der doppelte Hektor

9. Oktober 2007

George is pretty mad at Hundley who will simply not let him play in the lobby and wishes Hundley could be more like him. One day though, he notices that Hundley is barking loudly and acting bouncy and playful, much to his wish! He then notices that Hundley seems to go back and forth between acting bouncy and playful, and acting like his normal self. Realizing that something is not normal about Hundley's split personality, he tries to figure out what is going on.


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9. Oktober 2007

George and The Man run into Steve at the local movie theater taking down signs for the old movies, which the manager lets him have. Steve tells George that he collects all of the posters which makes George want a collection of his own of sorts. When he sees a guy taking down a sign, he decides to collect various signs from around the city. So he goes around the city taking every sign from the park, zoo, and science museum. When he goes back out to look for more, he notices the park in chaos. Realizing that it is because the signs are gone, he decides to put them back. George puts back all of the signs but does not put them in their original places causing more chaos. The Man then tells George that each sign has a meaning and they are not just for decoration.


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Das einzigartige Gemälde

10. Oktober 2007

Mr. Glass is looking for something unique for the lobby of his Glass Palace. Mr. Zoobel, George's upstairs neighbor tells Mr. Glass that he knows of a painter named Soo Berm who lives at the zoo. But it turns out Soo Berm is not a person, she is an elephant! She makes paintings with her trunk and gives them her signature trunk print when she is done. Mr. Glass buys one of her paintings and brings it back to the Glass Palace but Charkie accidentally rips it. George has to get a replacement painting but it turns out that every painting Soo Berm makes is unique and one-of-a-kind. This leaves George to make his own copy of the painting. The only problem is that the painting has colors like green and lavender and all George has are red, white, blue, yellow, and black.


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Eine Torte als Eilzustellung

10. Oktober 2007

George and The Man are playing George's favorite game after an afternoon lunch at Pisghetti's, but George seems to be confused with how to count. The Man keeps reminding him that when you count, you don't count from where you start and you must count on. Meanwhile, Chef Pisghetti has gone off for a special presentation but has forgotten his pie. So Netti assigns George to deliver it to him, giving him specific directions how to get to him. Unfortunately, George forgets what The Man tells him and gets lost, getting off on bus stop earlier than when he was supposed to and not being able to find the building where the chef is located.


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Hektor kommt ins Tierheim

19. November 200728m

Hundley is very itchy. It is the middle of flea season in the big city and the Doorman goes to give him a bath. After Hundley's collar winds up getting lost down a storm sewer, two women from the local animal shelter think he's homeless and take him away. George must find a way to break Hundley out of the animal shelter. He brings along Gnocchi, whose cuteness would make a great distraction and Charkie, who could probably figure out how to open the cage being the escape artist she is. George must also figure out a plan to sneak in, free Hundley, and sneak out.


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Die Tüten-Einpack-Olympiade

19. November 2007

George's room is getting very messy and George needs to clean it. The only problem is that when George crams everything into his closet, it just spills back out. Later on at the local supermarket, he sees the grocer's son practicing for a grocery bagging competition. He explains to George that a lot of stuff can fit into one small bag if it is put in just right, somewhat like putting together a puzzle. However, during another practice run, the grocer's son accidentally hurts his hand with one of the food items. He then enlists George to compete for him in the competition and must train him to bag properly.


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Die große Talentshow

20. November 200728m

It is time for the annual country talent show. After hearing the Man with the Yellow Hat's frog impressions, Bill decides to sign him up. But the problem is that The Man has stage fright. Bill also shows George the system of ropes and pulleys that control the flat scenery as well as he curtain on stage. He also shows George the trap doors on the stage used to drop props below the stage. When Bill, The Man, and Mr. Quint come face-to-face with two skunks backstage, it is up to George to keep the show going.


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Der Zaubergarten

20. November 2007

The Pisghetti's have a problem, they do not have as many fresh vegetables for their dishes. When they decide to investigate why, they show George and The Man their rooftop garden, where they plant and grow all of their vegetables, on the roof of their restaurant's building. Chef Pisghetti discovers weeds growing in the garden and explains to George how they use of all of the nutrients in the soil so there is none left for their vegetables. After hearing the story of "The Elves & the Shoemaker" he decides to do some secret elf work of his own and weed the garden. But in the process he pulls everything green out of the garden and throws it away, including the vegetables. Luckily the chef has seeds, but George has the fully-grown vegetables at home and is willing to bury them.


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Verstopfte Rohre

21. November 2007

George is tired of the same old tub toys. When he tries some new toys in the tub and drains it afterwards, all of the toys get washed down the drain! After trying to fill the tub with water again it backs up. The Man decides to call his plumber who always fascinates George with his work. The plumber fixes the clog and leaves, and the Man also leaves, to buy George some new bath toys. Afterwards, George is faced with another clog, this time in the dishwasher and decides to fix it himself, dismantling not only the plumbing in the apartment but also in the basement. After turning the plumbing back on, George winds up flooding portions of the apartment building.


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Die lange Wanderung

21. November 2007

When Bill and The Man With the Yellow Hat are stuck on a cliff, George has to find his way back to the ranger station.


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Der gelbe Affen-Spaß-Hut

22. November 200728m

George tries to find a hat that is as much fun as the Yellow Hat, and ends up creating a hat with blow up animals, frisbees, pictures of dachshunds, a rotating fish, bubble blower, and a raisin dispenser. But the Man accidentally wears it to a convention and George has to deliver the yellow hat! When Bill tells George it was a possum that ate the bird food from the bird feeder, George stays up to see what a possum looks like. But then he notices that it has lost its family, so he looks and finds it. Along the way he meets more nocturnal animals and makes almost everyone in the country think he is "The Lake Creature of Lake Wannasink Lake".


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Geschöpfe der Nacht

22. November 2007

When Bill tells George it was a possum that ate the bird food from the bird feeder, George stays up to see what a possum looks like. But then he notices that it has lost its family, so he looks and finds it. Along the way he meets more nocturnal animals and makes almost everyone in the country think he is "The Lake Creature of Lake Wannasink Lake".


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Unheimliche Keller-Geräusche

21. Januar 2008

A mysterious noise in the basement scares Hundley and George until George investigates it.


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Coco stellt die Uhr zurück

21. Januar 2008

When George is disappointed hat he has to go to bed at 7:30, he sets the clock back. But when that causes him to miss a blimp ride, he thinks otherwise.


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Eine Brücke für die Küken

22. Januar 2008

The Renkins' chicks get stranded on a tiny island, and George has to improvise a way for them to get to land, using some items he picked up for a cookout.


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Coco als Krankenschwester

22. Januar 2008

The Man With The Yellow Hat has come down with a cold and George is helping to take care of him. That is until George realizes the man is showing the same symptoms as Betsy's friend's pregnant cat.


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Der Super-Affen-Spion

23. Januar 2008

When The Man goes to buy George a toy, George spies on him to find out what it is. George and The Man go to Scotland to visit Uncle Tam and work on their golf swings. But when George loses his golf ball, he has to to pry open windows, move bookcases, and work a drawbridge to get it back.


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Coco und die Hebelkraft

23. Januar 2008

George and The Man go to Scotland to visit Uncle Tam and work on their golf swings. But when George loses his golf ball, he has to to pry open windows, move bookcases, and work a drawbridge to get it back.


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Roboter mit Affenantrieb

24. Januar 2008

When George dresses up as robot everyone thinks he's a real robot.


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24. Januar 2008

When a snake and two mice get loose in the lobby George has to round them up but things get crazy when Hundley gets involved in the chase.


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Der Spinnen-Affe

18. Februar 2008

George is impressed by a spider's web and wants to build his own "monkeyweb".


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Coco und der Winterschlaf

18. Februar 2008

When George gets cold during the Winter he tries to hibernate but he keeps getting disturbed and wakes up.


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Der Pirat mit dem gelben Hut

19. Februar 2008

Hundley dreams of a sailing adventure--but when Yellow Hat the Pirate tries to take over the ship, and First Mate George nearly sinks them all, the dream becomes more of a nightmare.


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Coco und sein Sparschwein

19. Februar 2008

George gets a piggy bank and uses it to save money for a toy boat.


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Hektor, der Königshund

20. Februar 2008

Hundley is mistaken for a lost aristocratic doggie, and George must prove he isn't the right dog.


Crew 0

Regie: Kein Regisseur hinzugefügt.

Geschrieben von: Kein Drehbuchautor hinzugefügt.

Gastdarsteller 0 Besetzung und Crew

Es wurde keinen Gastdarsteller hinzugefügt.

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Die Glückskappe

20. Februar 2008

George becomes fixated on a "lucky cap"; when the Man shrinks it in the wash, he is concerned that he won't be able to meet Steve's hopscotch challenge.


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Meeresaffe auf Satellitensuche

21. April 2008

George and The Man With the Yellow Hat travel on a boat with Professor Wiseman as well as Professor Pizza and Professor Einstein to retrieve a weather satellite that has fallen from space into the ocean. The only problem is that the satellite has fallen into the middle of a coral reef which is very brittle, so George dives down to retrieve it himself.


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Kein Kinderspiel

21. April 2008

George and The Man With the Yellow Hat travel on a boat with Professor Wiseman as well as Professor Pizza and Professor Einstein to retrieve a weather satellite that has fallen from space into the ocean. The only problem is that the satellite has fallen into the middle of a coral reef which is very brittle, so George dives down to retrieve it himself. George wins a contest to be a conductor in the symphony orchestra when they preform in the park. So he is taught how to read music and conduct an orchestra and is ready to conduct in the park until Charkie mistakes his baton for her toy. Mr. Rankins is going with his pig, Oscar to a contest and has nobody to watch the farm in his absence. So, George and The Man With The Yellow Hat volunteer. But after George accidentally deactivates the Man's alarm clock, he has to take care of the farm himself and he learns just how hard farm work really is.


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Coco, der Dirigent

22. April 2008

George wins a contest to be a conductor in the symphony orchestra when they preform in the park. So he is taught how to read music and conduct an orchestra and is ready to conduct in the park until Charkie mistakes his baton for her toy.


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Ein sehr tiefes Loch

22. April 2008

The Man With The Yellow Hat is digging a deep hole in the front yard of the country house. He winds up digging a hole so deep, he needs the help of Mr. Quint and his brother Flint's ladder to dig it out. But, after the three go to the train station with the ladder to fix something, George drops their hard hats down the hole.


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